
WaRCry #10日本皇国の守護神森谷綾那1佐の極秘部隊について

日本皇国 素戔嗚特殊作戦群 剣聖 零距離戦術教導官「侍」

日本皇国上帝陛下より御裁可を頂き森谷 綾那一尉が創設した彼女の私設部隊兼非公式部隊、森谷一尉(イエスキリストの生まれ変わりでPolarisの契約者の1人)が日本皇国自衛軍対戦闘機動外骨格特殊部隊「素戔嗚」アグレッサー部隊から選抜した4人の選抜兵で日本皇国の陸海の特殊部隊で対応が不可能な超非合法作戦を森谷と共に総て担う。零距離戦術、射撃、剣武術、サバイバル、判断力、意志力、忠誠心、任務遂行能力全てにおいてSSS+++の4人、日本皇国民から「剣聖」と称せられ、敵からは、「4人の悪魔」と称せられている、上帝陛下・上皇后陛下の護衛任務等も行う。森谷同様、GAEの特殊暗殺部隊「執行者」などと互角もしくはそれ以上に渡り合える4人で日本皇国全特殊作戦グループの教官でもある。森谷並び4人の剣聖は我が身がどうなろうと軍事作戦に係る事であれば無私の心を持つ今上陛下のどのような勅命も拒否する事は絶対的にしない。また、陛下より森谷の命令は勅命と同等であるとの御裁可を頂戴している。森谷と、「侍」がアメリカ合衆国政府の要請を受けて米の軍事作戦に協力し傭兵として参加することもある。日本皇国が後に近接型の騎兵を運用し始めた時にも、騎兵の近接戦闘の剣武術戦技支援用量子電算機のAIの思考性や運動反応リアクターは、森谷と「剣聖」たちの考えや動きを反映したものとなった。
The Japanese Empire Special Operations Group Ken Sei Distance Tactical Teaching Officer "Samurai"

The private and unofficial units, which were set up by Ayana MORITANI (the reincarnation of Jesus Christ and one of the contractors of Polaris) with the approval of the Emperor, consisted of 4 members selected from the Special Forces for Combat and Mobile Exoskeleton "Susanoo" of the Self-Defense Forces of Japan, and together with MORITANI engaged in illegal activities that could not be handled by the Special Forces of the Army and Navy. The 4 members of SSS +++ are called "Kensei" by the Japanese and "Four Devils" by the enemy in all aspects of distance zero, shooting, swordsmanship, survival, judgment, willpower, loyalty and mission performance. Like Moritani, he had 4 elite members, which surpassed the GAE Special Assassination Unit "executor", and They also worked as instructors for the All Japanese Imperial self-defense military Special Operations Group.Moritani and the 4 "Kensei" would execute any imperial decree issued by the present Emperor. Also in Moritani's orders have the same effect as imperial orders. and the Emperor allowed it. At the request of the U.S. government, Moritani and the "samurai" cooperate with U.S. military operations and sometimes participate as mercenaries. Later, when the Japanese Imperial Government started operating the short-range cavalry, the quantum computers that supported the martial arts and swordsmanship were equipped with AI ideas and motion response devices, and Moritani's ideas, actions, and movements and thoughts of "Kensei" were also reflected.

※ Kensei is one of the titles, and refers to a person who is good at swordsmanship and has mastered the secrets of swordsmanship, and few people can call himself Kensei.(剣聖)

