
WaRCry #13大英帝国スペシャルチームについて


MI6 麾下大英帝國特殊魔導群「深淵なる観測者たち」

ディーの日誌によると天使語は神が世界創造に使用した言語で、神や天使と会話するためにアダムが使用し、そして万物全ての存在を名づけたものであると想定されている。アダムはエデンの園からの追放で言葉を失い、そしておぼろげな天使語の記憶を元に原ヘブライ語を作り出した。原ヘブライ語はバベルの塔で言語が混乱・分散してしまうまでの間「人類共通言語(en:universal human language)」だったものである。その後変形した(聖書ヘブライ語として知られる)ヘブライ語を含む、現在の人類全ての言語が作られた。天使が人間のために記録した『ロガエスの書』("Book of Loagaeth")(神からの言葉) に従うならば、アダムの時代からディーとケリーの時代まで、父祖エノクの例外を除いて天使語は人から隠されていた。 この本はノアの大洪水で再び失われてしまった。
ディーとケリーに啓示された天使言語は非常に限定的なテクスト・コーパス (言語資料) ひとつをカバーするのみである。加えて一部しか英語に翻訳されていない。1583年3月26日ケリーはこの言語の特徴である21文字のアルファベットの水晶球幻視を報告し、それからエノク語として知られることになる言語の受信が始まった。数日後ケリーが受信したのは天使言語と言われるもので記された最初のテクスト・コーパスとなった。
1583年からジョン・ディはエドワード・ケリーを通して大天使ウリエルと単独的に交信し、スクライング(アストラル幻視)によって「天使語 エノク語」を獲得した。



Their request is an order of Elizabeth I

MI6's troops "abyss of observers"
If the Mueller family, the eagle of the sword of the Bundeswehr, had been a secret existence produced in the 1930s by the Ardebarn Engineers and the Third Reich, then the British Empire's secret possession of the Great Empire Special Magic Group "abyss of observers" was out of the ordinary, and even if it was called the Magic Group, "abyss of observers" was a group of combatants composed of several members.
It was founded around 1580 AD by the 5th Tudor Elizabeth I (The Virgin Queen )and the mathematician John Dee.

Around 1570 AD, Elizabeth I ( The Virgin Queen) the 5th emperor of the Tudor Dynasty, gave a secret life to John Dee, a mathematician and mystic. It was to discover entities that would protect and trade with the British Empire for at least 1000 years.

When God sent "a good angel" to communicate with prophets directly, I wrote down the D in the individual diary for 1,581 years and have begun to mention it in searching knowledge through an angel.

The D saw the soul in 1582 and paired with person Edward Kelly (there was more than 2 another person before at least him).

The D saw the soul and it was stable and became able to communicate with an angel by cooperation of person Kelly for a long time, and a language of Enoch namely the language of the angel was included in the thing which, as a result, I received in that way.

According to the diary of the D, Adam uses the angel word to talk with God and an angel by the language that God used for world creation and the existence of all all things is assumed when I named it.

Adam was at a loss for words by exile from the Garden of Eden and created original Hebrew for the cause for memory of the vague angel word.

The original Hebrew was "the human common language" (en:universal human language) till a language was confused with Tower of Babel and dispersed.

The language of all the current human including the Hebrew that I transformed (known as the Bible Hebrew) was made afterwards.

From the times of Adam to D and the times of Kelly, the angel word was hidden except an exception of ancestors Enoch by a person if I followed "book of Loagaeth" which an angel recorded for a human being ("Book of Loagaeth") (words from God).

This book has been lost by a deluge of Noah again.

The angel language revealed by D and Kelly covers very restrictive text corpus (corpus) one.

In addition, it is translated into English only partly.

Kelly reported the crystal ball visual hallucination of the alphabet of 21 characters characterizing this language on March 26, 1583, and then the reception of the language that would be known as Enoch word began.

The John D communicated with archangel Uriel through Edward Kelly solely from 1583and acquired "angel word Enoch word" by Scrying(astral visual hallucination).


At that time, several angels descended at the same time, and until the fall of the British Empire, the upper angels under the command of the archangel Uriel descended to the human world and received flesh under the sanction of Elizabeth I, who established a cooperative relationship with the existence of a different world on the condition that it should be the sole land of God. With the number of angels that descended at that time, the British Empire dedicated them as eternal guardians, gave them the title of aristocrat and praised them as the Great Britain Emperor's SpecialMagic Tactics Group "abyss of observers". Deep beneath the surface are sighted observers (Members) who have survived for more than 600 years in the secret service to the British Empire. Until the team was transferred to MI6, its existence was complemented by the Privy Council in the Middle Ages. In the 2400s, a complex and delicate relationship began to fall on the life forms of the British Empire Special Magic Tactics Group "abyss of observers".

Although they belong to MI6, in an emergency they can call for all British, Army, Navy and Air Support and their requests must take precedence over anyone else's orders.

Their request is an order of Elizabeth I


