ELSA AI と会話して、AIからもらった評価

ELSA AI と会話してみた。
Catch up with a friend. を選択して半フリートーク。話の振りは自分からの持ちネタで適当に進めた評価とアドバイス。こんな感じでフィードバックが読める。

Overall, your language skills are developing well, and you are making an effort to communicate in English with your tutor. While there are some areas you can improve, it's essential to keep practicing your spoken communication skills to improve further.

Some specific aspects to consider:

1. Relevant and engaging responses:
- You made an effort to respond to your friend's questions and shared your experiences about your personal and professional life.
- You might want to practice elaborating your responses more to keep the conversation flowing.

2. Clear and fluent language:
- You might want to practice filling pauses between words with fillers such as "umm," and "ahh" less often to improve fluency.
- Practice breaking down long sentences into shorter ones to reduce errors or to keep the conversation clear for the other person to understand.

3. Using the right tone:
- You used a polite and respectful tone throughout the conversation.
- You might want to work on changing the tone based on the context of the conversation. For example, you can use a more casual tone with your friends or colleagues outside of a professional setting.

Great job! You are at an advanced level (CEFR C1).

Here are some suggestions to improve for the sounds you struggled with:

  • /r/ in words like "recently" and "regularly": Try practicing the sound slowly and deliberately with your mouth almost closed. As you get better at it, start speeding up and using it more naturally in conversation.

  • /ɑ/ in words like "hobby" and "start": Remember to keep your lips relaxed and not rounded when you make this sound. You can practice by opening your mouth wide and saying the sound slowly and clearly.

  • /l/ in words like "live" and "listeners": When making this sound, make sure the tip of your tongue is touching your gums, but not blocking all the air. Leave a bit of space on either side of your tongue, so the air can escape and create the proper sound. You can try practicing this sound by saying words like "little" and "bottle".