
Vol.10 Danshari / Decluttering

Hello, it's Ayumi. How are you doing? The statement of emergency in Japan has been extended and this quarantine time will continue farther. 


Since the quarantine has begun, many people stay at home and might think it is a good opportunity to look at what you have in the closet and tidy up your entire house.



In Japan, actually the "Simple life" has been a trend since even before this corona. Decreasing possession and living with what you really use. We call it "Danshari" in Japanese which is translated into English as "Decluttering",  "Simple living" or "Minimalism".

日本では、実は、「シンプルライフ」がコロナが始まる前からじわじわと流行っています。モノを減らし本当に必要なものだけで暮らす。「断捨離」と言って、英語では "Decluttering"、 "Simple living" や "Minimalism"と言います。

1. What is Danshari?

The word "Danshari" became to the public about 10years ago in Hideko Yamashita's book. "Danshari" was nominated to Japanese Buzzwords contest in 2010 and many people were inspired by this new spirit.


We, Japanese, has also an opposite spirit called "Mottainai" that means we should appreciate every single items and we keep everything. We are educated like so because Japan is a small island with less field, we don't have enough resource. So we keep anything! For example, paper bags from shopping, cosmetic samples, old clothes, magazines that you already read etc... The biggest headache is a gift from your friend but you don't like it at all. We can't keep them all in the shelf so that we buy another shelf. Eventually, we are surrounded by so many things and we don't know where and what we have.


Of course it's very important to respect things but it's nonsense when you keep as many things around you as you don't know where is what. The old teaching of not throwing things away may sometimes make us feel like a curse.


That's why Danshari is inspiring many Japanese and changing our life style.



2. Release the obsession

With Danshari, we judge if we keep or throw it away by finding out "You use them", not "It is still available". 


People who cannot throw things away think they should not throw them away because they are still available. Their mind is on the "Things". But when you follow danshari, you are focused on "You".


Danshari leads us deeply inside you, "how you would like to make your life?" If you need them, tidy up and sort them in order to use them comfortably. If you don't need them, do not keep, throw them away. 


For myself, I learned Danshari’s mind by Konmari(Mari Kondo) who is one of the most famous ladies as a decluttering adviser. You may have heard of her name. She lives in US now and spreads simple life style all over the world. 


Also, there are many blogs where people introduce how to declutter and useful tidy up goods. There are many experts who has a license of decluttering and they offer lessons how to do it. 


Since then, I have been trying to tidy up my entire house and not to buy any extra things which I do not use. But sometimes it really hurts me just to put it into the garbage bag and throw it away. 


Then I recommend to "sell" them! These days, very convenient apps are available where you can sell anything you don't use to anyone who need it.


I use "Mercari" quite often. Unfortunately, it's only Japanese in Japan. (There is English app that you can use in US.) It's much easier than I thought and I have sold more than 40 items in one year ^^


If you think it's too hard for you, then you can bring them to the second house. :Bookoff, Second street.
Or you can send them in a box and they are gonna tell you the price. If you agree you can sell with that price. It's a good way in this quarantine time because you can reduce a chance to go to a shop: Brandia
And of course, you can donate as well. It helps you to release obsession.


Throwing away things is a hard work. Once you could do that, then do not buy or let people give you anything you don't use. Before buy something, ask yourself "Do you really need it?"



Today, I introduced the spirit of Danshari which have changed many Japanese life style! Did you like it? ;) 



