
手書きと音読のパワー:「最強の外国語習得法」(著Kazu Languagesさん )、p124の内容めちゃ良かった⭐️

最近読んでいる「最強の外国語習得法」(著Kazu Languagesさん )、p124


まぁとにかくKazu Languagesさんの文章が我が意を得たり、と言う感じだったので、

そんで、例によって、自分で書いてみて→Chat GPTに添削してもらって、と言う流れでした。今回面白かったのは、「同意語」についてです。


it says like
"it's better to write down and read aloud at the same time because it will bring a great positive impact on your learning. When you hold your pen and move it, it will stimulate your sense of touch. If you look at your own writing, your sense of visual will be stimulated. Also, if you read your own sentences written in the notebook aloud, your voice sounds will stimulate your sense of hearing. So writing and reading aloud will make it easier for the phrases and sentences to be impressed and memorized in the brain much better than just reading someone's writing or just some text from a book.


“”i used "stimulate" many times here. Is it ok? Should I use other verbs??”

“”Using the same verb multiple times in a passage is generally fine, especially if it's the most appropriate word for the context. However, to avoid repetition and add variety to your writing, you can consider using synonyms or rephrasing some sentences. Here's an example with varied language:”


“It suggests that simultaneously writing and reading aloud is beneficial for learning. As you hold your pen and move it across the page, you activate your sense of touch. Observing your own handwriting stimulates your sense of sight. Furthermore, vocalizing the sentences in your notebook activates your sense of hearing. Therefore, this dual practice of writing and reading aloud enhances the imprinting and retention of phrases and sentences in your memory, far surpassing the effectiveness of silently reading someone else's writing or text from a book.”
→はい、そうなんです! “activate”と言う単語を使っています! これには「なるほどぉぉ!」と言う感じでした。

“it says that
"it's better to write down and read aloud at the same time because it will have a great positive impact on your learning. When you hold your pen and move it, it stimulates your sense of touch. If you look at your own writing, your sense of sight will be activated. Also, if you read your own sentences written in the notebook aloud, your voice will stimulate your sense of hearing. So writing and reading aloud will make it easier for the phrases and sentences to be impressed and memorized in the brain much better than just reading silently someone's writing or just some text from a book.”

GPTを使って添削してみたよ、と言う話でした。Kazu LanguagesさんにBig UP!!🔥

#英語表現 #英作文
