
本人の声で語られるシリコンバレー神話 - Valley of Genius

今週の火曜日にWiredやMIT Technology Reviewの記事でおなじみの、Adam Fisherの「Valley of Genus」という本が出た。

The Uncensored History of Silicon Valley (As Told by the Hackers, Founders, and Freaks Who Made It Boom) という超長い副題つきなんだけれど、まさにその通り、「ハッカー、創業者、そして変わり者たち」であるシリコンバレーの神話の登場人物、スティーブ・ジョブズ、マーク・ザッカーバーグ、ラリー・ペイジ、セルゲイ・ブリン、アラン・ケイ、ビル・ゲイツ、ラリー・エリソン、その他数えきれないほどの人物のインタビューを再構成した本だ。



Adele Goldberg: It was very much a GUI demo.
Dan Ingalls: I was scrolling up some text and Steve said, “I really like this display.”
Alan Kay: At that time, when text scrolled it did so discretely: So jump, jump, jump, jump—like that.
Dan Ingalls: And Jobs said, “Would it be possible to scroll that up smoothly?”
Alan Kay: “Can you do it continuously?” Steve liked to pull people’s chains.
Dan Ingalls: Because it did look a little bit jerky, you know?
Alan Kay: So Dan or maybe Larry just opened up a Smalltalk window and—
Bruce Horn: —changed a few lines of code in Smalltalk, and in the blink of an eye it could do a smooth scroll.
Alan Kay: And so it was like, “Bingo!” And so Steve was impressed but he didn’t know enough to be really impressed. The other Apple people just shit in their pants when they saw this. It was just the best, best thing I’ve seen.



Andy Bechtolsheim: The question, of course, is, “How do you make money?” And the idea is, “Well, we’ll have these sponsored links and when you click on a link we’ll collect five cents.” And so I made this quick calculation in the back of my head: Okay, they are going to get a million clicks a day at five cents, that’s fifty thousand dollars a day—well, at least they won’t go broke.
David Cheriton: Andy just got up and walked back to his Porsche, if not ran, from the porch to the Porsche, that is, got the checkbook, came back, and wrote them this check.
Sergey Brin: He gave us a check for a hundred thousand dollars, which was pretty dramatic. The check was made out to “Google Inc.,” which didn’t exist at the time, which was a big problem.
Larry Page: We didn’t have a checking account, we didn’t have a company, we didn’t have anything.
David Cheriton: Andy just handed them the money: “Let’s work out the details later; let’s get going.



“Mike Slade: A phone call comes in and it was Steve, and I go, “Hi, Steve,” and he was pretty sick and he goes, “I’m supposed to meet with Bill in like an hour,” and I go, “I know, I set it up—remember?” And he goes, “What does he want?” Because he thought Bill wanted to give him the whole big giving-pledge thing and Steve didn’t want to do that shit, and I’m like, “No, he just wants to hang out with you, really!” And he goes like, “Bill Gates wants to hang out?” Because Bill is not a hang-out kind of a guy. 


And I go, “Yes, he really does!” And he goes, “We’re scheduled for ninety minutes—that’s not enough time to hang out.” And I go, “Just go with it. What’s the worst that’s going to happen? Give him a Diet Coke and he’ll be on his way! You should do this, you know?” And he goes, “Okay. Talk to you later. Bye.” I think Bill stayed for three or four hours. It was a long time, and he was really happy he did it, let’s put it that way. 


Bill Gates: We laughed about how fortunate it was that he met Laurene, and she’s kept him semisane, and I met Melinda, and she’s kept me semisane. We also discussed how it’s challenging to be one of our children, and how do we mitigate that? It was pretty personal.


