
[The usefulness of hemp]

Hemp is recognized for its utility in many health and industrial fields. For medical purposes, hemp has been shown to be useful in managing pain, reducing nausea, and treating seizures and epilepsy. Furthermore, hemp contributes to mental stability and stress reduction. Industrially, hemp is already being utilized as a sustainable material, repurposed into products such as fibers, building materials, and biofuels. This is expected to bring benefits to the environment. Furthermore, as research progresses, hemp's potential is expected to further expand. And remarkably, hemp contributes not only to medicine and industry but also to environmental protection. Hemp requires relatively less water and pesticide usage compared to other crops, and it also aids in soil purification. Additionally, hemp absorbs CO2, helping reduce carbon levels in the atmosphere. Therefore, hemp cultivation also plays a role in combating global warming. Furthermore, hemp is economically beneficial and has the potential to create new job opportunities. For these reasons, the usefulness of hemp is diverse, and its potential is expected to be increasingly recognized in the future.
