Japan Local

Japan Local


Karaoke in Japan

The word “Karaoke” stems from the words “Kara” which means “Empty” and “Oke” which means “Orchestra”. If you put those two words together you get the …

Japan Local

3 Popular Japanese Street Food You should try!

The most famous Japanese food worldwide would definitely Sushi. However we do not eat Sushi all the time. There are tons of unique and delicious Japanese food t…

Japan Local
Karaoke in Japan

Karaoke in Japan

The word “Karaoke” stems from the words “Kara” which means “Empty” and “Oke” which means “Orchestra”. If you put those two words together you get the famous word “Karaoke” which has spread all over th

3 Popular Japanese Street Food You should try!

3 Popular Japanese Street Food You should try!

The most famous Japanese food worldwide would definitely Sushi. However we do not eat Sushi all the time. There are tons of unique and delicious Japanese food that we ear every day, which are not as k
