「くらしの中の仏さま」が、いつもそばに。【仏師】 Buddha in the living" is always near me.
I had the opportunity to visit again soon after visiting Seizan-sha last time. This time, we will have a hands-on experience of carving Jizo. A workshop called "Buddha in Life" that anyone can carve. I was looking forward to it because I wanted to try it.
At the beginning of the work, we first visited the production process of the Amida Nyorai sitting statue currently being produced on the second floor of the workshop (previous introduction), and about the restoration of the Buddha statue made about 900 years ago. We asked for information about the trees used.
Well, we started the work of carving the palm-sized Buddha, which is the main subject. The outline of the Buddha is written with a pencil on a small timber (cypress) that fits in the palm of our hand, and we carve along it.
削って、削って仏さまを彫っていく。いや、見つけていくという表現が正しいようである。角を取り、顔や身体の膨らみを付けていく。作業の難しさを痛感しながら、先生の教えのもと約3時間かかりやっと荒削り(写真)のところまで辿りついた。その日のワークショップの作業は終わり、仕上げは持ち帰っての作業になる。いままでの作業で手垢が着いている。これからの仕上げは仏様になっていく過程なので手袋を付けて丁寧に仕上げていく。さてさて出来上がるものか不安である。 現状は顔の輪郭が浮かび上がっている程度であるが、手のひらに置いてお顔を眺めているだけでも、気持ちが穏やかになっていく。不思議である。
Sharpen and carve the Buddha. No, the expression of finding it seems to be correct. The corners are removed and the bulges on the face and body are added. While feeling the difficulty of the work, it took about 3 hours under the teacher's instruction and finally reached the rough cutting (photo). The work of the workshop on that day is over, and the finish is working to take home. The work has been done so far. The finishing touches from now on will be the process of becoming a Buddha, so I will put on gloves and finish carefully. Now I'm worried whether it will be completed. At present, the outline of the face is visible, but just looking at the face in the palm of your hand will make you feel calm. It's strange.
手乗り地蔵 / the palm-sized Buddha
The shelf next to my desk is now in place. Although it is in a state of being brought home, I feel as if I was watching over with a smile as guardian Jizo.
レポート & 写真 & 制作 / 渡邉雄二
Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe