【一筆珈琲店】Back Number #161-170☕

画像1 2019-09-25 に始めたブログ【一筆珈琲店】が、一周年を迎えたことを機に、これまでしたためた “一筆の想い” を、2020-09-25よりnoteでもアップはじめます♬ どうぞよろしくお願いします★ by 店主
画像2 ☕社内見学 = In-house tour 161  Daily work can also be improved by incorporating the perspectives of outside visitors. Have a nice day ★ 2020-03-17
画像3 ☕フリーズタイム = Freeze time 162  If we have a lot of things to do, it's likely to freeze, but first of all, let's choose one and act. Have a nice day ★ 2020-03-18
画像4 ☕自分物語 = My story 163  What kind of story would it be if we made a book about our life so far ? Have a nice day ★ 2020-03-19
画像5 ☕100日後に死ぬワニ Ⅰ = Crocodile Die After 100 Days Ⅰ 164  Even if it's not a big work, if we have great themes, we can attract people. Have a nice day ★ 2020-03-22
画像6 ☕100日後に死ぬワニ Ⅱ = Crocodile Die After 100 Days Ⅱ 165  Ordinary everyday life feels lovable and brilliant in the face of death. Have a nice day ★ 2020-03-22
画像7 ☕100日後に死ぬワニ Ⅲ = Crocodile Die After 100 Days Ⅲ 166  It's the situation of the new Corona, so it might be a good idea for us to also give shape to our creativity, as in the story of Crocodile. Have a nice day ★ 2020-03-22
画像8 ☕100日後に死ぬワニ Ⅳ = Crocodile Die After 100 Days Ⅳ 167  This story is meaningful because it lasted for 100 days, one episode a day. That is because daily changes and accumulations produce the taste of life. Have a nice day ★ 2020-03-22
画像9 ☕新旧の子どもたち = Old and new children 168  When I saw the children playing happily in the park, I thought they were not so different from the old children, and I felt smiled. Have a nice day ★ 2020-03-23
画像10 ☕絶妙のタイミング = Exquisite timing 169  Even in a complicatedly intertwined situation, if we judge calmly, we should be able to find a way. Have a nice day ★ 2020-03-24
画像11 ☕想いは共通 = Common purpose 170  We're happy if the direction we're aiming for is the same as the direction our affiliation is aiming for. Have a nice day ★ 2020-03-25
画像12 【Recommended Book】#3 ☕『人生はニャンとかなる!』 -文響社- ~ ニャンコと名言に癒されます♡ ~ https://bunkyosha.com/books/9784905073048
