




Where do those amazing people come from? What is the secret of his infinite power? What is the secret of the miraculous power that creates that person's wealth? There are one or two such professionals anywhere in the world. Is their source of energy given by God while he was born? No, they only led to infinite subconsciousness. They know how to take advantage of the subconscious in the wrong way. Did they acquire the abilities in the process of practicing and training so hard that ordinary humans could not do it? No, maybe you knew that you were born. Is this what is often said of good sense? Is it something you never get? They will no longer have the desire to live a richer life or the desires of a worldly human. I'm so happy with my life. But in the first place, they were also born of human parents. Sometimes they are ordinary parents, and of course they are also talented and may have inherited from their parents something hidden in the subconscious, an infinite treasure trove. So you have to realize that there is no single answer to the talent or sense of tremendous results. So where was the property that so many people were envied? The principles and senses they have in the subconscious are like geologists finding rare veins. In today's era, a good detector will allow you to conduct a survey in advance and find the exact location. But what did you do in an age without such high-tech detectors? It is documented that a geologist who has the unfounded belief that he has a god who leads straight to hidden wealth actually finds overwhelming veins. They did their own magic and when they felt something touching their heart, they found a vein. Perhaps such suspicious behavior was the key to his subconscious. In the form of athletes who have demonstrated tremendous talent, there is always a habit that only they can do. By doing that habit, they led to infinite subconsciousness. If you want to get any closer to them, you must thoroughly manage the habit of the geniuses. If you can manage them, you too will be connected to the subconscious and get glorious results. Actually, I have given this advice to some people. However, most did not manage perfectly. They stuck to their original. A few, but perfect, managers have done great. You may believe that talent is inherited from parents. However, scientifically, the reality is that even the second and third generations, who should have inherited many genes from their parents, are far from their parents. Indeed, because you have inherited much of the gene, you should have inherited the talents of more parents than others in red. But what they do is often in a form that is similar or unlike their parent. They aren't the parents' money, they're free to change them and make originals that they don't have. On the other hand, even though the gene has hardly been inherited, it simply loses nothing to the red stranger who tried to make a longing star. Probably, in the world of science, people like Beethoven and Leonardo da Vinci in the world of art, such as Beethoven and Leonardo da Vinci, are hardly born, because there are few people who thoroughly manage. If you've made a lot of effort in your life, but haven't been able to produce such an achievement, try to make a great predecessor. Take a look at all the literature and thoroughly imitate. However, in most cases, it is doubtful that the existing literature is a fact. Later, the records and literature drawn by historians and novelists are often too cool. In many cases, you're a fictional person who doesn't look like the great person you want to manage. Then, if possible, manage the person whose photos, videos and sounds are left behind. If you can, make sure you manage the tools, clothes, hairstyles, and the environment in which they grew up. In the meantime, you will be connected to the subconscious just like the person you long for. Anyway, many people tend to consider shaping as a shame. However, the greatest secret of many successful people is not the original, but someone else's money. Great achievements and reputation are gained by being connected to the subconscious. The method is not, in fact, endless, but limited to a few patterns. If you want success or fame in your life, the first thing you need to do is to manage the person you long for. After thorough management, you yourself have achieved great achievements and your money is no longer at stake, and then it is your freedom to try your own way. Perhaps the method creates something that goes beyond the work of the admirer. But first, get rid of the wrong idea that the original is the best. This is to eradicate wasteful efforts from this world. This is the most efficient technique for everyone, leading to the subconscious. It's a way to do what you love and get as much money as you want. This is also your right to be born.
