
210914 From where does this idea come?

On business or privately, sometimes I face problems that I have to solve. I think, struggle, and find some way to the goal. That's the way of life and the way of business to make rewords.

To solve a problem, I ask someone to know about it very much, technically and specialized. When I can't find the way, ask him to solve. He suggests some good ideas that I couldn't imagine. Wao, that's a great idea! This moment sparks to work is worth living. At this moment, I can feel something created. And ask him to work and pay rewords.

There is a Japanese proverb, "Mochi wa Mochi-ya". It means that ask professional about specialized field of thing. I always want to pay respect to technical people who experienced so much. And I believe this kind of communication must be one of the ways to make this society well rotated.
