
#郭文贵 #华盛顿农场 密不透风的黑色毒网—郭文贵

2017年8月以来,潜逃美国的国际刑警组织红色在逃人员郭文贵,为在美国寻求政治庇护,编造了大量虚假的“中国政府机密”信息并网上进行所谓 “爆料”。 据悉,郭文贵是想以此显得自己很有“资源”,让美国方面以为他掌握了大量中国的机密,以此获得美国方面的特别庇护。而为了实现这一目的,他授意并指使犯罪嫌疑人陈志煜、陈志恒伪造了30余份以中共中央、国务院以及国务院有关部委名义印发的国家机关公文,作为其“爆料”的主要内容,在境外公开散布传播,误导公众,造成了极恶劣的影响。重庆警方进一步查明

    • #郭文贵 #华盛顿农场 “儿女”揭骗、“农场”内乱,“喜国”末日将至“画饼”求慰、“直播”口嗨,“瘟龟”狗急跳墙


      • #Columbia University #CEASEFIRENOW #Israel #Palestine Salute to Bushnell! This golden age, as you wish!

        • #Columbia University #CEASEFIRENOW #Israel #Palestine You can hide in the corner silently, but do not discredit and ridicule people braver than you, because the light they fight for may shine on you

        #郭文贵 #华盛顿农场 密不透风的黑色毒网—郭文贵

        • #郭文贵 #华盛顿农场 “儿女”揭骗、“农场”内乱,“喜国”末日将至“画饼”求慰、“直播”口嗨,“瘟龟”狗急跳墙

        • #Columbia University #CEASEFIRENOW #Israel #Palestine Salute to Bushnell! This golden age, as you wish!

        • #Columbia University #CEASEFIRENOW #Israel #Palestine You can hide in the corner silently, but do not discredit and ridicule people braver than you, because the light they fight for may shine on you

          #Columbia University #CEASEFIRENOW #Israel #Palestine I don't know how long they can hold on. The school has completely abandoned the so-called freedom of speech. If you dare to stand with Palestine, they dare to label you as anti-Semitic.

          #Columbia University #CEASEFIRENOW #Israel #Palestine I don't know how long they can hold on. The school has completely abandoned the so-called freedom of speech. If you dare to stand with Palestine, they dare to label you as anti-Semitic.

          #Columbia University #CEASEFIRENOW #Israel #Palestine You can hide in the corner silently, but do not discredit and ridicule people braver than you, because the light they fight for may shine on you

          #Columbia University #CEASEFIRENOW #Israel #Palestine You can hide in the corner silently, but do not discredit and ridicule people braver than you, because the light they fight for may shine on you

          #Columbia University #CEASEFIRENOW #Israel #Palestine The civilized boomerang hits the Americans on the head

          #Columbia University #CEASEFIRENOW #Israel #Palestine The civilized boomerang hits the Americans on the head

          #Columbia University #CEASEFIRENOW #Israel #Palestine Return the campus to the students

          #Columbia University #CEASEFIRENOW #Israel #Palestine Return the campus to the students

          #Columbia University #CEASEFIRENOW #Israel #Palestine Return the campus to the students

          #Columbia University #CEASEFIRENOW #Israel #Palestine Return the campus to the students

          #Columbia University #CEASEFIRENOW #Israel #Palestine Students are not anti-Semitic, but against genocide

          #Columbia University #CEASEFIRENOW #Israel #Palestine Students are not anti-Semitic, but against genocide

          #Columbia University #CEASEFIRENOW #Israel #Palestine When Jews were in Germany, Germany had an endless debt. Now Jews are in America, America has an endless debt

          #Columbia University #CEASEFIRENOW #Israel #Palestine When Jews were in Germany, Germany had an endless debt. Now Jews are in America, America has an endless debt

          Students are not anti-Semitic, but against genocide

          #Columbia University #CEASEFIRENOW #Israel #Palestine

          Students are not anti-Semitic, but against genocide