


TESS LAWRIE博士は、MHRA(医薬品・医療製品規制庁)の最高経営責任者であるJune Raine博士に手紙を送り、妊娠中の妊産婦死亡1例、死産12例、有害事象888,196例を含む、1,253人の死亡を理由にワクチンプログラムの即時停止を求めました。”



TESS LAWRIE博士は、MHRA(医薬品・医療製品規制庁)の最高経営責任者であるJune Raine博士に手紙を送り、妊娠中の妊産婦死亡1例、死産12例、有害事象888,196例を含む、1,253人の死亡を理由にワクチンプログラムの即時停止を求めました。

Evidence-based Medicine ConsultancyLimitedおよびEbMCSquared CiCのディレクターであるローリー博士は、Covid-19患者の早期治療のためのイベルメクチンの強力な提唱者です。

そして今、彼女はMHRAに、「臨床専門家と協力してデータの包括的で独立した正確な評価」を実行できるように、イエローカード有害事象データベースへのフルアクセスをEbMC SquaredCiCと共有するように促しました。




* 13,766の出血、凝固、および虚血性ADRが特定されました–そのうち856は致命的でした


* ADRの21%(185,474)が神経系障害として分類されました



* MHRA(医薬品・医療製品規制庁)は現在、イエローカードシステムに関して、COVID-19ワクチンが人間での使用に安全でないと宣言するのに十分な証拠を持っています。




Evidence-based Medicine ConsultancyLtdおよびEbMCSquared CiCのディレクターとして、2021年5月26日までのイエローカードデータに関するこの緊急の予備報告を皆さんと共有するために書いています。EbMCSquaredCiCはコミュニティ利益会社であることに注意してください。国民によって義務付けられ、公的寄付によって資金提供された研究を実施します。私たちは利益相反がなく、業界が資金提供する仕事に従事していません。




発生する有害事象の性質のより良い臨床的理解を促進するために、主に最前線の医師に通知するために、病理学固有のキーワードを使用してイエローカードレポートを検索し、以下の5つの広く臨床的に関連するカテゴリに従ってデータをグループ化しました。 :













免疫系のADRを特定するために、次の検索用語を使用しました。感染症(カテゴリ)、免疫障害(カテゴリ)、-炎。免疫、多発性硬化症、狼瘡、筋無力症、有害、糖尿病、アディソン、クローン病、セリアック病、墓、脱毛症、アミロイドーシス、抗リン脂質抗体症候群、血管浮腫、ベーチェット病、類天疱瘡、乾癬、無形成症、サルコイドーシス、硬化性皮膚炎、ギランバレー症候群、血小板減少症バレ; アレルギー*、じんましん、発疹、湿疹、喘息。


多くの「感染」カテゴリのADRは、帯状疱疹または帯状疱疹(1,827 ADR)、単純ヘルペス(943 ADR、1人の致命的)、狂犬病(1人の致命的ADR)感染などの潜伏ウイルスの再活性化の発生を示しました。これは、ワクチンによって誘発される免疫力の低下を強く示唆しています。ベル麻痺は、潜在的なウイルスの再活性化にも関連しており、このレポートの神経学的ADRセクションで報告されています(D)。また、ギランバレー症候群(280 ADR、6人の死亡)、クローン病および非感染性大腸炎(231 ADR、2人の死亡)、多発性硬化症(113 ADR)など、ワクチン誘発性の免疫不全を示唆するものが多数報告されました。 )。




痛みのADRは、合計で少なくとも157,579 ADR(18%)を占めました。これらの多くは、関節痛(関節痛– 24,902 ADR)および筋肉痛(筋肉痛– 31,168 ADR)であり、線維筋痛症(270 ADR)は、全身に痛みを引き起こす長期的な状態です。先天性障害(通常は出生時から存在する状態)の中で、発作性激痛障害(PEPD)の報告が11件ありました。これは、電圧ゲートナトリウムチャネルの機能不全につながる遺伝子変異によって引き起こされる非常にまれな遺伝性疾患です。頭が痛みの最も一般的な場所でしたが、腹痛、目の痛み、胸痛、四肢の痛み、および痛みが想像できる他の場所が報告されました。頭痛は90,000回以上報告され、4人の死亡に関連していました(他の原因によると報告された死亡を除く、


神経系障害(カテゴリー)のADRを調べることに加えて、次の検索用語を使用して、特に麻痺、神経変性、およびけいれん性ADRを含む神経学的ADRSを次のように特定しました:(麻痺)、麻痺、不全麻痺、神経障害、失禁、ギラン-バレ、ミラーフィッシャー、多発性硬化症; (神経変性)脳症、認知症、運動失調、脊髄性筋萎縮症、せん妄、パーキンソン; (発作)、けいれん、発作、発作、-lepsy







2021年5月26日までの英国では、ワクチン接種を受けた妊婦がワクチン接種を受けた人口のわずかな割合を占めていることを考えると、妊産婦死亡1人、死産12人(死産6人、死産6人と報告)を含む多数の妊娠ADR(307 ADR)があるようです。妊産婦死亡、ただし致命的(?))として記載されているのは3例のみ、早産後の新生児死亡は1例、自然流産は150例です。妊産婦死亡の原因についてFOIリクエストを提出しました。次のレポートでは、妊娠と先天性ADRについて詳しく調べます。

この迅速なレポートの制限このレポートは包括的ではなく、イエローカードデータの分析が進行中です。検索用語を定義するプロセスは反復的であり、それが臨床医と科学者の間の議論の基礎を提供すると信じています。異なるワクチン間でADRの頻度を比較していません。ただし、ADRは、現在英国で使用されている特定のワクチンブランド(AstraZenenca、Pfizer、Moderna)またはタイプ(mRNAおよびDNA)に限定されていなかったという印象があります。世界保健機関のファーマコビジランスデータベース(www.Vigiaccess.org)で報告された英国のADRdataミラーデータ)。後者については、これまでに報告されたADRのほとんど(941,774 ADRと5,474人の死亡)が18〜44歳と45〜64歳のカテゴリー(それぞれ38%と35%)の個人で発生しています。報告されたADRの大部分(72%)は女性の間で発生しています。残念ながら、データが不足しているため、年齢と性別で英国イエローカードのデータを調べることができませんでした。

ファーマコビジランスデータの限界を認識しており、報告された副作用に関する情報は、問題の医薬品が一般に観察された効果を引き起こす、または使用するのが安全でないことを意味すると解釈されるべきではないことを理解しています。完全な調査が行われている間、ワクチン接種の展開の中止につながるはずの情報を伝達する緊急の必要性のために、この予備報告を共有しています。Seneff and Nighによる最近の論文(1)によると、潜在的な急性および長期の病状には以下が含まれます。











ファーマコビジランスデータは大幅に過少報告されていることが知られているため、MHRAはこれらのADRデータを緊急に公表し、人々のADR報告を支援して、問題の範囲の完全な解明と明確化を促進することをお勧めします。 COVID-19ワクチンがヒトでの使用に安全でないと宣言するイエローカードシステムに関する証拠。COVID-19ワクチンによって害を受けた人々を支援し、中長期的な影響を予測して改善するための人道的取り組みを拡大するための準備を行う必要があります。ワクチンによる害のメカニズムはCOVID-19自体と類似しているように見えるため、これにはCOVID-19の治療に成功した専門知識を持つ多くの国際的な医師や科学者との関わりが含まれます。





EbMC Squared CiCは、さらなる分析を支援するために引き続きサービスを提供します。イエローカードデータベースへのフルアクセスをお願いします。これにより、臨床専門家と協力して行われるイエローカードデータの包括的で独立した正確な評価が可能になります。



Evidence-based Medicine ConsultancyLtdおよびEbMCSquaredCiCのディレクター




Dr Tess Lawrie demands Dr June Raine the Chief Exec of MHRA halts the Covid Vaccine programme immediately due to severe Adverse Reactions and Deaths

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DR TESS LAWRIE has written to Dr June Raine, the chief executive of the MHRA, calling for an immediate halt to the vaccine programme citing 1,253 deaths, including one maternal death in pregnancy, 12 stillbirths and 888,196 adverse events.

Dr Lawrie, director at Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy Limited and EbMC Squared CiC, has been a strong advocate of ivermectin for the early treatment of Covid-19 patients.

And now she has urged the MHRA to share with EbMC Squared CiC full access to the Yellow Card adverse event database in order that they can run a “comprehensive, independent and accurate evaluation of the data in collaboration with clinical experts”.

Buy us a coffee!
By Stefan Schultz

Dr Lawrie says the Yellow Card system should provide the MHRA with “an early warning that the safety of a medicine or a medical device may require further investigation”.Covid-19 vaccines in the UK only have Temporary Authorisation by the MHRA but have been deemed “safe and effective” for pregnant women – and this week the Pfizer vaccine was also deemed safe for children aged 12-15, with trials in the US taking place on children from newborn to 11 years old.

But Dr Lawrie states:

* 13,766 bleeding, clotting and ischaemic ADRs were identified – 856 of which were fatal

* thromboembolic ADRs have been reported in almost every vein and artery, including large vessels like the aorta, and in every organ including other parts of the brain, lungs, heart, spleen, kidneys, ovaries and liver, with life-threatening and life-changing consequences

* Twenty-one percent (185,474) of ADRs were categorized as Nervous System Disorders

* The majority of fatalities associated with Nervous System ADRs occurred as a result of central nervous system haemorrhages – 127 fatalities out of the 186 fatalities reported as Nervous System fatalities

* There were 4,771 reports of visual impairment including blindness

* The MHRA now has more than enough evidence on the Yellow Card system to declare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans

Here is the letter in full:

Dear Dr Raine,

RE: Urgent preliminary report of Yellow Card data up to 26th May 2021

As the Director of the Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy Ltd and EbMC Squared CiC, I am writing to share with you this urgent preliminary report on the Yellow Card data up to 26th May 2021. Please note that EbMC Squared CiC is a Community Interest Company that conducts research mandated by the public and funded by public donations. We have no conflicts of interest and do not engage in industry-funded work.

The MHRA describes the purpose of its Yellow Card system as providing “an early warning that the safety of a medicine or a medical device may require further investigation. It is important for people to report problems experienced with medicines or medical devices as these are used to identify issues which might not have been previously known about.”

Furthermore, the MHRA recognises that the conditions under which medicines are studied in clinical trials do not reflect how the medicines will be used in hospitals or clinical practice once they are rolled out. This Means that some adverse drug reactions “may not be seen until a very large number of people have received the medicine.”

The Covid-19 vaccines were rolled out in the UK on the 8th of December 2020. As of the 6th May 2021 nearly 39 million people have received their first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, and 24 million both doses. Sufficient data have now accumulated to get a good overview of adverse drug reactions (ADRs). I would, therefore, like to draw your attention to the high number of covid-19 vaccine-attributed deaths and ADRs that have been reported via the Yellow Card system between the 4th January 2021 and the 26th May 2021. In total, 1,253 deaths and 888,196 ADRs (256,224 individual reports) were reported during this period.

To facilitate a better clinical understanding of the nature of the adverse events occurring, primarily to inform doctors at the frontline, we have searched the Yellow Card reports using pathology-specific key words to group the data according to the following five broad, clinically relevant categories:

A. Bleeding, Clotting and Ischaemic ADRs

B. Immune System ADRs

C. ‘Pain’ ADRs

D. Neurological ADRs

E. ADRs involving loss of Sight, Hearing, Speech or Smell

F. Pregnancy ADRs

After running each search, we entered the results into an Excel spreadsheet, excluding ADRs that were clearly irrelevant or appeared in duplicate. These spreadsheets will be used going forward to facilitate the weekly monitoring of Yellow Card data. We recognise that keywords may need expanding to capture category relevant ADRs that may have been missed in this preliminary ADR scope and analysis.

A. Bleeding, Clotting and Ischaemic Adverse Drug Reactions

We used the following SEARCH TERMS to identify bleeding, clotting and ischaemic ADRs: bleed, haemo*, thrombo*, emboli*, coag*, death, ischaem*, infarct*, angina, stroke, cerebrovascular, CVA.

We included the term ‘death’ in this search group, as this term accounted for many reported fatalities (438) without specific details. Given the large number of fatalities without a specific cause of death, we considered that ADRs reported in this way, in particular as ‘sudden death’, would be most likely to occur from haemorrhagic, thrombo-embolic or ischaemic events. Given the seriousness of this ADR, we considered it justifiable to do this pending a Freedom of Information (FOI) request to clarify the cause of death in these 438 people.

Using these search terms, 13,766 bleeding, clotting and ischaemic ADRs were identified – 856 of which were fatal. Government reports have highlighted the occurrence of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, apparently accounting for 24 fatalities and 226 ADRs up to the 26th May 2021.However, our analysis indicates that thromboembolic ADRs have been reported in almost every vein and artery, including large vessels like the aorta, and in every organ including other parts of the brain, lungs, heart, spleen, kidneys, ovaries and liver, with life-threatening and life-changing consequences. The most common Yellow Card categories affected by these sorts of ADRs were the nervous system (152 fatalities, mainly from brain bleeds and clots), respiratory (with 103 fatalities, mainly from pulmonary thromboembolism) and cardiac categories (81 fatalities).

B. Immune System Adverse Drug Reactions (Infection, Inflammation,Autoimmune, Allergic)

We used the following SEARCH TERMS to identify immune system ADRs: INFECTION (category), IMMUNE DISORDERS (category), -itis; immun, multiple sclerosis, lupus, myasthenia, pernicious, diabetes, Addison, Crohn’s, Coeliac, Graves, alopecia, amyloidosis, antiphospholipid, angioedema, Behcet’s, pemphigoid, psoriasis, aplasia, sarcoidosis, scleroderma, thrombocytopenia, vitiligo, Miller Fisher, Guillain-Barre; allerg*, urticaria, rash, eczema, asthma.

To the 26th May, a total of 54,870 ADRs and 171 fatalities fell into this category, which comprised the second most common cause of post-vaccination fatalities after ‘Bleeding, Clotting and Ischaemic ADRs’. However, only 4 associated fatalities were reported under the Yellow card ‘IMMUNE DISORDERS’ category, with the majority (141 fatalities associated with 19,474 ADRs) reported under the ‘INFECTIONS’ category. Among 1,187 people for whom post-vaccination COVID infection was reported, there were 72 fatalities (6% of reported COVID infection ADRs).

Many ‘INFECTION’ category ADRs indicated the occurrence of re-activation of latent viruses, including Herpes Zoster or shingles (1,827 ADRs), Herpes Simplex (943 ADRs, 1 fatal), and Rabies (1 fatal ADR) infections. This is strongly suggestive of vaccine-induced immune-compromise.Bell’s palsy, also associated with latent virus reactivation, is reported in the Neurological ADRs section of this report (D). Also suggestive of vaccine-induced immunocompromise was the high number of immune-mediated conditions reported, including Guillain-Barré Syndrome (280 ADRs, 6 deaths), Crohn’s and non-infective colitis (231 ADRs, 2 deaths) and Multiple Sclerosis (113 ADRs).

Allergic responses to the vaccines comprised 25,270 reported ADRs, with 4 fatalities occurring among 1,001 people experiencing anaphylactic reactions.

C. ‘Pain’ Adverse Drug Reactions

We used the following SEARCH TERMS to identify pain ADRs: pain, -algia.

Pain ADRs accounted for at least 157,579 ADRs (18%) in total. A large number of these were arthralgias (joint pains – 24,902 ADRs) and myalgias (muscle pains – 31,168 ADRs), including fibromyalgia (270 ADRs), a long-term condition that causes pain all over the body. Among Congenital Disorders (usually conditions present from birth) there were 11 reports of Paroxysmal Extreme Pain Disorder (PEPD), which is an extremely rare inherited disease caused by a genetic mutation leading to dysfunction of voltage-gated sodium channels. The head was the most common location for pain, but abdominal pain, eye pain, chest pain, pain in extremities, and anywhere else that pain can be imagined was reported. Headaches were reported more than 90,000 times and were associated with death in four people (excluding deaths reported to be from other causes, that may also have involved headache).

D. Neurological Adverse Drug Reactions

In addition to examining ADRs in the NERVOUS SYSTEM DISORDERS (category), we used the following SEARCH TERMS to identify neurological ADRS specifically involving paralysis,neurological degeneration, and convulsive ADRs as follows: (paralysis), palsy, paresis,neuropathy, incontinence, Guillain-Barre, Miller Fisher, multiple sclerosis; (neurodegeneration)encephalopathy, dementia, ataxia, spinal muscular atrophy, delirium, Parkinson; (seizure),convuls, seizure, fit, -lepsy

Twenty-one percent (185,474) of ADRs were categorized as Nervous System Disorders in theYellow Card system. A wide variety of neurological ADRs were noted, including 1,992 ADS involving seizures and 2,357 ADRs involving some form of paralysis, including Bell’s palsy (626ADRs). Other ADRs involving encephalopathy (18), dementia (33), ataxia (34), spinal muscular atrophy (1), Parkinson’s (18) and delirium (504) may reflect post-vaccination neurodegenerative pathology.

The majority of fatalities associated with Nervous System ADRs occurred as a result of central nervous system haemorrhages – 127 fatalities out of the 186 fatalities reported as Nervous System fatalities. These 127 have been counted in group A (Bleeding, clotting and IschaemicADRs).More information is needed to determine the extent of the morbidity associated with this alarmingly large category of ADRs. Access to the full Yellow Card database and consultation with clinical specialists, along with follow up of these reports, is urgently needed.

E. Adverse Drug Reactions involving loss of sight, hearing, speech or smell

We used the following SEARCH TERMS: speech, taste, smell, olfactory, blind, sight, visual,vision, deaf, hearing.

There were 4,771 reports of visual impairment including blindness, 130 reports of speech impairment, 4,108 reports of taste impairment, 354 reports of olfactory impairment, and 704 reports of hearing impairment.

F. Pregnancy Adverse Drug Reactions

Given that vaccinated pregnant women comprise a small proportion of the vaccinatedpopulation in the UK up to 26th May 2021, there appear to be a high number of Pregnancy ADRs(307 ADRs), including one maternal death, 12 stillbirths (reported as 6 stillbirths and 6 foetaldeaths, but only 3 listed as fatal(?)), one newborn death following preterm birth, and 150spontaneous abortions. We have submitted a FOI request as to the cause of the maternal death and will look into pregnancy and congenital ADRs in more detail in our next report.

Limitations of this rapid reportThis report is not comprehensive, and analysis of Yellow Card data is ongoing. The process of defining the search terms was iterative and we trust that it provides a basis for discussion among clinicians and scientists. We have not compared the frequencies of ADRs between different vaccines; however, our impression is that ADRs were not limited to any particular vaccine brand(AstraZenenca, Pfizer and Moderna) or type (mRNA and DNA) currently used in the UK. UK ADRdata mirror data reported on the World Health Organization’s pharmacovigilance database (www.Vigiaccess.org). On the latter, most reported ADRs to date (941,774 ADRs and 5,474deaths) have occurred among individuals in the 18 to 44 years and 45 to 64 years of age categories (38% and 35%, respectively); the vast majority (72%) of reported ADRs have occurred among women. Unfortunately, we have been unable to examine the UK Yellow Card data according to age and gender due to lack of data availability.

We are aware of the limitations of pharmacovigilance data and understand that information on reported Adverse Drug Reactions should not be interpreted as meaning that the medicine in question generally causes the observed effect or is unsafe to use. We are sharing this preliminary report due to the urgent need to communicate information that should lead to cessation of the vaccination roll out while a full investigation is conducted. According to the recent paper bySeneff and Nigh (1), potential acute and long-term pathologies include:

• Pathogenic priming, multisystem inflammatory disease and autoimmunity

• Allergic reactions and anaphylaxis

• Antibody dependent enhancement

• Activation of latent viral infections

• Neurodegeneration and prion diseases

• Emergence of novel variants of SARSCoV2

• Integration of the spike protein gene into the human DNA

The nature and variety of ADRs reported to the Yellow Card System are consistent with the potential pathologies described in this paper and supported by other recent scientific papers on vaccine-induced harms, which are mediated through the vaccine spike protein product (2,3). It is now apparent that these products in the blood stream are toxic to humans. An immediate halt to the vaccination programme is required whilst a full and independent safety analysis is undertaken to investigate the full extent of the harms, which the UK Yellow Card data suggest include thromboembolism, multisystem inflammatory disease, immune suppression,autoimmunity and anaphylaxis, as well as Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE).

Due to the need for expedience, we have not detailed all ADRs in this preliminary report. The Existing Yellow Card data covering just under a five-month period indicate that the extent of morbidity and mortality associated with the COVID-19 vaccines is unprecedented.Age and gender specific data, as well as the time from vaccination, are required to further our analysis of these data and we have sent Freedom of Information Requests (FOIRs) to the MHRAin this regard.

In addition, urgent independent expert evaluation and discussion is required to assess whether the novel vaccines may be causing gene mutations among recipients, as suggested by the occurrence of usually extremely rare genetic disorders, such as Paroxysmal Extreme PainDisorder (PEPD). In addition to the 11 cases of PEPD on the Yellow Card system, there are currently 12 reports of this extremely rare condition on the WHO’s Vigiaccess.org database and10 on the European Medicines Agency’s (EUDRA) pharmacovigilance database. Are these ADRs occurring in babies of vaccinated pregnant women, or spuriously among vaccinated adults? This question needs urgent attention.

As pharmacovigilance data are known to be substantially under-reported, we recommend that the MHRA urgently publicises these ADR data and assists people with their ADR reporting, to facilitate full elucidation and clarification of the extent of the problem.The MHRA now has more than enough evidence on the Yellow Card system to declare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans. Preparation should be made to scale up humanitarian efforts to assist those harmed by the COVID-19 vaccines and to anticipate and ameliorate medium to longer term effects. As the mechanism for harms from the vaccine appears to be similar to COVID-19 itself, this includes engaging with numerous international doctors and scientists with expertise in successfully treating COVID-19.

There are at least 3 urgent questions that need to be answered by the MHRA:

1 How many people have died within 28 days of vaccination?

2 How many people have been hospitalised within 28 days of vaccination?

3 How many people have been disabled by the vaccination?

EbMC Squared CiC remains at your service to assist with further analysis. We kindly request full access to the Yellow Card database with immediate effect to enable a comprehensive,independent and accurate evaluation of the Yellow Card data, which will be undertaken in collaboration with clinical experts.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Tess Lawrie (MBBCh, PhD)

Director, Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy Ltd and EbMC Squared CiC

Bath, UK ”原文引用おわり















