
アサヒ 六条麦茶 Design direction

「アサヒ 六条麦茶」のオリジナルペットボトルデザインを監修させていただきました。4種のデザインには、子供の成長を願う「麻の葉文」、子孫繁栄を願う「魚子文」、家族で幸せを囲む「八角籠目文」、喜びが長く続くようにと願う「菊籠目文」があります。六条大麦も切子で可愛く表現されています。2016年度グッドデザイン賞受賞。

Japanese Wheat Tea. Asahi
Toru was commissioned to manage the overall design direction of the new bottle design for Japanese wheat tea ‘Rokujyo Mugicya’. Four designs based on cut glass patterns have their own unique story. The hemp pattern (the plant known for quick and steady growth) represents the healthy growth of one’s children. The fish egg pattern represents prosperity of one’s family. The wooden basket pattern represents family bonding. Finally, the chrysanthemum pattern in combination with the wooden basket pattern represents ever lasting happiness. The special wheat used in this drink (six‐rowed barley) is also illustrated with Edo Kiriko style. This project won a Good Design Award in 2016.
