八幡神社の遺構など、歴史的存在感を現す 【浄土寺】 Shows a historical presence, such as the remains of Hachiman Shrine [Jodoji]
The main shrine and worship hall of Hachiman Shrine are located in the center of the Jodo-ji temple. It is a hall with a profound feeling that makes you feel the annual rings of the times.
According to the materials, the hall of worship was built about 800 years ago during the Muromachi period. It is a remnant of the Shinto-Buddhist practice from around the Heian period, but since God was the main era during this period, it was built in the Jodo-ji temple because the Chogen Shonin who built the Jodo-ji temple emphasized the Hachiman faith. It remains as the remains hall.
The main shrine is a cypress-roofed roof made of a material obtained by molding the bark of cypress using a typical construction method in the middle of the Muromachi period and is characterized by its elegant curves.
The hall of worship is a hipped roof and is a split hall of worship. There is a dirt floor in the center of the hall and it is a passage. It is a Japanese-Tang eclectic building that is often used in the Muromachi period due to its design such as the slope of the roof and the wooden nose crotch (the nuki sticks out from the pillar / the frog's crotch-like stand).
Not only the national treasure Jodo-do, but also the historical presence of many buildings that exist in the temple is transmitted.
リポート& 写真/ 渡邉雄二 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe