
WarCry #18マルセイユ・ダイナーレストラン



#WaR_Cry The setting is factual fiction.

マルセイユ・ダイナー(Marseille diner)レストランについて

マルセイユ・ダイナーの運用は、フランス特殊作戦司令部(とくしゅさくせんしれいぶ、Commandement des opérations spéciales:COS)とフランス対外治安総局(たいがいちあんそうきょく、Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure; DGSE)、世界でも有能なバチカン市国の諜報機関であるサンタ・ アリアンザ(Santa Alianza)が関与している。



It is a local restaurant chain of Marseilles that has expanded to over 100 countries around the world based in Marseilles, France since the latter half of 2000.
Taste and familiarity Customer service has a reputation and attracts many people around the world, but the behind-the-scenes work is their main business, and they are a private military company(Union)that the French government and Vatican City are secretly supporting.

The French government and the Vatican City government pretend that they don't notice anything and have a cleaner team "Marseille Diner" involved in SCP, extraterrestrial life, military magic, supernatural powers, supernatural life (angel), incidents and conflicts with the supersciences.

The French government and the Vatican City always benefit from pretending to be the weak.

However, adopting such a strategy is a means for the French government and the Vatican City to deal with and deal with superpowers, supernatural phenomena, and phenomena beyond the bounds of common sense physics, and it is not cowardly at all.

The operation of Marseille Diner involves France's Special Operations Command (Commandement des opérations spéciales: COS), France's Directorate General of External Security (Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extremérieure; DGSE), and Santa Alianza, the Vatican's globally competent intelligence service.

Santa Arianza was founded by Pope Pius 5 in 1566, and is said to have been created to restrain Protestants in Britain who were growing under Elizabeth 1. It is said that it was the beginning of Vatican intelligence agency Santa Alianza that sent Italian missionaries to collect information.

Marseille Diner is called the Union (Union) from the special operations personnel who belong to it, and almost all the weapons, ammunition, supplies, helicopters, tanks, fighter planes, and other necessary items necessary for the operation are procured by Marseille Diner in a short time, regardless of the location of the operation personnel. To prevent the involvement of the French government and the Vatican City government, weapons that have been subjected to information laundering will be used.
Although the French government and the Vatican City government have provided funds for the operation, there is no evidence that the French government and the Vatican City government were involved in the operation when it failed.

The reward for participation in the operation is offered according to the difficulty of the operation, and it is announced to the affiliated agents such as freelancers all over the world, and the group who accepts the conditions takes charge of the operation.

Like Japan, the United States and the Great American Empire, the French government, which has lagged behind in the study of psychics and paranormal life, is also developing weapons and tactics that do not rely on the PSI, such as how to deal with the extraneous.
