
日本語文字起こしと英訳。靖国神社でアメリカ人歴史学者が日本軍を絶賛!感動の演説!  ジェイソンモーガン(麗澤大学 准教授) Jason Morgan - YouTube

靖国神社でアメリカ人歴史学者が日本軍を絶賛!感動の演説!ジェイソンモーガン(麗澤大学 准教授) Jason Morgan - YouTube




I am American. Some people might think why American stands here, at the precincts of the Yasukuni Shrine, in August 15. In fact, I stand here now, thanks to the spirits of dead soldiers. Let me explain.


私のおじいちゃん、祖父、父のお父さんは、若い頃に真珠湾攻撃があって、まさに青年の頃、戦争が勃発しました。そうやって動員されて、徴兵されて、アメリカの海軍に入りました。ちょっと訓練を受けてから、空母に乗って、太平洋まで派遣されたわけでございます。空母の名前は、USS princeton、USS Bonhomme Richard、二隻です。

When my grandfather was young, exactly a young man, the Japanese Navy attacked on Pearl Harbor and the war broke out. Then, he was conscripted into the US Navy. After being trained, he boarded aircraft carrier and came to the Pacifc Ocean. The names of the aircraft carriers are USS princeton and USS Bonhomme Richard. Two aircraft carriers.



My grandfather was not in a very high position. He was in charge of wireless communication, in other words, radio, and was a member of US Navy without any position. He told me that he had not fought directly but he had seen the offence by Japanese special attack corps with his own eyes.



"I have not seen such a terrible thing," my grandfather said. But, in fact, he never spoke ill of Japanese. On the contrary, he respected Japanese. To my surprise, he said, "Their manner of fight was masculine and those who attacked us were valiant.”



I was astonished and asked him, "What does that mean, grandpa? Don't you hate Japanese ?" He answered, "No. I don't hate them." My grandfather respected Japanese all his life, on the grounds for the manner of fight. He thought Japanese were admirable even though they were enemies.



That made me study more and I read many books. I found that what the American textbooks said was far different from what my grandfather told me. I felt that was strange.



Let's change the subject. What did the spirits of dead soldiers fight for? My grandfather said the same thing as I think now. We, Amerian, were deceived and brainwashed by the Roosevelt administration. My grandfather said, "Reflecting on the war, I am angry with being deceived. We need never have fought." I think so, too. (applause)



Of course, Japanese soldiers fought for their own country. American soldiers for their own country. Other soldiers, too. But, it is only Japanese soldiers that fought courageously also for other countries, such as Korean Peninsula, China, Taiwan, India, the Philippines, Singapole and Asia. (applause)



I think now it is the spirits of dead soldiers lying here that fought for justice. They fought at the risk of their lives in order to expel the white imperialists from India, Singapole and the Philippines and to eliminate the white supremancy from Asia.



However, I fear the Japanese living today don't appreciate the reasons the spirits lying here fought. If we ask the young, say, "Have you worshipped at Yasukuni Shrine ?", they would answer, "No, I Haven't". If we ask them "who are dedicated in Yasukuni Shrine?", most of them would answer, "a-class war criminals are". That is an example of brainwashing. It was the stupid politicians of my country who supposed they themselves had to insult Japanese and called the spirits of dead soldiers a-class war criminals. Far from war criminals, the soldiers are heroes, in my opinion. (applause)


