
「ALLIANCE アライアンス」より10個の共感ポイント

ALLIANCE アライアンス―人と企業が信頼で結ばれる新しい雇用」を監訳しました。著者はペイパル・マフィアの一員で、リンクトイン創業者のリード・ホフマンら。終身雇用関係から終身信頼関係へ、世の中の変化に呼応するよう会社と働くひとの関係も変わっていくことを、豊富な実例と共に示した本です。自分のこれまでのキャリアから、個人的に共感することも多く、初めての監訳にチャレンジしてみました。



1. A business without loyalty is a business without long-term thinking. A business without long-term thinking is a business that's unable to invest in the future. And a business that isn't investing in tomorrow's opportunities and technologies -- well, that's a company already in the process of dying. (page 7)


2. The central promise of a Transformational tour is that the employee will have the opportunity to transform both his career and the company. (page 31)


3. "We will invest in you and your growth. You can take many of the competencies we will help you develop in whatever it is you choose to do -- whether it's with McDonald's or whether it's outside of McDonald's." (page 41)


4. (A)s a manager, you want to help your employees discover what progress means to them for the specific tour of duty under discussion. (page 65)


5. The alliance is ethical, not legal, and the tour of duty is an informal agreement to respect and honor a key relationship. (page 85)


6. The old lifetime employment model encouraged both managers and employees to look inward. (略)Today, as we've discussed, both company and employee need to look outward toward the overall environment in which they operate. (page 97)


7. This defensive posture problematically assumes that employees can't tell the difference between nonpublic and secret. (page 111)


8. Remember the underpinnings of the alliance: the company helps the employee transform his career; the employee helps the company transform itself and become more adaptable. (page 124)


9. "A member of the executive team attends every alumni network meeting," (略)"That executive usually holds a thirty- to forty- minute open Q&A [Ask Me Anything] session, where the alumni can ask any question about the company, including 'What's keeping you up at night?' 'How is the customer retention doing?'" (page 149)


10. Improving the microcosm of workplace relationships can have a major impact on society -- job by job, team by team, company by company. (略)(The alliance is) a small thing we can all adopt today that will generate big cumulative returns in the years to come. (page 155)

