
Art, Movie, Music, Book



たとえ独りでも、「アイディアさえあれば何でもできる」と感じさせてくれる動画 Jered Halley ”Take on Me”

「グループに入っていないと、すぐに心細くなってしまう日本人?」にとって、独りで事を起こすのは、難儀なもの。 しかし、「好奇心とアイディア」「楽しんでやること」さえあれば、こんなにも豊かなことができると気づかせてくれるのが、このJered Halley 氏の動画です。

The talent of JRR Tolkien, famous for "The Lord of the Rings," was trained in his single-mother home education. His mother died prematurely, unaware of Tolkien's glory.

I don't think it's necessary to tell anyone about the worldwide hits of the movie The Hobbit's Adventures and The Lord of the Rings series. However, I don't think much is known about the original author, JRR (John Ronald Lowell) Tolkien. In