
#66 日本に降り立ったら寒かった(Arrived at Japan, temperature comparison vs Singapore)

(English follows)


上のグラフは2021年のシンガポールと東京の最高気温と最低気温の日別のデータを比較してみたグラフになります(気象庁、Meteorological Service Singaporeデータより作成)。なんか分かりやすいですね。上の方に平らになっているデータがシンガポール、大きな山型になっているのが東京です。なんか、暖かいところから、寒いところに来た感が強くなりました。1月で見ると最低気温がざっと20-25度くらい違う場所に来てしまったようです。ほぼ2年間コロナで出られなかったので、2年ぶりの冬。キーンとして気持ちい良いです。




I arrived at Japan on last Friday. The path way from the plane to the airport was really cold (first impression). Then I conquered all barriers at the airport including on-arrival ART test and get out from immigration at around 7am. It took me around 1 hour. I'm not allowed to use any public transportation including taxi. So I booked hired a car. Since the time to get out from the airport depends really on flight, the booking time was at 9:30. I came much earlier than the company expected. So I had to wait for 2.5 hours at the airport lobby (Cold). 
Then I came to the quarantine place which I rent. My quarantine 10 days has started. The place was really cold when I firstly entered into the room. 

Quarantine for people from Singapore is call "self quarantine" and we are allowed to go out for necessary shopping while not allowed to dine in. It is not that meal is prepared for me, so I went out soon to confirm if there is any place available for food and found seven-eleven and a supermarket (relieved). Convenience stores in Japan are awesome…
In a mean time, it is not as much as in Singapore, most of people wear a mask and didn't feel weird for it. Just it was cold… I feel good to feel winter in Japan.

The chart above shows the comparison of Tokyo and Singapore for daily maximum and minimum temperature in 2021 (Japan Meteorological Agency (2022), Meteorological Service Singapore(2022)). Well it is very easy to tell which line is Singapore. The flat lines are Singapore and the mountain shapes are Japan. It clearly shows the I came to the place where there is a big gap. In Jan, the gap is around 20-25 degree. No wonder I feel it unnecessarily cold since its been first time to come to Japan in 2 years.

While there is slightly colder season in Singapore (Jan & Feb), I have a perception that there is no "Particularly hot" season in Singapore. But Tokyo has and it goes the maximum temperature goes much higher than in Singapore in summer. Although there are only 5 days in Singapore which went over 34 degree and the highest day was 34.7, there are 14 days in Tokyo and the highest day was 36.8! It is not too much to say that Summer in Tokyo is much hotter than in Singapore (Maybe too much…)

Anyway, I didn't forget to bring down jacket and even gloves. So now I can go to convenience stores without feeling cold. Well I feel that if I forgot that, I starved without being able to go out to buy food. Relieved. 

*This story uses real data but whole story is fiction.

Reference (参考)
1) Japan Meteorological Agency (2022), https://www.data.jma.go.jp/obd/stats/etrn/view/daily_s1.php?prec_no=44&block_no=47662&year=2021&month=1&day=&view=p1
Meteorological Service Singapore(2022), http://www.weather.gov.sg/climate-historical-daily/
