
お寺の風景Ⅲ 【天龍寺】  Temple scenery III [Tenryu-ji]


I remember the number of times I visited each temple in Kyoto strangely. However, I can't go back to the number of times I visited when I was a student. It was from the time when I got a feeling for the temple. This is the 5th visit to Tenryu-ji Temple in November this year.


Tenryu-ji is a world cultural heritage temple you know. For me, I have the impression that it is a temple of Daruma-san. Daruma-san wearing a red robe at the entrance to the shrine and Daruma-san wearing a yellow robe are hung on the large Shoin. Both are watching over the worshipers in the same way. And the Japanese garden "Sogenike Garden" is beautiful because it is said to be the highest peak of the Japanese garden. The garden was built by Muso Soseki, the first priest and garden maker, and the Takiishi-gumi, which is built from the north slope to the pond, is a symbol of the garden. Among them, the one that caught my eye was the sharply protruding stone set in the pond. The center is Shaka Nyorai, the stone on the left is Manjushri, and the front is Samantabhadra, which is called "Shaka Nyorai".





Another thing I'm looking forward to visiting the temple is the axis of the "delusion" hung in the Shoin. It is a word that is a commandment to a person with a delusional habit like me, in the sense that it is enormous to delusion, and I face it for a while in front of the axis.

ここ天龍寺もたくさんの文化財や歴史情報が詰まっている。京都嵯峨野に行く機会があれば、ぜひ立ち寄っていただきたい寺院である。私も来春には “春の嵯峨野” を散策してみようと思っている。

Tenryu-ji Temple is also packed with a lot of cultural assets and historical information. If you have a chance to go to Kyoto Sagano, this is a temple that you should definitely stop by. I'm thinking of taking a walk in "Spring Sagano" next spring.







リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe
