2014年フィリピン台風 支援活動 - 石戸充(弥生台キリスト教会)


The churches of JMF walk with the churches of Philippine typhoon victims. Mitsuru Ishido of Yayoidai Christ Church in Tokyo


It has been passing since three years from East Japan Great Disaster. A lot of supports were sent such as volunteer workers or donations from domestic and abroad to JMF. We were able to walk with affected people and churches through our given gifts such as visiting affected places directly from Hokkaido to Kyushu. I appreciate and recognize in this action that this is an expression of one body like neighboring love as a concrete ministry, which the church means a body of Christ, as a lord of the world.


We remembered the report of a great damage from Philippine Yolanda typhoon in the center of the Leyte Island on November 2013 last year in our prayer. And we called the Anabaptist related churches in Japan for support of typhoon’s victims.


We JMF thanked for the support of East Japan Great Disaster including Asia from each country of the world. We also thanked for their one-body thinking and neighboring love. I didn’t know how long extent of our one-body thinking and neighboring love supporting them directly by church. But we didn’t stand still, that we got in touch with Philippine Peace-builders Community Inc. and church in there. And we wanted to walk with affected churches and affected people as church of Japan joining MCC relief activities in Asia.


The people received a big blow by damage in the Philippines caused by Yolanda typhoon economically this time. Because the roofs of the houses of their village are blown off, and this is because sugarcanes and the coconut palm trees which are the product of their field were blown down above all.


Long time needs it until their agriculture restores. For example, the sugarcane takes a period from 2 years through 3 years to a crop, and the coconut palm takes from tree planting to a crop for 16 years. They carry out which instruction with product of vegetable to affected people with the cultivation of the coconut palm in the local Christ church for the relief assistance.


Less in late years it did depend on the influence of the climate change and was heard about the word, “Some kind of typhoons attacked it every year, and came to encounter damage”. Therefore Philippine’s Peace-builders Community Inc. or PBCI walks it with people suffering in the natural disaster more in a poor area. We want to thank to the Lord his leading about having been added to a ring of the prayer with us JMF two members.

一日目 成田からセブ島到着
二日目 セブ島からオルモックへ

First Day: From Narita airport to Cebu city, Cebu Island
Second Day: From Cebu city to Ormoc city, Leyte Island


◆House Church in Ormoc city


This is an affected church made of barrack in Ormoc, Leyte Island. We attended the Sunday morning service here. “We are not the victims, but we are the victors lived through the typhoon”, Pastor Paulus gave us his strong message.


◆Zion Academy of Leadership on the mountains in Leyte Island


There are six students in this seminary, but five students came back to their home mountain districts now. Just only one student lives a small barrack by the broken seminary house, and Mr. & Mrs. Pastor Petroni looks after his life and teaches him the Bible. “ This school was the orphans after world war Ⅱ, and then the Bible school for the mountain tribes. We carried out digging the wells the part in this community as a center. We continue want to be the center in this village. They pray in the broken school and want to draw progressing the Lord’s working.


◆The streets and houses affected by typhoon


We saw a lot of buildings and houses remaining the simple repairing such like the old galvanized iron sheet or the blue plastic sheet on the roof since a few months after the typhoon. I saw the utility pole broken Z form and digging up the tree at the roots by the typhoon. I felt drawing the painful things in the suffering time when looking at them.

三日目 移動
四日目 レイテ島ダバオ

The third Day: from Leyte to Cebu city, and from Cebu city to Dabaw city, Mindanao via Manila.
The fourth Day: Cebu city, Mindanao Island


Visiting coffee shop by Peace for Coffee and an office of Peace-builders Community Inc. in Cebu city.


They explained to us about the environmental friendly product activities and peace coffee business on the basis of Mennonite theology through growing coffee and helping victims and poor villages on the mountains of Mindanao.
They brought the agreement of the cease-fire between the Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front of Islamic radical group by method of conflict resolution written by John Paul Lederach.

五日目 帰国成田・札幌へ

The fifth Day: from Dabaw city to Narita, Tokyo or Sapporo via Manila
