
英文邮件缩写你知道几个? 这可是留学生必备知识欸! - EssayMin

英文邮件缩写留学生们知道几个? 像Native一样说话写Email这些校园/职场英文缩写你必须get! EssayMin英国论文代写本期分享英文邮件缩写。



ASAP=as soon as possible尽快

BID=break it down细分明细

BTW=by the way顺带一提

EOD=end of day今天以内

ETA=estimated time of arrival预计到达时间

FAQ=frequently asked question常问的问题

FWIW=for what it’s worth无论如何

FYI=for your information供你参考

FYU=for your use供你使用

CC=carbon copy抄送

BCC=blind carbon copy隐秘抄送

IAM=in a meeting会议中

PTO=Paid Time Off带薪休假

OT=over time加班

OOO=out of office不在办公室

POC=point of contact首要联系人

TBD=to be determined待决定

TCC=teleconference call电话会议

NRN=no reply necessary无需回复

WFH=work from home在家办公

PFA=please find attached请查看附件

NEO=New Employee Orientation新员工入职培训

BKM=Best Known Method已知最佳方法

OKR=Objectives and Key Results目标与关键成果法



ASAP是As Soon As Possible的缩写. 用法:The Sales Manager would like to see the budget ASAP.



FYI是For Your Information的缩写, 比如转发一个报告给同事参考. 用法:FYI, the monthly sales report for August is attached



ETA是Estimated Time of Arrival的缩写, 预计到达目的地的时间.

用法:Let me know the ETA of you flight so I can pick you up.



CC原本是Carbon Copy的缩写, 现在的意思已经变成了抄送. 用法:Remember to cc your client.



TBA是To Be Determined的缩写, 一般用在一些细节还有待敲定的时候. 用法:The new Tax Manager will be joining us next month. The actual date is TBD.



这是please的缩写, 多用于跟同事之间非正式的交流. 用法:Pls send me the annual report before you leave.



Attn是attention或者是for the attention of的缩写, 通常出现在书信, 邮件和会议记录中. 用法:Attn: Jeff Wang



Nota Bene: 特别注意, 划重点

NB. You should read this post more than once.


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