最新の認知科学に基づくコーチング プロフェッショナルドリームサポーターコーチであり英語コーチ五十嵐博司の英語力アップ総合メルマガNo.4





質問1. Where is your hometown located?
質問2. What kind of place is your hometown?
質問3. Is it easy to travel around your town/city?
質問4. Has your hometown changed much since you were a child?

質問1.Where is your hometown located?


My hometown is located in the center of Chiba prefecture, which is accessible to other cities since we have two train stations and one airport.


My hometown is located in the center of Chiba prefecture, which □ is accessible to other cities

Chiba prefectureに補足説明を,whichでしつつ、□の主語の位置が抜けるよというサインを聞き手に与えています。補足説明は左←のイメージ, which は補足説明を加えています。

be located in ~ ~に位置しています。
accessible (to) (〜)へ行きやすい

質問2.What kind of place is your hometown?


Well, I would say my hometown is not a densely populated city.It is the place where many locals work for the airline-related industry since we have by far the biggest international airport in Japan.In the airport, you can see a wide variety of shops such as restaurants and souvenir shops.


Well, えっと、考える時に言ったりします。
I would sayで、多分こんな感じですかね〜とクッション
It is the place と言っておいて、where で場所について補足説明を述べています。左←のイメージ
It is the place(←)where many locals work for the airline-related industry

Since で理由を述べています。
We have by far the biggest international airport in Japan.

In the airport, you can see a wide variety of shops
空港の中では、さまざまなショップが見れますよここだけで話すのを止めるより、such as でもう少し説明を加えています。

such as restaurants and souvenir shops

質問3.Is it easy to travel around your town/city?


I think so. When I was young, there was no low-cost airlines. About a decade ago, they suddenly launched their flight business. Nowadays, there are a large number of low cost carriers. Thanks to that, I can fly everywhere at much cheaper cost than before. Actually, last month, I visited Fukuoka for sightseeing with my close friend, and we had a whale of a time there!


I think so.そう思います。思わない時は、I don’t think so.
When I was young, there was no low-cost airlines.

About a decade ago,

they suddenly launched their flight business.

Nowadays, there are a large number of low cost carriers.

Thanks to that,そのおかげで、

I can fly everywhere at much cheaper cost than before.

Actually, last month, I visited Fukuoka for sightseeing with my close friend,
and we had a whale of a time there!


A large number of 〜 たくさんの〜 = many / plenty of / a lot of / lots of
A number of 〜=some いくつかの
A small number of ~ 少しの a few
launch ~ ~のビジネスを始める = start でも同じですが、少し勢いがあるイメージ。ビジネスをローンチするとか近年ではカタカナ英語でも使われていますね。

Thanks to 〜 〜のおかげで

Have a whale of a time = have a lot of fun楽しい時を過ごすのイディオムです。Whaleは鯨。鯨のいきが噴水のようにスプラッシュするような楽しいイメージです。

Have a blastもイディオムで同様に楽しい時間を過ごす。どちらもよく使います。Blast は突風を受けるイメージですね。気持ちよさそうです。

質問4.Has your hometown changed much since you were a child?


Yes, as I mentioned before, we have now various flight options. Anything else? Let me see, I guess. Local people’s shipping styles have dramatically changed. In the past, there was no huge shopping mall. The big mall was built when I was about 20 years old. I’m a massive fan of it because I can save time to get necessities there. I mean, it is a shopper’s paradise! You can get whatever you want at a single place!


Yes, as I mentioned before, we have now various flight options.

Anything else? Let me see,他には、えっと、
come to think of it,そういえば、
In the past, there was no huge shopping mall.
The big mall was built when I was about 20 years old.
I’m a massive fan of it because I can save time to get necessities there.
I mean, it is a shopper’s paradise! You can get whatever you want in a single place!

There was no huge shopping mall.

A massive fan と、massiveを入れることでまた強調して相手の興味を引く話し方です。

A big fanも大ファンですが、それよりも大きいイメージのmassiveがかなり誇張して相手の興味を引いています。

Whatever は the thing which/that you want でも同じですが、一言でかつ強調したいので whateverを使っています。

In a single place も同様です。Singleを入れることで強調しています。

質問5. Are there any changes you would like to make in your hometown?


Since I have lived in Tokyo for a couple of years, I would like to improve the frequency of the transportation system. Nowadays, you can travel to Tokyo within a hour if you use Sky Liner.However, you have to purchase the additional ticket for that. It is a bit expensive if people use the high-speed train for daily commuters. Therefore, I would like to reduce the fare so that they can use it more frequently.


Since I have lived in Tokyo for a couple of years, I would like to improve the frequency of the transportation system.数年間、東京に住んだことがありますので、交通システムの頻度を改善したいです。

Nowadays, you can travel to Tokyo within a hour if you use Sky Liner.

However, you have to purchase the additional ticket for that. It is a bit expensive if people use the high-speed train for daily commuters. Therefore, I would like to reduce the fare so that they can use it more frequently.しかしながらですね、それにはその追加のチケットを購入しないといけないんです。日々の通勤者する人たちがその時間を節約するのに高速な電車をもっと頻繁に乗れるようにその運賃を下げたいです。

経験を述べるにはhave + 過去分詞
I have lived in Tokyo for a couple of years

Since もよく使われます。Sinceは起点
I have lived in Tokyo since I was born.
Nowadays 過去と比較して、今となっては、今日では

daily commuters 通勤者・通学者
commute 通勤・通学する
How do you commute? どうやって通勤・通学するの?と手段を聞くのによく使ったりしますね。

By bus バスでとか By train 電車 By car車でなどでサクッと答えましょう。

Improve = make ~ better = 改善するよくする
Improvement 改善(名詞)も良く使います。

I feel there is room for further improvement.
would like to =want toより丁寧な表現で〜したいです
