未来の人類の災厄 天使や神である。
War Cryの世界観では主に、地球人は、創世記にグノーシスの叡智を手にした事で異性体の代理戦争の肩代わりを担わされており、ヤハウェ(絶対主)の支配下にある者、アウセクリス(熾天使ルシファー)の支配下にある者、ポラリス(熾天使メタトロン)の共存下にある者で、異性体の閥が別れている。
War Cry Setting
It is an Archangel (Archangel-class).
They are about 1.5to 4 meters in length, wearing battle assault armor, and are archangels with two wings, and were beings that created earthlings in Eden, which existed in Africa in the prehistoric times, and guided and used mankind.
They are so-called outer space humans, with bodies different from those of humans. The distinction between men and women exists.
In the world view of War Cry, mainly earthlings are made to shoulder the proxy war for isomers because they got Gnosys' wisdom in Genesis, and those under the control of Yahweh (absolute master), those under the control of Auseclis (seraph lucifer), those under the coexistence of Polaris (seraph metatron), and the cliques of isomers (angel) are separated.
The 【Abyssof Observers 】was a powerful isomeric group that had been under the influence of Yahweh's side since the Middle Ages, contracted by Elizabeth I to guard the British government, and had existed on Earth for so long that they behaved in a freewheeling and erratic .
(In the course of writing)