














(1)   スピリチュアリティと心理学


(2)   スピリチュアリティの歴史的経緯


(3)   伝統宗教との関係








(1) Spirituality and Psychology

Spirituality is a term that tries to capture religion in a broad sense in accordance with the characteristics of the human side. Individuals have come to prefer the attitude of viewing and describing their religious experiences as psychological events, and attention has been drawn to conversion and mystical experiences. An example is transpersonal psychology, which has developed since the 1970s as a school of psychology that believes spirituality is the core issue in psychotherapy.

(2) Historical background of spirituality

The term "spirituality" is said to have originated in France in the 17th century, when it came to be used as something that was compatible with the term "mysticism. It was typically found in monasteries. For example, since 1979, there has been a series of attempts to have Zen monks in Japan and Catholic monks and nuns in Europe experience each other's practices. In the 1950s and 1960s, Christianity also became deeply involved in the daily lives of ordinary believers.

(3) Relationship with traditional religions

There is an increasing number of people who belong to a particular traditional religion and maintain their faith, but who also respect spirituality as a matter unique to that religion. This is distinguished from new spirituality. Religion" is seen in terms of systems, while "spirituality" is seen in terms of individual experiences, qualities, and characteristics. Both are matters of "relationship to the sacred.

<My own view

 If anything, the concept of spirituality has been used to spread religion in many aspects. In order for Christianity to spread, it was of course necessary to increase the number of believers, and maintaining the economic margin of the cult was very important along with the expansion of the money economy. Therefore, when they tried to attract followers (money collection system), they needed a concept that contradicted or was compatible with their own religion, and they created a concept (spirituality) that was just right. Speaking of spirituality, there may be a clever strategy to use the religious element as a cover and an opportunity to incorporate it into the cult.

 In the past, religious beliefs may have been a common means of dealing with life, death, terminal care, and other events that people face, accepting that they will disappear while accepting them. On the other hand, in the modern age, the necessity of religion has become more diverse, and the economic aspects of religion have become easier to understand due to the disclosure of information, etc. For people who used to be able to blindly rely on various religions, it has become difficult to do so in the modern age when there are more choices and information. This is where the concept of spirituality has come to be used as an effective means of expanding the congealed thoughts in our brains at terminal moments and extraordinary events in our lives.

 For example, many people may have experienced the urge to visit a shrine or a local deity when something inconvenient happens to them. Somehow, although it does not go as far as religion, it may be some kind of spiritual event that makes you create your own rituals that are important to you.

 In this sense, spirituality has a lot of potential to be used in the future as a concept that can be accepted by many people, overcoming the division of religion.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
