
WarCry #12日本皇国の成立やあるキャラクター設定など1

WaRCry#12日本皇国自衛軍素戔嗚特殊作戦群 「剣聖」零距離戦術教導官「侍」
ミア・ミューラー准尉 EU圏ドイツ出身
(零距離戦術装甲スーツ不着用時/ 国外に両親、姉妹あり)


好きなもの;アニメ、日本国、銃火器類、日本刀、和菓子、家族、ドイツ、動物 嫌いなもの;米帝

Susanoo Special Operations Group Sword Zero Distance Tactical Teaching Officer Samurai ’Mia Mueller’(warrant officer)
Born in Germany in the European Union、Berlin

(Photo: Zero Distance Tactical Without Armored Suit/Parents and Sisters Overseas)

In she mid-teens, she participated in the First Imperial War from abroad as a volunteer soldier on the Japanese side, and Japan collapsed at the end of the war.
The national administration underwent a drastic change due to the new generation and the historical background, and some of the regents were returned to the Imperial Family as a symbol of the national integration, and "Japan" was established. After the war ceasefire, volunteer soldiers who participated in the war on the Japanese side were given honor and gained "Japanese Imperial Freedom and Honorary Citizenship". After that, he entered Imperial Japanese Self-Defense Force Military Academy, and was assigned to "Susanoo Special Operations Group" after graduating from military academy.
After engaging in each special operation, she was transferred to Susanoo's Agressa unit "zero distance tactical instruction group", and she was one of the 4 swordsmen.
After she was transferred to Moritani's private secret unit, she was appointed "zero distance tactical instructor" and engaged in secret operations.
She was used to fighting at an early age, was equipped with supernatural fighting power, physical ability and swordsmanship, and understood more than seven languages.

favourite thing;:Anime, Japan, firearms, Japanese swords, Japanese sweets, family, Germany, animals.

I don't like it. :American Emperor

The photo model image was purchased at R 123.


