MWC世界大会参加の旅(1) ハリスバーグへ 日本キリスト兄弟(けいてい)団  岡崎新太郎

“A Trip to the Participation of MWC Assembly Gathered”(1) Go toward Harrisburg, Pennsylvania


“I will lift up my eyes to the mountains – where does my help come from ?
My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and the earth.”
[Psalm 121:1-2 (NIV)]



Too busy every day before the departure it became the trip to the United States that I did surprising one’s weakness openly and was exhausted. I will go with the intention of the two-week vacation. There were the encouragement of the sisters and brothers of the church of the Yamaguchi prefecture and my family “to be fine”, and the hope to want to be used to divide anything myself here.
I left Shimonoseki on July 15th and the domestic trips from Fukuoka Airport to Narita Airport were on schedule. Oh, it was full of the sense of relief that I was able to start on somehow.


When I arrived at Narita Airport and went down the ramp of the airplane, I discovered the two-pole banner outside which we might tell you about such persons, and my name was written down there. When I was led to the airport office, there was the explanation from the person in charge saying “you cannot get an airplane to the United States of the transit because a runway was crowded, and an airplane from Fukuoka could not land in the case and late for 20 minutes”.
However, they had the time of around 30 minutes to spare, and the planned airplane which I boarded has not still yet flown away. There is not it though I carry it how. There were five or six similar people who suffered it. There were many planned people who changed it more from the United States, and went to Central and South America, and it looked like the correspondence was troubled with ANA (All Nippon Airplanes).


I was kept waiting for five hours to devise a new itinerary and it would become the flight of the departure the following day at 11:00 after all, and I would stayed in the evening near Narita Airport. The dinner in the airport and the hotel charge were ANA paid after all. I understood when I might not come. A woman of the charge of ANA sent me to the bus stop to hotels. By the conversation of two on the way, she thought about becoming a school teacher, but she worked there here, and she planned to go to trip to United States with company’s friends this summer. When I talked to her about my two weeks trip to U.S.A, she said to me, “It is very enviable”. She was of my daughters’ generation and I sent Yale from this when I did my best to her and parted.




I arrived at the hotel, and my first work was communication to go to the destination to the office which managed my trip of MWC one day late. I was made to use the cell-phone for the first time for the United States from Japan. My cell-phone was broken and couldn’t but send it on repair. This borrowed it on the day before departure. And I just learned how to use this cell-phone in a shop of the phone company AU of Narita Airport. Because the United State was about 9:00 of just the morning now, I waited until the time when their office was open and called them. A partner did not understand the content of the telephone well. My English was Japanese English, and the partner was speaking Spanish English. We did not understand what both partners said each other. I talked to my partner what I wanted say, and I said without permission and hung up.



Then it was one hour later, when I called them again, a person who arranged my trip came out to a telephone until now this time, and I was able to inform my schedule at last. She told me to arrange a person to pick me up in Washington Dulles International Airport. I understood her English, because she talked to me about those in British English slowly. When I thought about people studying at an overseas theological college or going for the mission of Christianity abroad, I made interest in their challenge through my communication in this English. I understood so that what refuse fell into my heart at all when the gift from God was different in a person each.
I am praying to God that it was what or showed it to me on this trip while thinking of step of following year of Sister Nobue Nishimura and studying abroad to the United States of the Brother Ishido. I was made to think that it was, “the word that I served from God here includes that I trusted it because there was the best consideration of the master there” about it.


After a night in unexpected Narita, it was flight 13 hours from 11:00 am in Japan.
I was boarding an airplane, and a meal appeared several times, but there was only whether the Japanese foods were parting for a while thought of some sentiment without knowing it whether it was breakfast or dinner. It was the air travel that was not sure whether I did not sleep whether I slept.


I arrived at the Washington Dulles Airport safely on about the daytime of July 16 in local time, and various entry formalities went finished, too. I was relieved and went to the exit lobby, and I looked for the person who advocated my name, but there was nobody. When even if there was a trouble, it can be settled in Japanese and it was also not perfect like Japan. Therefore I was prepared for the one of a certain kind, but I did not calm down. When I called the office of MWC, I received the instruction when I waited in baggage lobby No-8. I went there, but there was not the person like it.
Because it was written in this trip schedule of MWC that the shuttle bus of the hotel which MWC arranged came to pick me up at 1:00 p.m. That’s why, when somebody should come to pick me up, I hung around the neighborhood, but nobody came. 1:00 passed, and it was 2:00, and it was 3:00, but nobody came.

そのうち荷物取り出し口NO―8の椅子にたくさんの荷物と共に座っている黒人のご夫婦が気になり始めました。これからどこに行くのでしょうか。着いたばかりなのでしょうか。私がうろうろしているあいだ中、ご主人の方はだまってびくともせず長椅子に座ってじっと本を読んでいる。 空港内の放送がかかりました。MWCの大会に参加の方々は入国出口に集まって下さいというものでした。やっとなんやらアナウンスがあったなと体を動かすと、例のご夫妻も体を動かし始める。そこで初めて、メノナイトの兄弟だとわかる。お互いに、にこにこして挨拶をする。アフリカのマラウェの方でありました。3人で動き始めると若い青年が近づいてくる。仲間とわかりました。後でフィリピンのメノナイト教会リーダーの息子さんでメサイヤ・カレッジに学んでいる青年だとわかりました。

I have begun to be interested in the black married couple who sat down on a bench of baggage lobby N0-8 with much baggage soon. “Where will they go from now on? Do they have just arrived? The husband during the interval that I hang around sits down on a bench without moving an inch in silence and reads a book.” I observed and thought about them on my mind. There was the announcement in the airport. It was a message that the people of the participation gathered at the lobby exit in a meeting of MWC.
At last when I moved my body after there was an announcement, that married couple has begun to move, too. Therefore I understood that they were Brother and Sister of Mennonites for the first time and both of us greeted with smile each other. They came from Malawi of Africa. When three of us began to move again, a young man approached us. He was identified as this participant. He was a son of the leaders of the Mennonite church of Philippines, and I just knew it with a young man studying in Messiah College of Pennsylvania later.


Four of us went to the appointment place, but there was not the person like it there.
We should have asked it, and we did not know who asked for an announcement in the airport information desk. So we were at loss there for approximately 30 minutes. We decided to come back to the baggage lobby No-8. Around 20 people gathered to an emblem of MWC including us when we came back. Then the roll call of the young woman leader began. Half past four of the afternoon has already passed. I was fired up saying in my mind “I am to be serious when it was not Japan here and missed English of the guidance”. We twenty of us divided into two groups those who went to Messiah College and those who went to the Radisson hotel. “I have to do the confirmation, confirmation. Am I which one? I asked the leader about this. It seems to be a hotel for me”. Anyway I was cautious. At 5:00 p.m., the shuttle bus of the hotel left the Washington Dulles Airport. I felt the sturdiness of the African Christian for a pastor of Malawi which read leisurely for hours. When it was the simple faith that the waist also sat down, it was taking off the cap for me.


A shuttle bus departed at 5:00 in the evening. As for the bus which carried the group of more than ten of us, the hotel where we stayed at seemed to be owned. An excellent gentleman drove. The outside was still very bright. The bus ran at full speed on the road where scattering saw many orchards in large plains. “Is this Pennsylvania? It is the land which missionaries invited my parents to many times. But they have never been here. A hometown of the faith of my family is here. I come here now”. I felt mysterious in my mind.
I did not have the forthcoming plan here at all until the beginning of this year. It was a fact until my departure to have had possibilities to vary, but I felt like there having been it in some disappointment. Four years passed already after I retired from BAIKO GAKUIN. It was able to blow to think that I would do what so far. Members of Japan BIC (Brethren in Christ church) where I belong to is advancing aging and there are few young generations. I always think the future of BIC church how it is good. The succession of the faith of Japan BIC church will be what kind of thing. I repeat retreat for retreat and do not approach the aim at all without being able to spare the time when the thing which made Wilms Farm goes. But I am here strangely now. And it was such a deep emotion that I want to be given something here.



It was multi-national society in the bus. There were people from Africa and Central and South America, too. English was the only common language. The person of the neighboring seat talked to me in English suddenly. He asked to me where came from. I said in broken English. “From Japan” “What part of Japan, Tokyo?” “ No, west part of Honshu island, Shimonoseki city, near South Korea, you can go there by ferry”
And I said “Where are you come from?” “We support churches of Ukraine”. He said. And then he explained about Ukraine’s state of affairs. “18 million people live in the military battle front district of the opposed Ukrainian government troops and pro-Russia group military. And they are afraid of when it takes place for the battle of both militaries not to understand. Some Mennonite churches of Ukraine support the people living in the area. German Mennonite churches also support the people of Ukraine”.

「私の両親はウクライナ人のメノナイトであった。スターリンの弾圧でウクライナから中央アジアに移住させられた。そこにはサハリンにいた韓国人も移住させられていて子ども時代には韓国人の子どもたちと遊んでいた。それが戦争だ。」という話も始まりました。 下関は広島、長崎に近い。福島の原発事故も大変だ。つたない英語で話をしました。こちらは詳しく自分の思いを伝えたかったのですが、言葉がつながりません。ああ、これから英語の世界だ。できるだけの伝達をしよう。不十分なのは致し方ない。嘆いても仕方ない。でも、日本の教会の若い人は、英語でよきコミュニケイションを取れるようになるだろう。



He continued talking. “My parents were Ukrainian Mennonites. They were made to immigrate to the Central Asia from Ukraine by oppression of Stalin of the Soviet Union forcibly. The Korean people who lived in Sakhalin of Russia were made to immigrate forcibly there in those days. I played with children of the Korean in a childhood. I didn’t like the war. The war was very terrible”.
And I talked to him about my place in broken English again. “I come from Shimonoseki. It is near Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and it is very serious damage of nuclear plant accident in Fukushima”. I wanted to tell my thought to a partner in detail, but my words were not connected. Oh, it is the world of English from now on. I want to convey my thought others as possible. My broken English is OK. There is no help for it even if I grieve. But I think the young people of Japanese church will take a good communication in English. It is good to connect to young generation with my trip. About an hour drove, we arrived at the hotel. I left Shimonoseki for 48 hours or two days, and I arrived at capital city Harrisburg of Pennsylvania at last.



This trip is something which does not go on schedule. But I must not mutter. It leads to disbelief to God if I murmur that I did not go on schedule. I understand it, too. But it is sure that I arrived to a hotel. I came over by help and the prayer of many people to here. It is fact itself. It is all.



日本キリスト兄弟(けいてい)団  岡崎新太郎
〔Written by Shintaro Okazaki of Japan BIC〕
〔Translated in English by Takanori Sasaki of JMF〕
