
#109 若者はお酒を飲まなくなっている?(Do youngers drink less?)

(English follows)





When I meet people in Japan, I'm told that I lost my weight. Yes, I did simply because of COVID. COVID diet(?)… No business trips. So I eat less frequently, I drink less and excise more. Then now I'm in Japan. Food are good, I drink with people. Also since its rainy, I don't go jogging everyday… I'm in danger! No, no (yes). Let me make excuses… Japanese yen is very cheap now, it makes good Japanese food even cheaper. Also I want to see my friends. So… I need to be careful!

I heard that younger generation in Japan drinks less. Is it true? I'm away from Japan for 10 years and I'm not the age to have that conversation with youngers (Sad). As far as I observe, I feel the same in Singapore excluding my company's youngers… It clearly reflects MD's characteristics (me)?

PLANET,INC.(2022) shows the interesting result about preference of drinking by generation in Japan. Male shows kind of expected result that # of people who like drinking as age group goes up. In a mean time, it shows totally different for females. For 20th, female % is even higher! I didn't expect that. I'm wondering what do they drink. By the way the gap between male and female expands by 23%.

I'm interested in if the female trend is the generation gap or everybody tend to dislike drinking as they get old? Maybe as simple as they drink less after getting a kid then not liking drinking? It would be interesting if there are more attractive products in the market which targeted at 20th female. Then it kind of showing the successful result (maybe not).

*This story uses real data but whole story is fiction.

Reference (参考)
1) PLANET,INC.(2022), https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000132.000030978.html
