
WaRCry #11神との契約の種別と森谷綾那1佐について




















(2)熾天使→堕天 ∴Polaris∴(Metatron:メタトロン)別名:「契約の天使」、「天の書記」、「神の代理人」、「小YHWH」、「玉座に侍る者」
(3)熾天使 ∵→堕天Auseklis∵ツングースカの神:アウセクリス 別名:(明けの明星 Lūciferルシフェル、ルシファー、サタンとも呼ばれることもある)∵
(4)太古に地球に飛来した神々、天使と呼ばれる者たち(ETと呼ばれる文明者たち:アルデバラン、オリオン、プレアデス、シリウス、ベガ、アンタレス、プロキオン、リラ その他)
(6)神の追従者 カイン、アベル、ノア、イザヤ、アダム、イブ、モーセ、イエスキリストほか

● 森谷綾那【創世記のアダム、イエスキリスト】について


Concerning the type of contract with God

A contractor with God (isomer) must abide by his contract with God.
The contractor has the power or superhuman power of God who made the contract.

●What is a demonstrator?
the study or faculty or the perfection (Weapons, supernatural powers, psychic powers, military weapons, including alien craft) created by a contract with God

First, about Ayana Moritani (First Lieutenant, later promoted to First Lieutenant)

Before that, the rank of general angels
*The popular theory is quite different from my story. Thank you for your understanding. I think about it by mixing the angels of various religions.

(Top 3 Teams)

the highest rank of angels "Seraphic (seraphim)"
A seraph is the highest-ranking angel among many, and is considered to be the closest to God. It has come to be called a seraph because it has passion and love so much that its body is engulfed in flames as the word "seraph" indicates.

The seraph has a total of six wings, two of which run through the sky, while the other four cover the face and legs. They are second only to God in purity and purity, so no single angel is allowed to come into direct contact with his seraphs. Also, "Calcifer (Ausekris in the novel)" who rebelled against God and became the king of the devil, was originally this seraphic before corruption, and had 12 wings which were more beautiful than others. In "Seraphic (seraphim)" "metatron" is exceptional, being an agent of God, and superior to "Lucifer".

a watcher in the Garden of Eden " cherubim "
The Wisdom Angel is the 2nd highest ranking angel and is responsible for expelling "Adam" and "Eva" from the Garden of Eden, who ate forbidden fruit from the tree of life. As the word 'chi' (wisdom) indicates, it is the most excellent angel in the heavenly world. It is an angel with the appearance of a half man and half a beast, characterized by four faces and four wings, each of which is different from human, lion, cow and eagle.
In addition, since there were always wheels beside the angel of wisdom and he could go anywhere in all directions, it also had an aspect of "vehicle" which played a role of carrying God to his destination.

a tank that holds God "slones"
The rank of Za-tenshi is the third highest among angels, and it acts as a tank to carry God. In fact, Za-tenshi is the highest among angels with physical bodies.
He looks a little different from angels in that he has flaming wheels with multiple eyes, but he is thought to have been active many times as a horse of war in the holy war.

(middle third)
The Middle Three Teams are positioned in the middle of the hierarchy of the angel class, and have the role of conveying the divine message received from the top three teams to the bottom three teams. They are ranked from highest to lowest in rank: "Lord Angel" "power angel" and "Noh Angel".

The Lord Angel who watches the Angel (Dominion). '
The Lord Angel is the fourth highest ranking angel, and it can be said that he is related to human beings because he is engaged in the will of God and comes to inform human beings of the dignity of God.
It is the highest position in the middle three corps, so it is a position to watch the angels in the lower ranks, and its characteristic is the figure holding a scepter (temper).
In the Book of John, he is also an angel who comes to destroy the human race judged by the Last Judgment.

"Tenshi (Vachus)" having the power to perform miracles
The power angel is the fifth rank among angels, and the meaning of "power" is because it has miraculous power, not because it is superior in physical power.
Since the power angel can manipulate the laws of nature, it is believed that miracles happen in the world where people live. They give power and wisdom to those who face difficulties, and they bring out their hidden abilities.
They are angels who went up to heaven with Christ when he was punished, and also acted as guardian when "Cain" was born, the son of Adam and Eve.

Fighting the Devil "Noh Angel (Xcia)"
The noh angel is the sixth highest rank, and some say that it was the first angel created by God who was involved in the creation of heaven and earth. Noh of Noh angel means the ability to faithfully carry out the commandments of God.
In accordance with the wishes of God, he is charged with the duty of defending the world of heaven by fighting against the devil on the front line, so he has many opportunities to come into contact with the devil, and it can be said that there are relatively many angels who go astray.
In fact, when Lucifer, a seraph at the highest rank, rose in revolt and turned into a demon, the number of angels who fell with Lucifer and became demons was the highest among the court ranks of noh angels.

(the lower three)
The bottom three groups are the lowest in the hierarchy of angels, and are responsible for transmitting the divine message received from the top and middle to humans.
Therefore, the angels in this group are relatively close to human beings, so they can be classified as angels that we can easily recognize.

a powerful angel (Alke) who assists in the governance of man
Gontenshi belong to the seventh rank. They are angels who visit the world where human beings live and protect the leaders and rulers from the whispers and invitations of the devil.
It is characterized by the appearance of holding a crown and a scepter like a king, and the "right" of a gontenshi is a symbol of power. We are watching the future of the human world, but when a country invades another country, we sometimes help them to govern.

"Archangel (Ark Angel)" most familiar to humans
Archangels are second from the bottom, but sometimes they are called to the human world by the hands of powerful people. Sometimes they appear on their own, so they are our closest angels. It can be said to be a messenger between God and human beings, such as sending guardian angels to important people in the human world, and conveying divine messages to human beings in various fields. When facing the devil, he sometimes fights with a Noh angel.
(famous archangel) Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Gabriel

a person who is always by a person "Single Angel (Angel)"
The rank of a single angel is the lowest among angels, but it is an angel who is always beside us and always watches over people instead of appearing.
They may protect us from disasters, but they may punish us according to God's will.

●a great god or agent with the same authority as God or an organism (the leader and god of extraterrestrial life) that in the past had the same authority as God
(1)Y ・ H ・ V ・ H (cosmic god)
(2) (2) Seraph → Fallen ∴Polaris∴ (Metatron) Also known as: “The Angel of the Covenant”, “The Secretary of Heaven”, “Agent of God”, “Small YHWH”, “The Closer to the Throne”
(3) Seraph ∵ → Fallen Auseklis ∵ God of Tunguska: Ausekuris Another name: (the morning star Lūcifer Lucifer, sometimes called Lucifer, Satan) ∵
(4)Gods, called angels, who came to earth in ancient times (Civilians called ET: Aldebaran, Orion, Preades, Sirius, Vega, Antares, Procyon, Lira and others.)
(5)Gods from ancient times became the gods of civilizations around the world.
(6)followers of God such as Cain, Abel, Noah, Isaiah, Adam, Eve, Moses, Jesus Christ, etc.

●About Ayana MORITANI [Adam of Genesis, Jesus Christ]
(First Lieutenant, later promoted to First Lieutenant)

The spirit of Moritani is the "Adam" of the Garden of Eden in Genesis as well as the "Jesus Christ" one of the earliest Earthlings of Earthlings who signed a contract with Polaris "biting an apple," and was later crucified by Yahwe.
The spirit of Jesus Christ when he was Jesus Christ was ET, an extraterrestrial life, but was reborn on earth as the child of Mary as a prophet and a priest in a place not in the time when he was in the earth as "Adam" due to the improbable road of reincarnation and the administrative authority of God. Because Jesus, who spread the word of God and was crucified on the hill of Golgotha, was admonished by Polaris during ascetic practices in the wilderness to leave the faith in Yahweh, conversion, and covenant, even though the spirit of Jesus was not killed and his body perished, he was complemented by the controlled territory of Polaris, the "North Star" of the parent star. He repeated Rinne Tensho 【reincarnation】(all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth and death) until he punished God as a contractor who made a contract to become the spearhead of Yahweh. Because of the ET's itinerary of reincarnation and the Polaris contractor, Gnosis has become apparent, and has reached the level of a superhuman being that can compete with ET, angels, and gods as a living body without being strengthened physically and mentally. He was the guardian of Japan and one of the contractors of Polaris, and his Majesty the Emperor gave him the title of "Great Kensei" which is the title for the guardian of Japan.
(The emperor of Japan is also a contractor of Polaris.)
