
War Cry35 #ツングースカの神アウセクリス(熾天使ルシファー/Lucifer)

1908年1908年6月30日7時2分(現地時間)頃、ロシア帝國領中央シベリア、エニセイ川支流のポドカメンナヤ・ツングースカ川上流(現 ロシア連邦クラスノヤルスク地方)に飛來した異性体(ツングースカの大爆発事件)






アウセクリスの大帝国の主星はα星:レグルス (Regulus) 。しし座で最も明るい恒星で、全天21の1等星の1つで、ライオンの心臓とされる。名前はラテン語で「王」に相当する意味である。


帝政ロシア時代に∵ Auseklis∵が、最初に感応(憑依)した人間は、怪僧グリゴリー・エフィモヴィチ・ラスプーチンであるが、ロシア帝国の崩壊後は、ヨシフ・ヴィッサリオノヴィチ・スターリンに感応した。

The God(Angel) of Tunguska (Lucifer, Ausekris)
An isomeric body that flew into the upper reaches of the Podkamennaya-Tunguska River (now Krasnoyarsk Region of the Russian Federation) in the tributaries of the Enisei River in Central Siberia, Central Siberia of the Russian Empire, 1908, at about 7:02 a.m. (local time) (the Tunguska Explosion)

In Genesis, he was the angel who supported Yahweh with ∴Polaris∴ (Metatron), and was called the dawn star.

In the Book of Ezekiel, you were the epitome of all things. You were the epitome of wisdom and the height of beauty. I have placed you in the holy mountain of God with your anointed guardian, cherub. And you walked among the stones of fire. And his majesty is described.

It was this fierce angel who admonished Adam and Eve to eat the apple of wisdom in Eden before the original ∴Polaris∴ (Metatron).

Leading the ET tribe, Lucifer covers the entire "Leo", one of the 48 constellations of Tremy. The alpha star is one of the 21 stars in the sky and is called Regulus. The triangle formed by the β-star Denebola with the α-star Arcturus in Bootes and the α-star Spica in Virgo is called the spring triangle. The characteristic "?"? The array of stars whose form is inverted is called "Shishi no Okama". This is called "Toikageboshi" in some regions of Japan.

The main star of the Empire of Ausekris is Alpha Star Regulus. It is the brightest star in the constellation of Leo, one of the 21 first magnitude stars in the entire sky, and is considered to be the heart of a lion. Its name is the Latin equivalent of "king".

It rules over the Alien Federation/Empire throughout the constellation of Leo, and on Earth it has a contract and cooperative relationship with the "Russian Empire-Soviet Union-Russian Federation" in the main.

During the period of Imperial Russia, the first person Auseklis∵ inspired (possessed) was the monstrous monk Grigory Efimovich Rasputin, but after the fall of the Russian Empire, he was inspired (possessed) by Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin.
