// @ issei0008 last 2024-03-24
strategy(title='Trend Cycle Counter V0.95',shorttitle='Trend_Cycle V0.95',overlay=true, max_bars_back = 3000)
cycle_source = input(title = "Source", defval = close, tooltip = '未使用')
length = input.int(25,"感度足数", minval = 5, maxval = 50 , step=1 , tooltip=
"直近高値のブレイクスルーを見ています" + "\n" +
"float _max = ta.highest(感度足数)" + "\n" +
"float _min = ta.lowest(感度足数)" + "\n" +
"100 * (high - _max) / (_max - _min)" + "\n" +
"感度足数内の高値安値の更新" + "\n" +
length2 = input.int(600,"max_bars_back", minval = 200, maxval = 3000 , step=10 ,tooltip="上昇下降回数が5-10回くらいになるように、平均取ります。" + "\n" +
"最初の端数は削除してますので気持ち長めに" + "\n" +
"上下周期が平均周期に近づいたら保ち合い拮抗、上昇または下降に偏ったらトレンド転換、50以上の時に前回値出してます" + "\n" +
"サイクルは平均値を見るのではなく、偏りを見てください、直近高値をトレンド転換にしてるのでRCIサイクルを見ながら逆指値INでもいいかも"+ "\n" +
"下降トレンドのサイクルが短くなり、上昇トレンドのサイクルが長くなってきたら上昇トレンド、みたいな"+ "\n" +
bool alart_trend = input(true,title='トレンド転換アラート')
bool show_trend_sigma = input(true,"サイクルσ",inline = 'シグマ' )
trend_sigma = input.int(1,"", minval = 1, maxval = 3,inline = 'シグマ' , tooltip="トレンドサイクルから標準偏差を求めて、次のサイクル期待値を描画" + "\n" +
"1σ=平均値±標準偏差=68.3%" + "\n" +
"2σ=平均値±標準偏差×2=95.4%" + "\n" +
trend_sigma_up_color = input.color(defval=color.new(color.teal, 85) ,title="",inline = 'シグマ')
trend_sigma_down_color = input.color(defval=color.new(color.purple, 85),inline = 'シグマ' ,title="" , tooltip="トレンドサイクルから標準偏差を求めて、次のサイクル期待値を描画" + "\n" +
"1σ=平均値±標準偏差=68.3%" + "\n" +
"2σ=平均値±標準偏差×2=95.4%" + "\n" +
bool show_barcolor = input(false,"barcolor")
bool show_back = input(false,"グラフ詳細")
// ストラテジーテスター
strategy_on = input(false, title="ストラテジーテスター",tooltip = "売買表示。" + "\n" +
"サイクルは上昇が強いときは段々と上昇サイクルが増えていき、下降サイクルが短くなっていきます。" + "\n" +
"できるだけ長いサイクルの初動を狙って!" ,
group = " ▽ ▽ ▽ ストラテジーテスター ▽ ▽ ▽ ")
label_view = input(true, title = 'Entry,Exit条件ラベルの描画',group = " ▽ Entry(新規タイミング) ▽ ")
strategy_ave = input(true, title = '上昇、下降平均以下でのみ買い')
strategy_how_to = input.string("成買い", title = '買い方',
options = [ "成買い" , "指値HLC" , "終値" ] ,
tooltip = "成買い:指標が出た次の足で成買い" + "\n" + "指値HLC:指標のHLC(高値安値終値平均)で指値" + "\n" + "終値;指標が出た足の終値で指値")
strategy_trend_ent = input(true, title = 'トレンド転換時点でエントリー' , tooltip="Trend_L がロングエントリー、Trend_Sがショートエントリー ")
rcis_view = input(false, "",inline = 'RCI')
rcis = input.int(9, "RCI 短期線描画",inline = 'RCI')
rcis_color_p = input.color(defval=color.new(color.teal, 20) ,title="",inline = 'RCI')
rcis_color_m = input.color(defval=color.new(color.red, 20) ,title="",inline = 'RCI')
rcis_color = input.color(defval=color.new(color.gray, 15) ,title="",inline = 'RCI')
rcis_ent = input(true, "",inline = 'RCI2')
rcis_int = input.int(defval=75 ,title="RCI短期 Entry基準値",inline = 'RCI2')
src_rci = input(close, "",inline = 'RCI2',
tooltip = 'RCI短期の基準値割れでIN位置の確認 RCI_L がロングエントリー、RCI_Sがショートエントリー ' + "\n" +
// EXIT(決済タイミング)
stop_loss = input.string(defval="トレンド転換ポイント", title="逆指値", group = " ▽ EXIT(決済タイミング) ▽ ",
options=["トレンド転換ポイント","前の足の高安・安値","10pips","25pips","50pips","100pips"] ,tooltip = 'トレンド転換ですべて強制決済')
rcim_view = input(false, "",inline = 'RCIm')
rcim = input.int(26, "RCI 中期線描画",inline = 'RCIm' )
rcim_color_p = input.color(defval=color.new(color.yellow, 20) ,title="",inline = 'RCIm')
rcim_color_m = input.color(defval=color.new(color.orange, 20) ,title="",inline = 'RCIm')
rcim_color = input.color(defval=color.new(color.gray, 15) ,title="",inline = 'RCIm')
rcim_exit = input(true, "",inline = 'RCIm2')
rcim_int = input.int(defval=65 ,title="RCI中期 Exit基準値" ,inline = 'RCIm2', minval=-100 , maxval=100 ,
tooltip = 'RCI中期の基準値割れで決済' + "\n" +
"ゼロラインで決済が標準" + "\n" + "買いポジの反対売買を基準に設定" + "\n" +
"50の場合は50で買いポジ決済・-50で売りポジ決済"+ "\n" +
macd_exit = input(true, " MACD EXIT",inline = 'macd3')
src_macd = input(close, "MACD entry",inline = 'macd3',
tooltip = "上昇トレンド中のMACD-DCでロングexit、下降トレンド中のMACD-GCでショートexit")
macd_sig = input.int(defval=9 ,title="MACD Sign",inline = 'macd2')
macd_short = input.int(defval=12 ,title="Short",inline = 'macd2')
macd_long = input.int(defval=26 ,title="Long",inline = 'macd2')
bool alart_vol = input(true,title='出来高急騰アラート',group="_/ _/ _/ ここから出来高 _/ _/ _/")
bool show_stddev = input(true,"出来高偏差値", inline = 'volome_style1')
data_stddev = input.int(60,"閾値", minval = 0, maxval = 100 , step=1, inline = 'volome_style1' ,tooltip="出来高の偏差値をグラフ化して、偏差値を閾値以下を0、閾値以上を2乗して顕著にしてます。" + "\n" +
"平均周期以上で出来高あるときに転換する場合があるかも。日足の場合は閾値を下げないと反応ないかも" + "\n" +
"ザラ場開始、引けも評価対象なので、開始引けは出来高急騰とは違うので注意" + "\n" + "\n" +
stddev_color = input(title='Color', defval=color.new(color.blue, 25), inline = 'volome_style1')
bool session = input(false,"セッション開始足の出来高を含めない", inline = 'volome_style-1',tooltip="***未実装 ***この場合のセッションは、ローソク足の前後で時間が連続していないこと" + "\n" +
bool session2 = input(false,"下の時間もセッション開始として、開始足の出来高を含めない", tooltip="先物のセッション開始が8:45、16:30としたら、9:00もセッション開始とする場合")
session2_h = input.int(9,"セッション足 □時 □□分", inline = 'volome_style-2-1')
session2_m = input.int(0,"時 ", inline = 'volome_style-2-1')
session3_h = input.int(9,"セッション足 □時 □□分", inline = 'volome_style-2-2')
session3_m = input.int(0,"時 ", inline = 'volome_style-2-2')
// ・・ ・・ 関数定義
f_ph(_length) =>
float _max = ta.highest(_length)
float _min = ta.lowest(_length)
100 * (high - _max) / (_max - _min)
f_pl(_length) =>
float _max = ta.highest(_length)
float _min = ta.lowest(_length)
100 * (low - _max) / (_max - _min)
ord(seq, idx, itv) =>
p = seq[idx]
o = 1
s = 0
for i = 0 to itv - 1
if i != idx
if p < seq[i]
o := o + 1
if p == seq[i]
s := s + 1
o + (s - 1) / 2.0
d(itv) =>
sum = 0.0
for i = 0 to itv - 1
sum := sum + math.pow((i + 1) - ord(src_rci, i, itv), 2)
rci(itv) => (1.0 - 6.0 * d(itv) / (itv * (itv * itv - 1.0))) * 100.0
float ph = f_ph(length)
float pl = f_pl(length)
float avg = math.avg(ph, pl)
float mean = ta.cum(avg) / (bar_index + 1)
var int cycle_counter = 0
cycle_counter := nz(cycle_counter) + 1
var int cycle_trend = -1
var int count_one = 0 // 最初の波数を削除 array.shift
var int count_zero = 0 // 最初の波数を削除 array.shift
var int cycle_count = 0
var int cycle_count_p = 0
var int cycle_count_m = 0
var int[] cycles = array.new_int(0)
var int[] cycles_p = array.new_int(0)
var int[] cycles_m = array.new_int(0)
var int[] vol_stddev = array.new_int(0)
var int[] slice_vol_stddev = array.new_int(0)
var int[] trend_sigma_a = array.new_int(0)
var float[] highest = array.new_float(0)
var float[] lowest = array.new_float(0)
float highest_high = ta.highest(length)
float lowest_low = ta.lowest(length)
float stop_loss_hh = na
float stop_loss_ll = na
float limit_loss_hh = na
float limit_loss_ll = na
string loss_text = na
if stop_loss =="トレンド転換ポイント"
stop_loss_hh := highest_high
stop_loss_ll := lowest_low
loss_text := "stoploss"
else if stop_loss =="前の足の高安・安値"
stop_loss_hh := high[1]
stop_loss_ll := low[1]
loss_text := "stoploss"
else if stop_loss =="10pips"
limit_loss_hh := 10
limit_loss_ll := -10
loss_text := "limit_loss10"
else if stop_loss =="25pips"
limit_loss_hh := 25
limit_loss_ll := -25
loss_text := "limit_loss25"
else if stop_loss =="50pips"
limit_loss_hh := 50
limit_loss_ll := -50
loss_text := "limit_loss50"
else if stop_loss =="100pips"
limit_loss_hh := 100
limit_loss_ll := -100
loss_text := "limit_loss100"
bar=last_bar_index-length2 // 最後の足から500手前
var label cycle_label = na // cycle_label をラベル型の変数として宣言
if bar_index == bar
cycle_counter := 0
// セッション開始時刻確認用
int timeframe_period=-1
if timeframe.period == "1"
timeframe_period := 1
else if timeframe.period == "3"
timeframe_period := 3
else if timeframe.period == "5"
timeframe_period := 5
else if timeframe.period == "15"
timeframe_period := 15
else if timeframe.period == "30"
timeframe_period := 30
else if timeframe.period == "45"
timeframe_period := 45
else if timeframe.period == "60"
timeframe_period := 60
timeframe_period := -1
var max_bar = 0
var max_high = 0.0
var str_max_high = ""
var min_bar = 0
var min_low = 99999999.9
var str_min_low = ""
if bar_index > bar
if cycle_trend > 0
if high > max_high
max_high := high
max_bar := bar_index
str_max_high := high >= 10000 ? str.tostring(max_high, "#,###") : high >= 1000 ? str.tostring(max_high, "#,###.#") : str.tostring(max_high, "###.##")
if low < min_low
min_low := low
min_bar := bar_index
str_min_low := low >= 10000 ? str.tostring(min_low, "#,###") : low >= 1000 ? str.tostring(min_low, "#,###.#") : str.tostring(min_low, "###.##")
if cycle_trend < 0 and ph >= 0.0 and bar_index > bar
if show_back
label.new(bar_index, 0.0, '', color=color.green, style=label.style_arrowdown)
if cycle_counter > int(length/2)
label.new(bar_index[1], cycle_counter, text=str.tostring(cycle_counter) , color=color.maroon, style=label.style_none ,textcolor=color.red)
label.new(bar_index[bar_index - min_bar], cycle_counter -bar_index + min_bar, text=str_min_low , color=color.maroon, style=label.style_arrowdown, size = size.small ,textcolor=color.red)
label.new(bar_index[bar_index - min_bar], cycle_counter -bar_index + min_bar + 20, text="min:" + str.tostring(cycle_counter -bar_index + min_bar) ,
color=color.maroon, style=label.style_none, size = size.small ,textcolor=color.red)
min_low := 99999999.9
if array.size(cycles_m) > 2 and cycle_counter > 50
label.new(bar_index[1], cycle_counter+30, text="(前回:" + str.tostring(array.get(cycles_m,array.size(cycles_m)-1)) + ")", color=color.red, style=label.style_none, textcolor=color.red)
array.push(cycles, cycle_counter)
array.push(cycles_m, cycle_counter)
if session and timeframe_period > 0 and time[1] - time[2] > timeframe_period * 60 * 1000 and volume[1] > volume
array.push(vol_stddev, int(volume))
array.push(vol_stddev, int(volume))
v:=(time[0] - time[1] ) /( timeframe_period * 60 * 1000)
array.push(vol_stddev, int(volume))
v:=(time[0] - time[1] ) /( timeframe_period * 60 * 1000)
array.push(trend_sigma_a, cycle_counter)
cycle_counter := 0
cycle_trend := +1
cycle_count_p += 1
cycle_count += 1
if count_one == 0
count_one := 1
if alart_trend
alert("Trend Cycle Counter トレンド上昇 :" + str.tostring(close, "#.#"), alert.freq_once_per_bar)
if cycle_trend > 0 and pl <= -100.0 and bar_index > bar
if show_back
label.new(bar_index, -100.0, '', color=color.maroon, style=label.style_arrowup)
if cycle_counter > int(length/2)
label.new(bar_index[1], cycle_counter, text=str.tostring(cycle_counter), color=color.green, style=label.style_none, textcolor=color.green)
label.new(bar_index[bar_index - max_bar], cycle_counter -bar_index + max_bar, text=str_max_high , color=color.green, style=label.style_arrowdown, size = size.small ,textcolor=color.green)
label.new(bar_index[bar_index - max_bar], cycle_counter -bar_index + max_bar + 20, text="max:" + str.tostring(cycle_counter -bar_index + max_bar) ,
color=color.green, style=label.style_none, size = size.small ,textcolor=color.green)
max_high := 0
if array.size(cycles_p) > 2 and cycle_counter > 50
label.new(bar_index[1], cycle_counter+30, text="(前回:" + str.tostring(array.get(cycles_p,array.size(cycles_p)-1)) + ")", color=color.green, style=label.style_none, textcolor=color.green)
array.push(cycles, cycle_counter)
array.push(cycles_p, cycle_counter)
if session and timeframe_period > 0 and time[1] - time[2] > timeframe_period * 60 * 1000 and volume[1] > volume
array.push(vol_stddev, int(volume))
array.push(vol_stddev, int(volume))
//v:=(time[0] - time[1] ) /( timeframe_period * 60 * 1000)
array.push(vol_stddev, int(volume))
//v:=(time[0] - time[1] ) /( timeframe_period * 60 * 1000)
array.push(trend_sigma_a, cycle_counter)
cycle_counter := 0
cycle_trend := -1
cycle_count_m += 1
cycle_count += 1
if count_one == 0
count_one := -1
if alart_trend
alert("Trend Cycle Counter トレンド下降 :" + str.tostring(close, "#,##0.#") , alert.freq_once_per_bar)
up=cycle_trend > 0 ? (array.avg(cycles_p)-cycle_counter):(array.avg(cycles_m)-cycle_counter)
if array.avg(cycles)-cycle_counter > 5 and cycle_counter > int(length/2) and barstate.islast
cycle_label:=label.new(bar_index+up, cycle_trend > 0 ? array.avg(cycles_p):array.avg(cycles_m),
"トレンド目標" ,size=size.tiny, textcolor=cycle_trend > 0 ? color.lime : color.red,
color=cycle_trend > 0 ? color.lime : color.red, style=label.style_xcross )
// ラベルを削除
// 転換点の表示
var label switch_label = na
if cycle_counter >= length and bar_index > bar
for i =0 to length
if (cycle_trend < 0 and high[i] == highest_high) or (cycle_trend > 0 and low[i] == lowest_low )
str_switch_label = low[i] >= 10000 ? str.tostring(cycle_trend > 0 ? low[i] : high[i], "#,###") :
low[i] >= 1000 ? str.tostring(cycle_trend > 0 ? low[i] : high[i], "#,###.#") : str.tostring(cycle_trend > 0 ? low[i] : high[i], "###.##")
switch_label := label.new(bar_index[i],cycle_counter[i],str_switch_label ,size=size.small, textcolor=color.yellow ,
color = color.yellow, style=label.style_arrowdown )
// ラベルを削除
if i == cycle_counter
// 最初の波数を削除
if array.size(cycles) == 1 and count_one == 1
count_zero := array.shift(cycles)
cycle_count_p := cycle_count_p - 1
count_one:= 2
if array.size(cycles) ==1 and count_one ==-1
count_zero := array.shift(cycles)
cycle_count_m := cycle_count_m - 1
count_one:= -2
plot(series=array.avg(cycles), title='Cycle AVG', color=color.new(color.orange, 0) , offset=up) //周期線の延長
plot(series=cycle_counter, title='Cycle Counter', color=cycle_trend > 0 ? color.lime : color.red)
plot(show_back ? ph : na, title='%Wd high')
plot(show_back ? pl : na, title='%Wd low')
plot(show_back ? avg : na, title='HL AVG', color=color.new(color.black, 0))
plot(show_back ? mean : na, title='Mean', color=color.new(color.navy, 0))
// ▽▽▽▽ トレンド転換 EXIT ストラテジー
if strategy.position_size > 0 and bar_index > bar and cycle_trend[1] > 0 and cycle_trend < 0
strategy.close_all("close_All",alert_message="トレンド転換 決済")
if strategy.position_size < 0 and bar_index > bar and cycle_trend[1] < 0 and cycle_trend > 0
strategy.close_all("Close_All", alert_message="トレンド転換 決済")
// ▽▽▽▽ トレンド転換 エントリー ストラテジー
strategy.entry("Trend_L", strategy.long, when=strategy_on and strategy_trend_ent and bar_index > bar and cycle_trend[1] < 0 and cycle_trend > 0 , alert_message="トレンド転換 買いENT")
strategy.entry("Trend_S", strategy.short, when=strategy_on and strategy_trend_ent and bar_index > bar and cycle_trend[1] > 0 and cycle_trend < 0 , alert_message="トレンド転換 売りENT")
strategy.exit(loss_text, when=strategy_on and strategy_trend_ent and bar_index > bar and cycle_trend[1] < 0 and cycle_trend > 0 ,stop=stop_loss_ll,limit=limit_loss_ll)
strategy.exit(loss_text, when=strategy_on and strategy_trend_ent and bar_index > bar and cycle_trend[1] > 0 and cycle_trend < 0 ,stop=stop_loss_hh,limit=limit_loss_hh)
// ▽▽▽▽ RCI短期 エントリー ストラテジー
plot(rcis_view ? rci(rcis) : na, title='RCI_S', color=rci(rcis) >= math.abs(rcis_int) ? rcis_color_p : rci(rcis) <= -1 * math.abs(rcis_int) ? rcis_color_m : rcis_color)
bool rcis_gcdc = na
if cycle_trend > 0 and ta.crossover(rci(rcis),-1 * math.abs(rcis_int))
rcis_gcdc:= true
else if cycle_trend < 0 and ta.crossunder(rci(rcis),math.abs(rcis_int))
rcis_gcdc:= true
rcis_gcdc:= false
if strategy_ave == true
if cycle_trend > 0 and cycle_counter <= array.avg(cycles_p) and rcis_gcdc == true
rcis_gcdc:= true
else if cycle_trend < 0 and cycle_counter <= array.avg(cycles_m) and rcis_gcdc == true
rcis_gcdc:= true
rcis_gcdc:= false
plotshape(label_view and rcis_ent and rcis_gcdc ? cycle_counter : na,
location=location.absolute, color=cycle_trend > 0 ? rcis_color_p : rcis_color_m , size=size.tiny,
title="RCI_S", text="RCI_S" , textcolor=cycle_trend > 0 ? rcis_color_p : rcis_color_m , style=shape.arrowdown )
if alart_trend and rcis_ent and
(cycle_trend > 0 and rci(rcis)[1] < -1 * rcis_int and rci(rcis)[0] >= -1 * rcis_int and cycle_counter < array.avg(cycles_p) )
alert("Trend Cycle Counter 上昇トレンドRCI短期 :" + str.tostring(close, "#,##0.#") , alert.freq_once_per_bar)
if alart_trend and rcis_ent and
(cycle_trend < 0 and rci(rcis)[1] > rcis_int and rci(rcis)[0] <= rcis_int and cycle_counter < array.avg(cycles_m))
alert("Trend Cycle Counter 下降トレンドRCI短期 :" + str.tostring(close, "#,##0.#") , alert.freq_once_per_bar)
rcis_long_entry_condition = (cycle_trend > 0 and rcis_gcdc and rcis_ent)
rcis_short_entry_condition = (cycle_trend < 0 and rcis_gcdc and rcis_ent)
strategy.entry("RCI_L", strategy.long, when=strategy_on and rcis_long_entry_condition and bar_index > bar, stop=stop_loss_ll , alert_message="RCI短期 買いENT")
strategy.entry("RCI_S", strategy.short, when=strategy_on and rcis_short_entry_condition and bar_index > bar, stop=stop_loss_hh , alert_message="RCI短期 売りENT")
strategy.exit(loss_text, when=strategy_on and rcis_long_entry_condition and bar_index > bar and cycle_trend[1] < 0 and cycle_trend > 0 ,stop=stop_loss_ll,limit=limit_loss_ll)
strategy.exit(loss_text, when=strategy_on and rcis_short_entry_condition and bar_index > bar ,stop=stop_loss_hh,limit=limit_loss_hh)
// ▲▲▲▲▲ RCI エントリー ストラテジー
// ▽▽▽▽ RCI中期 exit ストラテジー
plot(rcim_view ? rci(rcim) : na, title='RCI_m', color=rci(rcim) >= math.abs(rcim_int) ? rcim_color_p : rci(rcim) <= -1 * math.abs(rcim_int) ? rcim_color_m : rcim_color)
bool rcim_gcdc = na
if cycle_trend > 0 and ta.crossunder(rci(rcim),math.abs(rcim_int))
rcim_gcdc:= true
else if cycle_trend < 0 and ta.crossover(rci(rcim),-1 * math.abs(rcim_int))
rcim_gcdc:= true
rcim_gcdc:= false
plotshape(label_view and rcim_exit and rcim_gcdc ? cycle_counter : na,
location=location.absolute, color=cycle_trend > 0 ? rcim_color_p : rcim_color_m , size=size.tiny,
title="RCI_m", text="RCI_m" , textcolor=cycle_trend > 0 ? rcim_color_p : rcim_color_m , style=shape.arrowdown )
if alart_trend and rcim_exit and cycle_trend > 0 and rcim_gcdc
alert("Trend Cycle Counter 上昇トレンドRCI中期線決済 :" + str.tostring(close, "#,##0.#") , alert.freq_once_per_bar)
if alart_trend and rcim_exit and cycle_trend < 0 and rcim_gcdc
alert("Trend Cycle Counter 下降トレンドRCI中期線決済 :" + str.tostring(close, "#,##0.#") , alert.freq_once_per_bar)
long_exit_condition = (cycle_trend > 0 and rcim_gcdc and rcim_exit)
short_exit_condition = (cycle_trend < 0 and rcim_gcdc and rcim_exit)
if strategy_on and bar_index > bar
if long_exit_condition
strategy.close_all("RCI_L_exit", alert_message="RCI中期 買いEXIT")
if short_exit_condition
strategy.close_all("RCI_S_exit", alert_message="RCI中期 売りEXIT")
// ▲▲▲▲▲ RCI EXIT ストラテジー
// ▽▽▽▽ macd exit ストラテジー
macdLine = ta.ema(src_macd, macd_short) - ta.ema(src_macd, macd_long)
macdsignal = ta.ema(macdLine, macd_sig)
bool macd_dc = na
bool macd_gc = na
macd_dc := ta.crossunder(macdLine, macdsignal)
macd_gc := ta.crossover(macdLine, macdsignal)
macd_l_exit_condition = (cycle_trend > 0 and macd_dc and macd_exit)
macd_s_exit_condition = (cycle_trend < 0 and macd_gc and macd_exit)
if strategy_on and bar_index > bar
if macd_l_exit_condition
strategy.close_all("macd_exit", alert_message="MACD 買いEXIT")
if macd_s_exit_condition
strategy.close_all("macd_exit", alert_message="MACD 売りEXIT")
plotshape(label_view and macd_exit and (macd_l_exit_condition or macd_s_exit_condition) and strategy.position_size != 0 ? cycle_counter : na,
location=location.absolute, color=color.orange , size=size.tiny,
title="macd", text="macd" , textcolor=color.orange , style=shape.arrowdown )
// △△△△ macd exit ストラテジー
color col = na
if show_barcolor
if avg > -40
col := color.green
else if avg < -60
col := color.maroon
col := color.silver
var bull_count = 0
var bear_count = 0
var equal_count = 0
// 期間内のローソク足の色を確認し、陽線と陰線の回数を数える
if bar_index > bar
bull_count := 0
bear_count := 0
equal_count := 0
for i = 0 to cycle_counter - 1
if close[i+1] > open[i+1]
bull_count := bull_count + 1
else if close[i+1] < open[i+1]
bear_count := bear_count + 1
equal_count := equal_count + 1
var table mainTrending = table.new(position.top_right , 1, 4, border_width=1)
table.cell(mainTrending, 0, 1,
text="現在カウント: " + str.tostring(cycle_counter),
text_color=color.new(color=cycle_trend > 0 ? color.lime : color.red, transp = 10),
bgcolor=color.new(color.black, 80),
table.cell(mainTrending, 0, 2,
text=cycle_trend > 0 ? "上昇平均: " + str.tostring(array.avg(cycles_p), "#.#") + "足/" + str.tostring(cycle_count_p) + "回中":
"下降平均: " + str.tostring(array.avg(cycles_m), "#.#") + "/" + str.tostring(cycle_count_m) + "回中",
text_color=color.new(color=cycle_trend > 0 ? color.lime : color.red, transp = 10),
bgcolor=color.new(color.black, 80),
tooltip="陽線回数:"+str.tostring(bull_count) + " 陰線回数:"+str.tostring(bear_count) + " 同値:"+str.tostring(equal_count) + "\n" +
"トレンド内高値:" + str.tostring(array.max(highest)) + " 安値:" + str.tostring(array.min(lowest)) + "\n" +
"トレンド転換予想ライン:" + str.tostring(cycle_trend > 0 ? lowest_low : highest_high) + str.tostring(cycle_trend > 0 ? "▼" : "△")
table.cell(mainTrending, 0, 3,
text="平均周期: " + str.tostring(array.avg(cycles), "#.#")+ "/" + str.tostring(last_bar_index - bar - count_zero)+ "足中",
text_color=color.new(color.orange, transp = 20),
bgcolor=color.new(color.black, 80),
str.tostring(str.format_time(time[last_bar_index - bar - count_zero], "M/d H:mm (E)", syminfo.timezone)) + " からカウント"+ "\n" +
"トレンド予想カウント σ-" + str.tostring(trend_sigma) + ":" + str.tostring(array.avg(trend_sigma_a) - array.stdev(trend_sigma_a) * trend_sigma, "#.#") + " ~ " +
" σ+" + str.tostring(trend_sigma) + ":" + str.tostring(array.avg(trend_sigma_a) + array.stdev(trend_sigma_a) * trend_sigma, "#.#")
// 標準偏差からシグマ範囲を先行塗りつぶし バックグラウンドカラー
if show_trend_sigma and bar_index > bar
int sss = array.avg(trend_sigma_a) > array.stdev(trend_sigma_a) * trend_sigma ? int(array.avg(trend_sigma_a)) - int(array.stdev(trend_sigma_a)) * trend_sigma : 1
var sigma_box = box.new(na,na,na,na,na, bgcolor = cycle_trend > 0 ? trend_sigma_up_color : trend_sigma_down_color )
sigma_box.set_lefttop(last_bar_index + sss - cycle_counter , array.max(cycles) *1.2)
sigma_box.set_rightbottom(last_bar_index + array.avg(trend_sigma_a) + array.stdev(trend_sigma_a) * trend_sigma - cycle_counter, -10)
// vplume偏差値
stddev=(volume - array.avg(vol_stddev)) / array.stdev(vol_stddev)*10+50
// 出来高の偏差値をプロット
if alart_vol and stddev > data_stddev
alert("Trend Cycle Counter 出来高急騰 :" + str.tostring( math.pow((stddev - data_stddev) ,2)) , alert.freq_once_per_bar)
plot(show_stddev ? stddev < data_stddev ? 0 : math.pow((stddev - data_stddev) ,2) > array.max(cycles) * 2 ? array.max(cycles) *2 : math.pow((stddev - data_stddev) ,2) : na, color=stddev_color, title="出来高の偏差値")