
#184 天気予報はいつも雨 (Its expected to be a rainy day everyday.)

(English follows)


あと、もう一つの理由は、天気予報そのものの気がする。ちょっと細かいのですが、上の図の右側の天気予報のキャプチャ(weather.com, 2020)を見てもらうと、、、そもそもずっと雨。いや、これ冗談ではなく天気予報を見ると基本ずっと雨なのです。雨か、雷雨。なんというか、「1回くらいフルっしょ」みたいな天気予報。これみるとまあ、毎日雨の用意で出かければいいかなという気にはなる。。。



Do you believe weather forecasting? (What kind of start is this…). Of course, it is not the thing that you believe or not. This is just a statistics. But I assume most of Japanese people don't go out without checking weather forecasting. They decide what to wear depending on it or bring a foldable umbrella along with them. How about other countries? At least I have never seen that type of person in Singapore Lol

There should be many reasons behind it but I see quite a few people here don't care about rain if it is not that strong. I don't know why though. Maybe it is warm enough and you don't get cold by getting wet a bit?? (really?). Anyway if the rain is strong, there is no point to have an umbrella. Well, You don't go to the office if its raining? Lol

My another assumption is the quality (?) of weather forecasting. Please have a look at the chart above right (weather.com, 2020). Sorry for the small image but you see that it is rain all day. Do you think it is for the particular season? No. This is everyday in a year. Rain or thunder storm… Weather forecasting is like "I guess it will be rain today?". Then you actually better assume that anyway it is rainy today…

The left chart show the actual annual rainy days in Singapore according to Statisia (2020). I put number of rainy days in Tokyo, 2020 as a reference. Yes, it is much more in Singapore than in Tokyo. In some year, its almost double!. But still it is not everyday. Maximum around 200 days. It means that at least 45% is not rainy and 45% errors in weather forecasting… But I personally feel that there is rain everyday if you include passing rain (roughly). I feel myself i became Singaporean when I found myself walking in the rain without having an umbrella Lol.

*This story uses real data but whole story is fiction.

Reference (参考)
1) Statista (2022), https://www.statista.com/statistics/879678/singapore-number-rainy-days/
 weather.com (2022), https://weather.com/weather/tenday/l/ad9d6949eb67c39aa41c7b9018e2b14646fa0a6d7adfdfc15140f80854d90738
