
WarCry #30バチカン市国4theyes 退魔師部隊「静かなる者の剣と祈り」

#WaR_Cry The setting is factual fiction.

フォースアイズ市・バチカン市国 ローマ教皇庁直属 退魔師部隊


Force Eyes, le Vatican et l'unité de contre-magiciens directs du Saint-Siège, "Épée et prière du Silencieux".




Force Eyes, Vatican City, and the Holy See's Direct Counter-Magician Unit, "Sword and Prayer of the Quiet One.

Force Eyes, le Vatican et l'unité de contre-magiciens directs du Saint-Siège, "Épée et prière du Silencieux".

The unit directly under the Holy See in charge of maintaining security in the four theyes built under the Vatican after the Yalta talks, the PMC (Primary Military Company) of the Office of the President of the French Government
They are selected from employees of the "Marseille Diner" (Union) and agents of the Holy See's intelligence agency, "St. Alianza.

The inauguration of existence originated in the Middle Ages, when angels, demons, and ETs who invaded the earth using astral bodies were expelled or dealt with in the classical spiritual and physical ways that have been handed down to the Holy See since ancient times.

In modern times, incidents and accidents caused by paranormal life had decreased drastically, but after the Russian Empire's Tunguska explosion and several wars, the Singularity became more active, and after the 4thEyes was built after the Yalta Conference, it developed into a security guard and counter-paranormal unit that integrates and manages paranormal beings that invade the Earth.

The unit has developed a delicate and delicate relationship with each power.


