IELTS ライティング①頻出問題 表グラフ1


The table below summarizes some data collected by a college bookshop for the month of February in 1995.


The provided table chart illustrates the number of books which were purchased at college bookshop in  February of 1995 ,categorized by non-book club members and book club members.


Overall, the table shows us that purchasers are categorized into two, non-book club members and book club members.  
There are three book genres, fiction, non-fiction and magazines.

全体として、購入者は非書籍部会員と図書部会員の2つに分類されることがわかる。  本のジャンルはフィクション、ノンフィクション、雑誌の3つである。

What’s striking in this table is that magazines seem to be very famous among non-book club members whether they are college staff or college students. While non-fiction seems to be the most famous for book club members.


More specifically, for non-book club members, both college staff and college students bought magazines the most with 332 pieces(units) and 1249 pieces which is also the highest number among all purchases.
However, more fiction books were purchased by college staff at 44 pieces, followed by non-fiction with 29 pieces. College students, on the other hand purchased more nonfiction at 194 units than fiction at 31 units.


For book club members’ case, non fiction is the most popular with 942 pieces bought, followed by fiction and lastly magazines with 76 and 33 pieces purchased respectively.


In total, magazines were the most purchased genres sold at 1614 pieces, approximately 500 pieces more than nonfiction which was sold at 1165. Fiction was sold the least with 151 pieces, significantly lower than the other two genres.

