
日本一の松、善峯寺の「遊龍の松」 "Yuryu no Matsu" at Yoshimine-dera, the best pine in Japan


At Yoshimine-dera Temple in Nishiyama, Kyoto, which I visited the other day, there is "Yuryu no Matsu (natural monument)" which is said to be the best pine in Japan.
Passing through the mountain gate and going to the right of the main hall (Kannon-do) in front of you, there is a trunk that is the core of the main hall, and it spreads to the left and right in front of the Taho-to and Kyodo. The height is only 2 to 3 m, but the trunk that crawls on the ground extends about 40 m to the left and right. It seems that it has come to be called "Yuryu" because its long trunk looks like a playing dragon.


Pine is likened to a dragon, and is often planted in temples as a guardian deity that protects Buddhism and as a god of water. We often see black pine, red pine and five-leaf pine, but the pine here at Yoshimine-dera is five-leaf pine. It is a 600-year-old large tree that continues to protect the various temples of Yoshimine-dera.


By the way, it is said to be one of the three major pine trees in Kyoto, but this "Yuryu no Matsu", "Rikushu no Matsu" at Kinkaku-ji Temple, and "Goyo no Matsu" at Hosen-in Temple. Please visit if you have the opportunity.





レポート & 写真 / 渡邉雄二   Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe
