【一筆珈琲店】Back Number #536-540☕

画像1 【一筆珈琲店】は、2019年9月25日に『アメブロ』開店し、おかげさまで3周年を迎えました ♡ 『note』では、これまで綴ってきた ”一筆” を週末に掲載しています🖋  “一杯の珈琲”のように、ホッとリラックスした気持ちや、じんわりと元気が湧く感じを味わっていただけましたら店主冥利です 今後ともよろしくお願いいたします by 店主
画像2 ☕普通の自分 = Be ourself 536  Are there any situations where being ourself can get us in trouble? I think it's okay to be ourself, without being uptight or pretentious. Have a nice day ★ 2021-10-13
画像3 ☕困難なとき = Facing difficulties 537  Facing difficulties are when we are experiencing the real of life, aren't they? Have a nice day ★ 2021-10-14
画像4 ☕カルピスとウォーター = CALPIS and Water 538  To make delicious Calpis, the distribution of its undiluted solution and water is important. I think the same can be said for the distribution of things to do and time. Have a nice day ★ 2021-10-15
画像5 ☕習慣化 = Making a habit of it 539  If you really want to do something, set a time to do it, and make it a habit, it will prevent you from stealing time! Have a nice day ★ 2021-10-18
画像6 ☕サイン = Sign 540  There are times when people communicate with us not with words, but with signs. I would like to be able to notice them and accept them. Have a nice day ★ 2021-10-19
画像7 【Coffee Break】#29 ☕『ピノキオ』 -大山- ◎ホットケーキ ◎ブレンドコーヒー https://tabelog.com/tokyo/A1322/A132203/13088456/
