【EL Vol.7】ITによる労働市場の二極化:Has ICT polarized skill demand? Evidence from eleven countries over twenty-five years
IT革命による生産性の向上は付加価値額や賃金の上昇をもたらしたが、その効果は全ての人々に行き渡っているわけではない。Michaelsら (2014) は先進11か国25年間のデータを用い、産業用ロボット導入はハイスキル労働者の所得を押し上げた一方で中スキル以下の停滞や労働時間減少につながったことを示し、労働市場において二極化が起きていることを指摘した。
We test the hypothesis that information and communication technologies (ICT) polarize labor markets by increasing demand for the highly educated at the expense of the middle educated, with little effect on low-educated workers. Using data on the United States, Japan, and nine European countries from 1980 to 2004, we find that industries with faster ICT growth shifted demand from middle-educated workers to highly educated workers, consistent with ICT-based polarization. Trade openness is also associated with polarization, but this is not robust to controlling for R&D. Technologies account for up to a quarter of the growth in demand for highly educated workers.
Michaels, Guy, Ashwini Natraj, and John Van Reenen. "Has ICT polarized skill demand? Evidence from eleven countries over twenty-five years." Review of Economics and Statistics 96.1 (2014): 60-77.
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