

今日はアーカイブで #杉田敏  さんの








彼女が買うわけ、会社が伸びるわけ: 女性を魅きつけるマーケティング8つの法則 | フェイス ポップコーン, リース マリゴールド, 野中 邦子 |本 | 通販 | Amazon

I wrote a book called "Evolution" a few years ago. It mainly discusses the female brain and how it's completely different from the male brain. If you ask a man, "Do you understand what your wife or girlfriend is talking about?" and he answers truthfully, most of the time, he'll say, "I have no clue." This is truly a battle between the sexes as if we live on different planets.

I'll explain why men can't understand what women are saying, and solve all your marital and relationship problems right now. A woman's brain constantly alternates between the left and right hemispheres—left, right, left, right. That's why they can say, "I'm going to pick up the kids," "I need to go shopping," "Is it raining?" "What do you think?" "Oh, there's a stain on your clothes," all in one continuous flow. This has its roots in prehistoric times. Women had to be constantly aware of their surroundings, like keeping an eye out for a lion while stirring food, so they developed peripheral vision.

On the other hand, a man's brain operates like this: left, left, left, left, left, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right If you don't believe me, try switching topics quickly when talking to a man. He'll often say, "What are you talking about?" as he's still thinking about the topic from a few sentences ago.

This difference causes a lot of tension in relationships. A man's brain works this way because, in prehistoric times, they had to focus on chasing prey, hitting it with a club, and bringing it back home to feed the family.

Once you understand this difference, you won't be angry anymore. Knowing the facts will make you much happier. The same applies when women purchase products. I'm a marketing expert, and, indeed, advertising is not very effective for women. They often think, "They paid for this ad, so I'm not buying it." But women want to understand the social meaning behind a product, like "What does this company stand for?"






#FaithPOPCORN #C =勇気L=手放すI=見抜くC=決意K=ノウハウ
#新しい人生に踏み出すために手探り #やりたいことを明確にすれば成功が待っている  # 消費者のトレンドを分析 #未来を拓く17の事例紹介
