
晴れた日の夕刻、黄金に輝く三尊像が現れる 「極楽山 浄土寺」  In the evening of a sunny day, a golden statue of Sanson appears "Gokurakuzan Jodo-ji"

神戸・新開地より神戸電鉄で約1時間、神戸市から約30キロ北西に位置する小野市にある「極楽山 浄土寺」に数年越しの参拝が実現した。

About an hour by Kobe Dentetsu Railway from Shinkaichi, Kobe, l have been able to worship at "Gokurakuyama Jodo-ji" in Ono City, which is located about 30 km northwest of Kobe City, for several years.


This Jodo-ji temple was opened by Chogen Shonin in the early Kamakura period. The Jodo hall, which was built in 1192 and remains as it was, is built in the architectural style of "Daibutsuyo (Tenjikuyo)", which was handed down from China by Chogen Shonin. One of the features of this style is that there is no ceiling and the attic such as rafters can be seen, and a method called Nuki (horizontal material that passes between vertical timbers) is used. It is a national treasure hall built in an architectural style that is rare in Japan, along with the Nandaimon Gate of Todai-ji Temple.


In addition to the Jodo hall I was looking forward to seeing the national treasure "Amitabha triad statue" enshrined in the hall. Amida Nyorai stands in the center of the temple, and the Kanzeon Bodhisattva and Mahasthamaprapta statues stand on both sides of the temple. The statue of Amida Nyorai in the center is 5m30cm, and the statues on both sides are 3m70cm high Buddha statues. It is surprisingly high for the principal image of a normal temple, and if the three statues are illuminated, it will be transformed into a magnificent Buddha.




I visited there to worship the magnificent Buddha, but unfortunately I couldn't see it that day. In fact, it can be seen in the evening on a sunny day. The sun shining through the fishing door, shitomido, which is a wooden lattice built behind the statue, is reflected on the floor, and the light hits the ceiling and falls on the statue. ing.
The scene creates a mysterious world that looks like a "Raigo" where Amitabha takes a bodhisattva and rides on a cloud to pick him up from the Saihojodo. Especially from summer to the equinoctial week, the sunlight is strong and you can experience the rare sight.


On the day I visited, I enjoyed looking up at the three statues in the dimly lit hall. I thought it would not be possible for everyone to see the inside of the hall because photography is prohibited, but due to the consideration of Jodo-ji, the photos were provided for me. Please take a look.





リポート/ 渡邉雄二 写真/ 浄土寺 Reported / Yuji Watanabe Photos by Jodo-ji Temple
