
New version 〜The science novel〜 ”The true nature of Thermodynamic entropy” New English Edition.

Thermodynamic entropy is a state quantity expressed by the following equation.

ΔS = ΔQ [J] / T [K] = Δ (W ・ s) [W ・ s] / T [K]

The state quantity of thermodynamic entropy expressed by this formula was considered to be the greatest mystery of the 20th century. But what happens to me when the absolute temperature, which is the denominator of this state quantity, takes the limit value? From one question, I succeeded in solving the greatest mystery of the 20th century. I will describe the events leading up to the elucidation here. It also mentions that the true nature of entropy is that the theory of entropy is valid even for the current wrong monetary policy of the Bank of Japan.

Also, I intend to explain entropy without using mathematical formulas that seem difficult for beginners of entropy as much as possible.

I would like you to enjoy reading it.

And this time, I decided to publish this work as a new edition because I made a new discovery in my paper on thermodynamic entropy and added it. Also, please note that §4 has undergone major revisions.

The most important part of the treatise is described below.

"First, when the entropy takes a negative value, that is, when the positive internal entropy of a substance works from the periphery of the system to the inside, and when the energy is released from the inside of the system to the surroundings. Is defined as negative by the entropy convention, so this is when some force is applied from the outside to the inside of the system and when it is released in the form of thermal energy to the surroundings of the system. It is thought that there is some kind of force at this time, and it seems that it means magnetic force.

I think that the evidence to support this is that whenever an electric current flows through an electric wire, a magnetic field is generated by a magnetic field and heat is released at the same time.

In other words, the principle of magnetic force and heat generated by the magnetic field that is always generated when an electric current flows through an electric wire can be explained by discussing negative entropy.

And, since the magnetic force when the entropy is negative is a negative element itself, the magnetic force in that case always has an attractive force.

In other words, the magnetic force represented by negative entropy always becomes an attractive force.

In other words, I think that the negative entropy represents the work from the outside of the system to the inside of the system and the release of thermal energy to the outside of the system due to the attractive force of magnetic force.

That fact is in perfect agreement with the convention for the negative representation of thermodynamic entropy.

In other words, it can be said that the phenomenon that a magnetic field is always generated when an electric current is passed through an electric wire and heat is released at the same time is a phenomenon brought about by the negative thermodynamic entropy itself.

That fact is in perfect agreement with the convention for the negative representation of thermodynamic entropy.

In other words, it can be said that the phenomenon that a magnetic field is always generated when an electric current is passed through an electric wire and heat is released at the same time is a phenomenon brought about by the negative thermodynamic entropy itself.

Now, I would like to explain why a magnetic field is always generated when an electric current flows through an electric wire, and the magnetic field brings an attractive force and at the same time releases heat.

The reason is that when the current flows, the current does not flow unless electrons and holes appear alternately.

In other words, in that case, negative and positive charges will appear alternately.

And, due to the negative and positive charges, attractive force works between different signs, so the magnetic field generated when the current flows always brings attractive force.

And since there is resistance even when electrons flow, it is thought that a magnetic field and heat are generated by the frictional resistance at that time.

In other words, when electrons rub, it can be thought that the energy of magnetic force and heat are generated at the same time.

In other words, since electrons are particles that originally have energy, it can be said that the energy is expressed by the friction of electrons as the true nature of magnetic force.

And friction can also generate heat at the same time.

In other words, since the phenomenon itself represents the negative entropy itself, the phenomenon that the attractive force due to the magnetic field is always generated when the current flows through the electric wire and the heat is generated at the same time is the negative thermodynamic entropy. I came to the conclusion that it was the very identity. "

In other words, what I have made a new discovery is that I have found that the phenomenon that always generates a magnetic field and heat when an electric current flows through an electric wire is the negative thermodynamic entropy itself.

And again, the negative thermodynamic entropy represents a phenomenon that can occur only by a physical reaction. That is, in a chemical reaction, negative thermodynamic entropy cannot occur.

Therefore, in the thermodynamic entropy in the chemical reaction, the negative entropy represented a state that could not occur.

However, in the thermodynamic entropy in a physical reaction, when a current flows through an electric wire, a magnetic field is always generated, an attractive force is generated by the magnetic force, and at the same time, a negative thermodynamic entropy is actually generated as a phenomenon that generates heat. It has been proved that it can happen in.

In other words, it is proved from this fact that thermodynamic entropy is not a concept but a real state quantity.

From the author.

§1 I was born on July 2, 1971 in Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture. He weighed 2700 grams at birth and was by no means the heavier. However, he grew up with each passing year, and now he is 186 cm tall and weighs 84 kg.

At the same time as graduating from high school, I went on to the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Tokyo University of Science, while working as a training assistant hired by Saitama Prefecture. I managed to graduate in four years and obtained a high school science teacher's license. After obtaining a teacher's license, I started working as a training teacher, and after working in the high school of a school for the disabled for nine years, I was transferred to a regular high school.

In the first year since I was transferred to a normal high school, I developed depression due to my busy work and was forced to rest. Also, the antidepressants at that time had very severe side effects, and dizziness occurred every time I stood up, so I couldn't go to school. Therefore, I was in office for 3 years and 8 months and retired.

After I retired, my father advised me to do what I liked, and first of all, when I was in college, I started working at a company where I was secretly working part-time during the summer vacation. became. At that company, I was allowed to experience various jobs. Above all, I still remember that I enjoyed the work of inserting the vibrator when hitting concrete and the work of pulling in the wiring for electrical work. However, at that time, I was still taking antidepressants, so when I climbed up the stepladder and inspected the air-conditioning anemo, I got dizzy and fell off the stepladder, and my important customer's computer monitor. I have caused a scandal of destroying. At that time, I still can't forget that I visited the customer to apologize with the president. From that point on, I decided to stop taking antidepressants.

Then, after a while, I started a newspaper delivery and sales job to save money.
As for the delivery of newspapers, it was very pleasant to ride a motorcycle and receive the wind, and I was good at sales work, so I got the top sales results for two consecutive months at the store and received an award from the store. I got it. However, when I had a cold and my tonsils were swollen and deaf, the chief at the time forced me to deliver it, and if I refused, I was branded as missing and I couldn't get a sales job. I had to quit.

And then, when I went on a short stay trip to Vancouver, Canada, get a lot of qualifications from my father's sister and aunt. I remembered that, and decided to do my best to acquire the qualification.

I only had a high school first-class teacher's license and an ordinary motorcycle license that I got when I was a student, and a medium-sized car license (limited to 8t) that I got after graduating from university by saving money, so I got it first The qualification that I got was Class B Class B, a hazardous materials handler, which I took by myself. After getting this qualification, I started working part-time at a self-service gas station near the house where I lived at that time.

The next qualification I obtained was a second-class boiler engineer's license. To qualify, you must first take a three-day boiler practice course. Only after taking the course will you be qualified to take the second-class boiler engineer. After taking that course, I took a two-day exam preparation course at the Boiler Association and was able to pass it on my own.
Then, I got a second-class boiler engineer's license, quit the gas station, and changed my job to equipment management.

Then, I got a job from Yusei Co., Ltd. and sent him to the Uchisaiwaicho Plant of Marunouchi Heat Supply Co., Ltd. to learn how to handle boilers and refrigeration machines. Especially with regard to the handling of boilers, thanks to the careful guidance from a special-grade boiler engineer, I became confident about the handling of furnace cylinder smoke tube boilers. As for the refrigeration machine, there was a person who is a direct manager who has the qualification of the first-class refrigeration machine high-pressure gas production safety manager, and is currently the chief of staff, so thanks to his guidance, a lot. I was able to learn about this, and I became more confident in handling refrigeration machines. In addition, the plant here has a reclaimed water production facility, and I was able to learn how to purify water. Also, because I had taken thorough energy conservation measures, I was able to learn a lot about energy conservation methods.

Then, at the end of the dispatch period, I decided to go to the electrical construction department of Saitama Prefectural Kawagoe College of Technology to learn about electricity, which is indispensable for equipment work, and passed the entrance examination. I will be there from April 1st of the year.

And because I was able to obtain the qualification of a second-class electrician in the national examination, I decided to leave school and get a job in equipment management again before the summer vacation.

I got a job on behalf of Building Co., Ltd. and worked on building equipment management for Nibancho Center Building and Mita International Building. While working at the Nibancho Center Building, I obtained the qualification of a second-class refrigeration machine high-pressure gas production safety manager, a certificate of completion of advanced lifesaving skill training, and a qualification of passing the environmental and social certification test (eco certification). Also, while working at the Mita International Building, I obtained a self-defense firefighting technology certificate.

At that time, at the Mita International Building, the encounter with a device that measures entropy called a high coder, which is used to measure electrical equipment, suddenly turned my attention to thermodynamic entropy. From there, my research on thermodynamic entropy began.

First, looking up entropy in a dictionary, "In thermodynamics, it is one of the quantities that represent the state of matter. It is expressed as a function of density, temperature, and pressure, and is used as a measure of the degree of disorder. Entropy increases toward disorder. It will increase. The amount that shows the uncertainty of information in information theory. ”(Meikyou Kokugo Dictionary 2nd Edition, Taishukan Bookstore). In Kojien, in more detail, "The thermal concept named by Clausius. In a system in thermal equilibrium, the value obtained by dividing the amount of heat applied quasi-statically by the absolute temperature of the system is defined as the increase in entropy. Entropy is constant for reversible changes and always increases for irreversible changes (thermodynamic second law) Statistical mechanical implications are given by Boltzmann, and a state with high entropy indicates a high degree of messiness. " .. However, when I read this, I couldn't think of thermodynamic entropy as the state quantity as it is written in the dictionary. This is because the amount of heat [J] and the amount of electric energy [W · s] are equal and can be exchanged equivalently. This is called the law of energy equivalent exchange. So I came up with it. What if the denominator T [K] takes the limit? I thought, first of all

lim (T → 0) T

I thought about what would happen in the case of. Then

The amount of heat and power of the molecule in the entropy definition formula will be infinite!

At that time, I was inspired. When the absolute temperature approaches 0 infinitely, an infinitely large entropy, that is, an infinitely large electric energy in relative terms, is obtained. In other words, at that time, I was inspired that this might indicate that the phenomenon of superconductivity would occur in the cryogenic world. Similarly, with regard to the amount of heat Q, when the absolute temperature approaches 0 infinitely, it can be understood from the definition formula of thermodynamic entropy that an infinitely large amount of heat can be obtained in relative terms.

In the classes of Masayoshi Ito, a professor at Tokyo University of Science, which I learned in class at university, Basic Chemistry II and Physical Chemistry I, most of the classes were about thermodynamic entropy, so physical chemistry, especially thermodynamics. I was very confident. Also, in the class called Physical Chemistry II, I mainly studied quantum mechanics, and even the electron distribution of matter and space theory, thanks to Mr. Keizo Takigi, an emeritus professor at Tsukuba University, who taught me carefully. , In Physical Chemistry II, I was able to achieve the top grade in the grade. And before I graduated from university, I still remember that a laboratory called Matsuo Laboratory was established. However, I never entered the laboratory ... That's a lie, and I went in and greeted the research student at that time in English.

In thermodynamics, which I learned at university, I remember learning that "when thermodynamic entropy increases, the reaction becomes very likely to occur." Therefore, I couldn't understand what was written in the dictionary. That is, when the thermodynamic entropy increases, the disorder becomes stronger, that is, the molecular motion becomes very active, so that the chemical reaction is actually more likely to occur.

Therefore, in my paper on thermodynamic entropy, "Increasing thermodynamic entropy means that the reaction is very likely to occur." In fact, even if you look at the definition formula of thermodynamic entropy, when the absolute temperature approaches zero infinitely, the energy of heat and electricity becomes a relatively large value in relative terms, and the thermodynamic at that time. The value of entropy is also very large. And since the phenomenon of superconductivity occurs when the absolute temperature approaches zero infinitely, it is easy to understand that the reaction is very likely to occur when the thermodynamic entropy increases.

However, this can only be said when discussing physical reactions. As for chemical reactions, the closer the absolute temperature approaches zero, the less likely it is to actually occur. This is because the activation energy is involved in the chemical reaction, and the chemical reaction does not occur unless the substance is given energy exceeding the activation energy. In other words, if the activation energy is not given by other energy, no chemical reaction will occur.

However, let's think about the case of batteries. For example, a dry cell has the power to pass electricity, that is, the electromotive force [(V) volt] without giving any energy. In this case, it can be said that the chemical reaction is used and replaced with the physical reaction, that is, the current, which is the flow of electricity. However, due to the principle of redox reaction, the chemical reaction emits surplus electrons. , It is a mechanism that electricity flows through the electrodes. In this case, a closed circuit is always needed. In other words, it can be said that this reaction does not occur unless the path through which electricity flows continues. In addition, dry batteries have a limited life. This is because it can be said that irreversible changes occur in the case of dry batteries, and as stated in the second law of thermodynamics, thermodynamic entropy is always present in the case of irreversible changes. Increase. In this case, it can be said that it is a change in the size of the molecule in the definition formula of thermodynamic entropy. The temperature is room temperature, that is, when the temperature is almost constant. Since the contents of the dry cell are a liquid in which two solid electrodes and a redox substance are dissolved, such a reaction can occur. That is, in the liquid, the redox substance dissolved in the liquid can move around freely. In addition, when a solid substance is dissolved in a liquid, heat called dissolution heat is generated, and when a current flows, heat energy due to friction is obtained. Therefore, even in a dry battery, the heat energy required for a chemical reaction is You can get it.

Here, I would like to consider the case of dry batteries, as stated in the second law of thermodynamics, that entropy always increases in the case of irreversible changes.

Batteries are those that convert chemical changes into physical changes to obtain work energy.
In other words, because electricity works, it becomes the amount of electricity.

In the case of dry batteries, the amount of electricity is accumulated and increased each time you work, so when the temperature is constant, the entropy always increases. I think that can be easily understood by looking at the definition formula of thermodynamic entropy.

§2 The substance is always in thermal motion. When a substance is given thermal energy, that energy first appears in the form of molecular vibrations in solids. Then, when further heat energy is applied, the substance becomes a liquid, the thermal motion becomes active, and convection occurs. And when further heat is applied, it becomes a gas. In a gas, the molecules of a substance are in a state of disorderly molecular motion. Then, when pressure is applied to the gas molecules, the molecules move more disorderly. Then, the chemical reaction occurs only when the energy of the substance exceeds the activation energy.

On the contrary, in a physical reaction, the vibration of the solid molecule becomes a resistance to the movement of electrons, so the friction at that time releases energy in the form of thermal energy. In that sense, friction can be said to be one of the factors that generate energy.

Also, please keep in mind here that a magnetic field is always created when the electric charge moves.

I would like to explain in more detail here about the movement of electric charge, that is, when an electric current is generated. The electrons of matter have a negative charge. However, since the electrons have the same charge, a repulsive force acts, so it may seem that a continuous current cannot occur. However, in reality, a continuous current occurs. That is, for example, when a negative charge moves, holes (positive charges) are generated at the original place where the negative charge moves. Therefore, since attractive forces are generated between different charges, continuous currents can occur both in practice and in theory. It can be inferred that the generation of the magnetic field is related to the friction when the electrons move. I think it is reasonable to think that a magnetic field is generated due to the friction of electrons.

Also, I would like to mention the pressure here.

Pressure is proportional to temperature. That is, the higher the temperature, the higher the pressure. And, conversely, when the pressure is increased, the temperature rises, which is why. In other words, since pressure is also force, it can be energy. That is, the pressure does not rise unless work or heat is applied, so the pressure rises due to the work or heat energy applied at that time.

The energy of work is the energy obtained from heat, electricity, motion, position, pressure, friction, and everything that can be called force.

This is mainly learned from mechanics in physics. ‥

§3 Mathematics is a very important tool for the evolution of science. And it can be said that science has developed along with mathematics. And, in fact, science has evolved by bringing the concept of mathematics into science. So, what do you want to think about in thermodynamic entropy, what does negative entropy mean? That would be the case. In the previously published treatise "Conclusion on the question of what thermodynamic entropy is-what we learned from our approach to superconductivity-", negative thermodynamic entropy represents magnetic force. Mentioned.

And that is actually correct.

This is because negative entropy represents a reaction that cannot actually occur. It is because the magnetic force is not a reaction but an energy that naturally occurs when an electric current flows through a coil.
Here, let's think about electrons. Electrons are considered to be particles with a negative charge. And those with a positive charge are protons or holes. Electrons originally have a negative charge, and repulsive forces work between the electrons. And the attractive force works between different charges. In other words, a repulsive force is generated between negative charges, a repulsive force is generated between positive charges, and an attractive force is generated between negative and positive charges. This is nothing but the fact that the electrons that a substance always has have power from the beginning. In other words, the electron originally has power. And that invisible force, which is inherent in it, is the source of the magnetic field whenever the electric charge moves. It seems reasonable to think that it is related to the friction of electric charges.

In thermodynamics, there is a rule when expressing entropy as a minus. There is a rule that it is expressed as a minus when there is energy release from the system to the outside, and when work is added to the system from the outside of the system. This is the reason why negative entropy is said to represent an impossible reaction in a closed system. However, if the negative entropy represents the magnetic force, then such a reaction can actually be explained, so I conclude that the negative entropy represents the magnetic force. It came.

 Then, for about 10 years after that, I decided to deepen my thoughts, but at one point (November 23, 2nd year of Reiwa), when an electric current suddenly flows through an electric wire, the magnetic field and heat are always applied. I realized that the phenomenon that occurs is the phenomenon that the negative thermodynamic entropy itself brings.

Then, I came to the conclusion that the phenomenon itself is the true nature of negative thermodynamic entropy.

And again, the negative thermodynamic entropy represents a phenomenon that can occur only by physical reactions. That is, in a chemical reaction, negative thermodynamic entropy cannot occur.

Therefore, it means that the thermodynamic entropy in the chemical reaction represented a state that could not occur.

However, in the thermodynamic entropy in the physical reaction, it was proved that when an electric current flows through an electric wire, a magnetic field is always generated, an attractive force is generated by the magnetic force, and at the same time, heat is generated as a phenomenon that can actually occur. It will be.

In other words, it can be proved that thermodynamic entropy is not a concept but an actual state quantity.


From here, I will post the full text of the treatise I wrote.

  〜The treatise〜 "What is thermodynamic entropy? Conclusion about the question (What I learned from my approach to superconductivity)"

§ What is thermodynamic entropy that takes a positive value?

Thermodynamic entropy

⊿S = ⊿Q / T = ⊿kWh / T

It is defined in, but considering the case where the time at this time is h1 = 0 hours and h2 = 1 hour, and T takes a value that approaches zero 0 as much as possible,

⊿kWh = kWh2-kWh1 = kW2 [kW] ・ 1 [h] − 0 = kWh2 [kWh],

Because T = lim (T → 0) T

∴⊿S = kWh2 [kWh] / lim (T → 0) T [K]

Is expressed as.

At this time, considering that kWh2 [kWh] takes a certain positive value, the value of ⊿S can be an infinitely large value.

In other words, the change in entropy is thought to approach infinity, right? When the entropy change approaches infinity, it means that the change becomes very likely to occur, right?

In other words, I think that the result of this formula means a superconducting phenomenon.

The third law of thermodynamics states that "the entropy of a perfect crystal gradually decreases and becomes zero as it approaches absolute zero." This means that good conductor metals are not perfect crystals (ductility and malleability), so I suspect that such a result could actually occur.

The meaning of this formula is that the value of the entropy change at a temperature as close to absolute zero as possible becomes an infinitely large value. In other words, at temperatures as close to absolute zero as possible, the work of electric energy is relatively easy to obtain.

In other words, it is considered to mean that it is possible to cause the phenomenon of superconductivity in a cryogenic world.

It is an undeniable fact that the thermodynamic entropy increases infinitely as the temperature approaches absolute zero, but it is also true that chemical reactions become less likely to occur as the temperature decreases. ..

The reason is that the thermal motion of the molecule becomes smaller as the temperature decreases, and it becomes difficult to obtain the activation energy required for the reaction. But does that mean that as the temperature drops, physical reactions such as charge transfer become more likely to occur?

It is probably because the thermal motion of the molecules of a substance is a resistance to physical reactions such as the transfer of electric charges.

Considering that the thermodynamic entropy is a value obtained by dividing a change in calorific value by a constant absolute temperature (or a value obtained by dividing a change in power quantity by a constant absolute temperature), it is a state quantity. In an ultra-high temperature world, the thermal motion of the molecules of a substance becomes very intense and the resistance becomes very large, so physical reactions such as electron movement rarely occur, only chemical reactions can occur, and the temperature is intermediate. Then, the chemical reaction and the physical reaction maintain an equilibrium state at a constant temperature, but in the world of ultra-low temperature absolute zero, the thermal motion of the molecule of the substance is almost eliminated and the resistance is almost eliminated. It is considered to mean that physical reactions such as movement are likely to occur.

Also, when an electric current flows through a metal, energy is generated due to friction due to the movement of electrons, so it will generate heat.

Also, it should be kept in mind that a magnetic field called a magnetic field is always generated when a physical reaction such as electric charge transfer occurs.

Here, considering that positive thermodynamic entropy is a state quantity representing the temperature equilibrium between a chemical reaction and a physical reaction,

• Positive thermodynamic entropy is a state quantity that represents the likelihood of a chemical reaction and a physical reaction, and is a state quantity that represents the degree of equilibrium between the two reactions.

• If the positive entropy takes an infinitely large value, only a physical reaction occurs, and conversely, if the positive entropy takes an infinitely small value, only a chemical reaction occurs. If you take a value in between, it is possible that both can occur.

Based on all of these things, it can be said that the chemical reaction and the physical reaction are opposite reactions, and that the reaction has an equilibrium state due to absolute temperature.

In the ultra-high temperature world, the reaction between substances is the ultimate form of chemical reaction, nuclear fusion will occur continuously, and enormous light energy will be released continuously.

As an example of this, the sun has an ultra-high temperature of 6000 degrees or higher, in which a large amount of helium, which is a rare gas, is present, and a huge amount of light energy is emitted by the continuous fusion reaction of the helium. It is said that there is.

And, in the ultra-low temperature world, I think that very large and continuous electric energy can be obtained as superconductivity, which is the ultimate form of physical reaction.

Until now, the definition formula for entropy

⊿S = ⊿Q / T = ⊿kWh / T

I have considered the case of taking the limit value of the absolute temperature T [K], which is the denominator of the fractions on the two right sides of, but the numerator of the fractions on the two right sides, ⊿Q (change in calorific value) and ⊿kWh ( Is it necessary to consider the case where (change in electric energy) takes an extreme value?

However, before considering the limit value of the numerator of the two right-hand fractions of the definition formula of entropy ⊿S = ⊿Q / T = ⊿kWh / T, I would like to think about the properties of matter.

For example, there are substances that easily transfer heat, substances that do not easily transfer heat, good conductors of electricity, and non-conductors. Typical substances that easily conduct electricity are metals, carbon, and liquid molecules of polar substances, and they also easily transfer heat.

Semiconductors are substances that have the property of conducting electricity as the temperature rises.

Substances that do not conduct electricity and do not easily transfer heat include crystals and powders of pure substances other than carbon, polymer polymers (plastics), and foamed styrol.

I think that gas substances, glass, pottery, etc. can be mentioned as things that can easily transfer heat but do not normally carry electricity.

I think that the relationship between these physical properties and entropy is very important for describing the values ​​of the molecules on the two right sides of the entropy definition formula.

In other words, it is necessary to consider that there are substances that easily transmit energy and substances that do not easily transmit energy, which is very important when discussing thermodynamic entropy.

It is because it can be understood from the definition formula of entropy that thermodynamic entropy takes a clearly different value depending on the physical properties of a substance that easily transmits heat and electric energy and a substance that does not easily transmit heat and electricity.

And it can be said that the value of the numerator of the fraction on the right side of the definition formula of entropy is a value that depends on the properties of those substances.

In addition, the third law of thermodynamics states that "the entropy of a perfect crystal gradually decreases and becomes zero as it approaches absolute zero." For a perfect crystal, the absolute value of entropy can be defined.

However, it is said that this rule cannot be applied to substances with some incompleteness.

This is a substance in which the value of the numerator of the fraction on the right side is originally small in the definition formula of entropy, and there is almost no change in calorific value or electric energy, that is, a substance that is extremely stable in energy (including perfect crystals). Because I am saying that.

In other words, even among imperfect substances (substances such as metals that easily transmit energy), I think that the rules I have described so far can be applied.

It can be said that the physical reaction and the chemical reaction are opposite reactions in the imperfect substance that easily transmits energy, and the positive thermodynamic entropy is the physical reaction. It means that the degree of chemical reaction is shown as the state quantity of the substance. When the positive thermodynamic entropy is large, the physical reaction is likely to occur, and when the positive thermodynamic entropy is small, the chemical reaction is likely to occur. I think it can be said.

And, at the limit value of the thermodynamic entropy (when approaching infinitely infinitely or approaching zero infinitely), the maximum energy in each opposite pole reaction (physical reaction and chemical reaction) is It is thought to mean that it is obtained or that the maximum energy is released.

However, this may not be an actual law because we are only considering the case where the temperature takes the limit value and the change in the amount of heat and the change in the amount of electricity are constant. Then, it may be necessary to consider the case where the absolute temperature takes the limit value and the case where the temperature is constant and the change in heat quantity or the change in electric energy takes the limit value.

However, when the temperature is constant and the change in calorific value and the change in electric energy, which are the molecules on the right side of the entropy definition formula, become large or small, the contents have been discussed extensively by other people. Since it can be judged, it seems that it is not necessary to discuss it here, but here I will discuss the case where the molecule on the right side of the entropy definition formula is infinitely large and the case where it is infinitely small, that is, the case where it takes an extreme value. I will try it.

From the definition formula of entropy, the case where the numerator of the fraction on the right side takes the limit value can be expressed by the following formula.

① ΔS = lim (ΔQ → ♾) ΔQ [J] / lim (T → 0) T [K]
= Lim (ΔkWh → ♾) ΔkWh [kWh] / lim (T → 0) T [K]

② ΔS = lim (ΔQ → 0) ΔQ [J] / lim (T → 0) T [K]
= Lim (ΔkWh → 0) ΔkWh [kWh] / lim (T → 0) T [K]

In this case, the case of ① is not actually possible, so I would like to refrain from discussing it here.

Regarding case (2), it is necessary to discuss it because it is actually possible with a perfect crystal.

In case of (2), the change in calorific value and the change in electric energy are infinitely small, so the thermodynamic entropy approaches an infinitely small value in this case.

And in this case, the absolute value can be defined.

In other words, if expressed in a formula,

∴ ③ l ΔS l = lim (ΔQ → 0) ΔQ / lim (T → 0) T

= Lim (ΔkWh → 0) ΔkWh / lim (T → 0) T

(However, ΔkWh <T)

Will be.

This formula ③ can be said to be the formula of the third law of thermodynamic entropy.

In other words, this formula expresses that if the molecule on the right side of the entropy definition formula takes an infinitely small value, the absolute value of entropy can be defined and can be zero in a perfect crystal.

In other words, this equation expresses the third law of thermodynamics, "The entropy of a perfect crystal gradually decreases and becomes zero as it approaches absolute zero."

And in other words, this case is the same as that discussed in the Third Law of Thermodynamics, so it is not necessary to discuss it here.

§ What is entropy that takes a negative value?

Next, consider the entropy that takes a negative value. In thermodynamics, there is a convention that when there is energy release from the inside of the system to the surroundings, or when work is applied from the surroundings of the system to the inside of the system, it is represented by a negative value. Now, let's bring up the definition formula of entropy.

⊿S = ⊿Q [J] / T [K] = ⊿kWh [kWh] / T [K]

In this definition formula of entropy, taking a negative value cannot be negative with respect to absolute temperature, so it is only necessary to consider the case where the change in heat quantity or the change in electric energy becomes negative.

In this case as well, I think we can think of it in the same way as positive entropy. However, when the entropy is negative, it is considered that energy is released to the periphery of the system, or work is applied from the periphery of the system to the inside of the system.

And the energy release to the surroundings of the system and the negative entropy of the work received from the surroundings also depend on the magnitude of the temperature.

In other words, a state where the entropy is negative and small is a state where the temperature is very high, that is, a chemical change causes a small amount of energy to be released to the surroundings of the system, or a small amount of work is applied from the outside of the system to the inside of the system. Is.

The entropy value at this time takes a small value in the negative direction.

On the contrary, a state where the entropy is negative and large is a state where the temperature is very low, that is, a physical reaction causes a large amount of energy to be released to the periphery of the system, or a large amount of work is applied from the periphery of the system to the inside. Is.

At this time, the negative entropy value is negative and takes a large value.

However, since such very strange chemical or physical reactions are unlikely to occur in practice, negative entropy is said to be a value that represents a state that is not possible in practice. is not it?

This is inconsistent with this fact, because a chemical reaction can do a lot of work to the outside of the system, and a physical reaction can allow energy to flow from the outside of the system to the inside of the system. Because it is.

There are three ways when entropy takes a negative value.

One is when the entropy magnitude itself takes a negative value, the other is when the entropy with a positive magnitude works from around the system to the inside, and the other is positive. There are three cases where entropy with magnitude releases energy to the surroundings of the system.

There are also five types of entropy that take positive values.

One is when the entropy magnitude itself takes a positive value, and the other is when the positive entropy does work from the inside to the surroundings of the system and from the periphery to the inside of the system. When there is an influx of energy, and another is when entropy with a negative magnitude works from the periphery of the system to the inside, and when it releases energy from the inside of the system to the surroundings. There are five ways.

However, it is considered that the entropy in a normal reaction always takes only a positive value.

It is correct to think that entropy always takes a positive value in a normal reaction, because the nature of a substance is that a substance always has a mass, and that mass cannot be ignored. Let's go.

Also, since the magnitude of entropy depends on the magnitude of the internal energy of a substance, it is better to think that it always takes a positive value.

Since the entropy in this case is the entropy caused by the internal energy of the substance, it will be referred to as the internal entropy here.

 Also, since the magnitude of entropy depends on the magnitude of the internal energy of a substance, it is better to think that it always takes a positive value.

Here, if the case where the internal entropy is defined is described, it is conceivable that the internal entropy of the substance goes in and out of the system.

However, it is unlikely that the original magnitude of internal entropy will have a negative value. And in this case, when taking a negative entropy, when the positive internal entropy of a substance works from the periphery of the system to the inside, and when it releases energy from the inside of the system to the surroundings. There are only two ways.

Similarly, when taking positive entropy, when the positive internal entropy of a substance works from the inside of the system to the surroundings, and when energy flows from the surroundings of the system to the inside of the system. There are two possibilities.

Let's think about this.

When the entropy takes a negative value, that is, when the positive internal entropy of a substance works from the periphery of the system to the interior, and when the energy is released from the inside of the system to the periphery. Since it is defined as negative by the entropy convention, this is the case where some force is applied from the outside to the inside of the system and the release in the form of thermal energy to the surroundings of the system. It is thought that some kind of force at this time means magnetic force.

I think that the evidence to support this is nothing but the phenomenon that when an electric current flows through an electric wire, a magnetic field is always generated by a magnetic field and heat is released at the same time.

In other words, the principle of magnetic force and heat generated by the magnetic field that is always generated when an electric current flows through an electric wire can be explained by discussing negative entropy.

And, since the magnetic force when the entropy is negative is a negative element itself, the magnetic force in that case always has an attractive force.

In other words, the magnetic force represented by negative entropy always becomes an attractive force.

In other words, we think that the negative entropy represents the work from the outside of the system to the inside of the system and the release of thermal energy to the outside of the system due to the attractive force of magnetic force. be able to.

That fact is in perfect agreement with the convention for the negative representation of thermodynamic entropy.

In other words, it can be said that the phenomenon that a magnetic field is always generated when an electric current is passed through an electric wire and heat is released at the same time is a phenomenon brought about by the negative entropy itself.

Also, when the entropy takes a positive value, a substance having a positive internal entropy performs expansion work by thermal energy toward the periphery of the system, and from the periphery of the system to the inside of the system. It seems to mean that thermal energy flows in.

And the magnetic force becomes a repulsive force if it is the same pole, and an attractive force if it is a different pole.

In other words, if the work is of the same pole, the repulsive force works, so the work is from the inside of the system to the outside, so the range of work can be infinite, so the value is positive in thermodynamics.

If the forces of different poles work, the work is done as a suction force, so only a certain range of work can be done, and the value at that time is negative in thermodynamics.

Also, in this case, the energy of the remaining work is considered to be released from the inside of the system to the surroundings in the form of heat energy.

Also, note that work and fever usually take positive values.

This means that the thermodynamic entropy is a value due to the internal energy of the substance.

In other words, since a substance always has internal energy, it is usually considered that the thermodynamic entropy itself also takes a positive value.

Also, since a substance actually has electric charges such as electrons and protons, and because a magnetic field is always generated where the electric charges move, it is easy to consider the relationship between the energy of magnetic force and entropy. I think it can be done.

And that is because even inside the substance, the electrons are spinning while spinning the orbits of the electrons, so it is thought that a magnetic field also exists inside the substance.

And, it is considered that the negative entropy represents the work from the outside of the system to the inside of the system and the release of thermal energy to the outside of the system due to the attractive force due to the magnetic force. Can be done.

Considering these assumptions and facts, the magnitude of positive and negative entropy is always 0≤⊿S because it is due to the internal energy of the substance.

And the positive entropy represents the entropy in the reaction of a normal substance, and the value shows the amount of energy that can be taken out by the normal reaction at a constant temperature, and the negative entropy represents the amount of energy that can be taken out in the reaction involving magnetic force. It represents entropy, and its value is considered to indicate the amount of energy that can be extracted by a magnetic reaction at a constant temperature.

Here, once again, I would like to mention here what the negative entropy represents.

Negative entropy is said to represent the likelihood of reactions that cannot occur.

In other words, the fact that the negative entropy increases in the negative direction to the limit value means that reactions that cannot occur are extremely likely to occur.

However, since it is a reaction that cannot actually occur, it cannot occur under any circumstances.

However, if negative entropy represents the amount of energy that can be extracted in a magnetic reaction, thermodynamics represents negative energy when there is energy emission from the inside of the system to the surroundings, or in the system. Explanation that it is possible to actually occur such a reaction that is said to be impossible in reality, considering that the magnetic force is the true nature of negative entropy because it is the case where work is applied from the surroundings to the inside of the system. Will be easy to do.

For example, considering a piston system made of gas-filled iron, when work is applied from the outside to the inside of the system, the piston moves to compress the gas inside, but such a reaction Can actually occur even if the entropy is a negative value due to the attractive force of the magnetic force acting between the piston and the piston wall.

And if there is energy release outside the system, the heat energy generated by the transfer of electric charge escapes to the outside of the system, so even if the entropy value is negative, it can actually occur.

In fact, in the phenomenon that a magnetic field is generated when a current flows through an electric wire and heat is released at the same time, if the negative entropy represents the amount of energy that can be extracted by the attractive force due to the magnetic force and the release of thermal energy. For example, it is a reasonable idea that the increase in negative entropy in the negative direction indicates that the attractive force due to the magnetic force and the likelihood of the release of thermal energy increase.

Then, in the above piston system, if an electric current is passed from the lower part of the piston system to the upper part and an electric current is passed, the force of magnetic force is applied to the piston in the direction of compressing the gas according to the right-handed screw law and Fleming's left-hand rule. Since it works, the force of such a magnetic force acts on the piston, and it is considered that the force seems to apply work from the outside to the inside of the system.

From such a thing, the state quantity of negative entropy can actually be explained.

And when the current flows, heat is always released at the same time, so the negative entropy can be explained well by this as well. In other words, it can be considered that the explanation that the negative entropy represents the attractive force and the release of thermal energy by the magnetic force and represents the amount of energy that can be extracted in the reaction is correct.

Also, when a current flows through an electric wire, the substance always has internal energy, so it has internal entropy, and the attractive force and thermal energy due to the magnetic force caused by the internal entropy are generated by the friction of electrons due to the current. Since it generates negative entropy, it can be proved by discussing negative entropy that the energy of work of attractive force by magnetic force and the energy of heat are generated at the same time.

Then, here, I would like to explain why a magnetic field is always generated when an electric current flows through an electric wire, and that magnetic field brings an attractive force and at the same time releases heat.

The reason is that when the current flows, the current does not flow unless electrons and holes appear alternately.

In other words, in that case, negative and positive charges will appear alternately.

And, due to the negative and positive charges, attractive force works between different signs, so the magnetic field generated when the current flows always brings attractive force.

And since there is resistance even when electrons flow, it is thought that heat is generated by the friction at that time.

In other words, since the phenomenon itself represents the negative entropy itself, the phenomenon in which an attractive force due to a magnetic field is always generated when a current flows through an electric wire and heat is generated at the same time is the true nature of the negative entropy. To conclude.

In other words, when electrons rub, it can be thought that the energy of magnetic force and heat are generated at the same time.

In other words, since electrons are particles that originally have energy, it can be said that the energy is expressed by the friction of electrons as the true nature of magnetic force.

And from this, it can be predicted that the magnetic force due to the electric current will weaken because the friction of electrons due to the electric current will be almost eliminated at extremely low temperatures.

In other words, the true nature of negative thermodynamic entropy is a state quantity that can be explained in the field of electromagnetics, and is a state quantity that represents the amount of energy that can be extracted in the work performed by the attractive force of magnetic force and the release of thermal energy. I reach a conclusion.

And, to summarize what has been explained so far, the thermodynamic entropy is a state quantity indicating the amount of energy that can be extracted as energy in the reaction of a substance at each constant temperature, and the positive thermodynamic entropy is What is represented is a state quantity that represents the degree of temperature equilibrium between the likelihood of physical and chemical reactions, and what is represented by negative thermodynamic entropy is the work performed by the attractive force of magnetic force. It shows the degree of entropy of heat energy release, and shows the phenomenon that a magnetic field is always generated when a current flows through an electric wire, and also shows the total amount of work and heat energy that can be extracted in the magnetic reaction. I come to the conclusion that it is a quantity.

And, at extremely low temperatures, the phenomenon that it becomes difficult to obtain magnetic force with permanent magnets etc. occurs in the world of extremely low temperatures because the thermal motion of substance atoms weakens as the temperature drops, so it is a group that produces magnetic force. It is thought that this is due to the fact that it becomes difficult to obtain electron.

In other words, when electrons rub, it can be thought that the energy of magnetic force and heat are generated at the same time.

That is, since electrons are particles that originally have energy, it is the true nature of magnetic force that the energy is expressed by the friction of electrons.

And friction can also generate heat at the same time.

It is because of the fact that the magnetic force gradually weakens in the extremely low temperature world, and the reason is that the resistance due to molecular motion becomes extremely weak in the extremely low temperature world, so it can be easily determined that the friction of electrons itself will also decrease. From these factual relationships, it is easy to think that the friction of electrons is the source of the magnetic force.

Also, in thermodynamic entropy, the concept of entropy is thermodynamic because the positive entropy represents the likelihood of a reaction and the negative entropy represents the likelihood of an impossible reaction. It can be judged that this is because the amount was in a state that could not be explained only in the field.

In other words, since the phenomenon itself represents the negative entropy itself, the phenomenon in which an attractive force due to a magnetic field is always generated when a current flows through an electric wire and heat is generated at the same time is the true nature of the negative entropy. To conclude.

In other words, when electrons rub, it can be thought that the energy of magnetic force and heat are generated at the same time.

In other words, since electrons are particles that originally have energy, it can be said that the energy is expressed by the friction of electrons as the true nature of magnetic force.

And friction can also generate heat at the same time.

In other words, since the phenomenon itself represents the negative entropy itself, the phenomenon that the attractive force due to the magnetic field is always generated when the current flows through the electric wire and the heat is generated at the same time is the negative thermodynamic entropy. I came to the conclusion that it was the very identity. "

In other words, what I have made a new discovery is that I have found that the phenomenon that always generates a magnetic field and heat when an electric current flows through an electric wire is the negative thermodynamic entropy itself.

And again, the negative thermodynamic entropy represents a phenomenon that can occur only by a physical reaction. That is, in a chemical reaction, negative thermodynamic entropy cannot occur.

This is because there may be resistance in a chemical reaction, but the phenomenon of continuous electron friction such as electric current does not actually occur.

Therefore, in the thermodynamic entropy in the chemical reaction, the negative entropy represented a state that could not occur.

However, in the thermodynamic entropy in a physical reaction, when a current flows through an electric wire, a magnetic field is always generated, an attractive force is generated by the magnetic force, and at the same time, a negative thermodynamic entropy is actually generated as a phenomenon that generates heat. It has been proved that it can happen in.

In other words, it is proved from this fact that thermodynamic entropy is not a concept but a real state quantity.

 This is the final conclusion I have drawn about thermodynamic entropy.

From these facts, since the reaction by magnetic force is also a physical reaction, it is very easy to obtain electric energy in the low temperature world, so it is thought that power generation and power transmission by magnetic force reaction will be easy.

For example, if I use a permanent magnet to create a magnetic flow generator that creates a flow of liquid (liquid nitrogen, etc.) to generate electricity, and generate electricity, I can obtain an infinite amount of large electrical energy. I would like to make a final note here.

And what can be said about the calorific value Q is that the calorific value Q is also energy and is expressed in kWh, so it can be said that it is a state quantity. This can also be proved from the necessary and sufficient conditions, which are the actual mathematical theories.

Also, from this paper, you can see that each reaction has a resistance, and that resistance is also the source of energy generation.

And the results of this treatise extend not only to the fields of natural science (physical, chemical, astronomical), but also to economics, electronic engineering, and financial engineering. I can't stop believing.

that's all

Note 1: Originally, it is correct to discuss with ⊿Q = ⊿ (W ・ s), but here I dared to think about it with kWh. In other words, in order to actually discuss in kWh, it is necessary to consider a constant of 3,600,000, so in order to make it easier to understand, I omitted that constant.

Note 2: If the sufficient condition is that the calorific value Q is equivalent to the electric energy kWh and the necessary condition is that the electric energy kWh is the state quantity in energy, then the sufficient condition + the necessary condition = the necessary and sufficient condition. Therefore, the calorific value Q is energy and is a state quantity equivalent to kWh. Therefore, it can be said that the calorific value Q is also the state quantity as well as the electric energy kWh.

The change in entropy is represented by the change in the amount of heat applied at a certain temperature. Expressed as an expression
DS = dQ / T [J / K]
When the temperature T is shifted to the left side, the meaning of the equation is that the change in entropy at a certain temperature represents the change in the amount of heat. In other words

 DS ・ T = dQ

If you integrate this (1) can be expressed as follows. ‥

 ST = Q2-Q1 [J] ... (1)

The meaning of this formula is that the product of a certain temperature and entropy is a change in the amount of heat. Also, since the temperature is defined as constant, it is not necessary to integrate the temperature T.

Here, if the change in the amount of heat is replaced with kWh, equation

ST = kWh2-kWh1

∴S = ⊿kWh / T [kWh / K]

The meaning of this formula is that the change in electric energy at a certain temperature is entropy. That is, it is proved by this calculation result that the state quantity of the uncertain element of entropy is actually a measurable state quantity.

In other words, entropy is not a concept, but an actual state quantity.

And since the calorific value Q can also be measured in the form of enthalpy, it can be said that it is an actual state quantity equivalent to kWh.

And, the fact that negative thermodynamic entropy cannot occur in a chemical reaction and can occur in a physical reaction means that there is something that resists the reaction in a chemical reaction, but in fact, electron friction. It seems that this is due to the fact that this phenomenon does not occur.

In other words, I think that this is because a kind of accident called electron friction causes negative thermodynamic entropy.

I am very pleased that this has led to a conclusion on the very esoteric discipline of thermodynamics. For one thing, even if you say scholarship, you cannot say that it is scholarship just by studying, and scholarship is established through research. I think this should be understood well.

Write at home where I can see Mt. Fuji beautifully. ‥

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Tokyo University of Science
Graduated in March 1994 Bachelor of Science Koichi Matsuo


New Edition Introduction to Thermal Calculation I-Basics of Thermodynamics-Masaaki Oya, published by Energy Conservation Center

New Edition Castelão Physical Chemistry Volume 1 Meguro Kenjiro / Mori Nobuo Co-translation Tokyo Kagaku Dojin

§4 Economics is also a discipline in which research is conducted using scientific concepts and mathematics. And if we mention that the Bank of Japan is currently introducing another dimension mitigation measures and negative interest rates at the same time, since negative entropy represents the energy of magnetic force, it scatters money into the market and further negatively. The interest rate intentionally creates an impossible disorder, and the magnetic force of negative entropy causes the Japanese economy to repel and from a long deflationary state. It seems that the Bank of Japan is currently conducting research on the real economy to see if it can meet the inflation target of a 2 percent inflation target. If it is proved that the current stock price can rise and prices can rise by about 2%, one path will be visible in economics as well.

And the Bank of Japan has now restricted the purchase of government bonds from the market, but if we buy more government bonds and increase the amount of money on the market, prices may rise further and inflationary pressure may increase. Yes, it can cause stagflation, which may seem like a manifestation of a move to stop it.

But, therefore, at this point, it can be said that the national debt, which was already said to be 1,300 trillion yen, has been cancelled.

Here, I would like to discuss the effect of entropy that the current monetary policy of the Bank of Japan has on the Japanese economy.

At present, the Bank of Japan is performing in parallel by combining the large positive effect of easing another dimension and the negative effect of negative interest rates, but in this case, it is a plus x minus, which is actually a negative factor. Therefore, in terms of the concept of entropy, the attractive force due to the magnetic force works, so that the price rebound cannot be expected at all, and it is considered that the price will not rise as it is forever.

In such cases, according to the concept of mathematics and entropy, it is necessary to combine positive and positive or negative and negative effects, so instead of making the interest rate negative, on the contrary, the interest rate You need to pull it up. Otherwise, it is impossible to recover from deflation indefinitely due to the law and concept of entropy.

Here, I would like to define economic entropy using the concept of thermodynamic entropy.

Here, I would like to devise the following definition formula for economic entropy.

ΔecoS = ΔJ / G Absolute value of money: G [Gold]

 Here, let the power of money be Mf, and consider that the money (having mass, area, and acceleration) increases every unit time.

Money has an acceleration because the rate of increase of money increases as the amount of money increases.

In other words, if you express it in a formula, here, if the power to increase money is Mf =, the work WMf that money does is

WMf = Mv2 / 2m × (kg ・ m2 ・ m / s2) ・ 1 / s [m: meter]

Can be expressed as. This is because money increases every unit time with a certain acceleration.

In other words, the purpose of this formula is to demonstrate that money increases every unit time at a certain acceleration using the power of money. Work is correct because it is the force multiplied by the displacement (in this case, each of mass, area, acceleration, and 1 / unit time is the displacement).

If you calculate this,

WMf = 1/2 ・N ・(kg ・ m2 ・ m / s2) ・ 1 / s [N: Newton]

= 1/2 ・ N ・ m × N ・ m ・ 1 / s

= J2 / 2s

∴ WMf = J2 / 2s [J: Jules]

It can be expressed as. In other words, the square of the amount of work that is twice the unit time is the work that makes money.

Substitute this into the definition formula of economic entropy that I devise.

ΔecoS = ΔJ / G Absolute value of money: G [Gold]

If this formula is used as the definition formula for economic entropy,

ΔecoS = ΔJ / G


J = 2 x WMf [J] x time [s] / workload J [J]

Therefore, from the workload J [J] = Wf = W ・ s

J [J] = 2 W ・ s2 [J] / W ・ s [W: Watt]

∴ J [J] = 2s [J: Jules]

Therefore, twice the unit time will be the amount of work in this case. In other words, the energy of money is twice the energy of work per unit time.

In other words, considering the amount of change in J [J], it can be applied to the definition formula of economic entropy that I devised.

In other words, if t = unit time [s] here,

Δeco S = Δ2t / G [Absolute value of money G: Gold]

This formula expresses the amount of change in economic entropy.

∵ ΔecoS = Δ2t [t: Unit time: [s]] / G [G: Gold]

So, the change in entropy of money can be expressed.

In other words, if you calculate the change in entropy of money when you work from 0 hours to 1 hour,

ΔecoS = 2 × 3600-0 / G

∴ ΔecoS = 7200 /G

In other words, it turns out that the economic entropy per hour is the constant of 7200 divided by the absolute monetary value.

And the smaller the absolute value of money, the greater the entropy of money.

Let's think about this from this.

For example, what if ΔecoS is negative? What will happen?

When the entropy is negative, there is a promise that the entropy will be negative when there is energy release from the system and when working inside the system.

In other words, releasing energy from the system wastes the energy of money.

Also, when considering work inside the system, it is possible that the money inside the system will increase. This is because if the system is likened to a country, the country's money is expected to increase if it takes a negative entropy.

However, when taking negative entropy, the money itself increases, but the energy release to the outside of the system, that is, the state where money escapes overseas, that is, due to the globalization of large companies nowadays, overseas , It seems that the source of money is also connected to the state of running away.

In other words, using negative entropy may temporarily benefit the national interest because the money itself will increase, but the value of the money itself will decrease, creating a situation in which the lives of our people will not improve at all. It is believed to be the source.

If the country carries out politics that properly considers us people

Actually, there is no other way but to raise interest rates and increase the speed at which money increases.

This is because the greater the v of the equation of motion 1/2 Mv2, the greater the power to increase money.

In other words, the greater the power, the greater the amount of work, and the greater the amount of money.

Here, the formula derived from the formula for defining economic entropy that I proposed is expressed by the following formula.

ΔecoS = Δ2t / G

What does this formula really mean?

The change in work, which is twice the unit time, is divided by the absolute monetary value. What does this mean?

First of all, in the economic entropy I defined, twice the unit time is the amount of work. In other words, I think you can understand from this that money will increase over time.

Another thing I can say is that in the economic entropy I have defined, twice the unit time is the amount of work, so time flows in only one direction, so taking a negative entropy is not possible. It can be said that it is impossible in theory.

However, in reality, it is possible to create a contradictory state in terms of the concept of entropy by national policies.

In other words, a state of negative entropy can be created.

However, the contradictory state is nothing but the fact that in the economic entropy I have defined, it is necessary to keep in mind that the economic system itself represents a failed state.

Also, here, the value of economic entropy depends on the value of absolute monetary value, but it can be said that the normal economic entropy that I have defined will never increase entropy.

This is because entropy is expressed by the change in the numerator when the denominator is constant, but in this case, the time is also constant.

In other words, time can be said to be constant because it is represented by a constant.

Since the economic entropy in this case is constant, it can be said that it represents a reversible change.

In other words, as a matter of fact, the economy has a wave of the economy, so if it is not a reversible change, it will actually be wrong.

And one more thing, when the left side, that is, the entropy change is negative, in order for the right side to become negative, it is necessary to go back in time, but to be clear, it is impossible.

The reason is that time only flows in one direction.

Also, the absolute monetary value will never be negative.

In other words, it can be said that the actual economic entropy takes only a positive value, that is, a positive value.

Here, in economic entropy, when taking a negative entropy, the function of time and absolute monetary value represents an irreversible change, so in that case, the entropy change always increases. Therefore, a big contradiction arises here.

In the case of negative entropy, it will increase in the negative direction, but increasing the negative entropy means that the influence of magnetic force and energy release will increase.

In other words, the magnetic force generated by entropy always becomes an attractive force, so it means that work on the system and energy release to the outside of the system occur at the same time, but negative entropy is economic. Regarding scholarly entropy, it cannot actually occur, and by forcing it by national policy and creating a contradictory state, it is said that it is in a chaotic state, and that disorder The state, if compared to a machine, represents a state of failure.

In other words, in the case of electrical equipment, a broken state in which a failure occurs and no current flows is a disordered state.

In other words, no matter how much you move the broken machine, it will not move.

It can be said that this is the current economic situation in Japan.

At this rate, prices will not rise at all. This is because, in this case, even if a negative interest rate and a different dimension mitigation measure are combined, it will be a negative factor in the end, so the repulsive force of prices will never work in magnetic force, and the price will not work. This is because it becomes a suction force. In other words, the suction force to the wall and the bottom works.

In this case, if you expect price rebound, you have to combine another dimension easing measures and interest rate raising measures.

Otherwise, the energy called entropy can never be used effectively in the Japanese economy.

If it is not a combination of positive and positive effects, or a combination of negative interest rates and monetary tightening policies, and negative and negative effects, it will not be a positive effect, so it is unlikely that prices will rise. I can say.

At present, it is said that it is impossible to raise interest rates in the real economy, but since negative interest rates are possible by national policy, it is also a reality to raise interest rates by national policy. Is possible.

Because we are doing such a large-scale, extra-dimensional monetary easing, there is no need to raise interest rates significantly. It will be necessary to raise interest rates above zero interest rates first and wait for a while.

First of all, it is necessary to make the element of entropy positive!

Otherwise, Japan's economic system will remain out of order forever.

In other words, with negative entropy, only suction power is generated, so the national economy itself also has suction power to the bottom, so it cannot be improved at all.

That is to say, it is necessary to stop the negative interest rate immediately and raise the interest rate little by little.

In other words, it is impossible to recover from the deflationary state as it is without recovering from the failure of the economic system.

I think it is a clear fact because the mathematical basis and the law of entropy speak for themselves.

Looking at the current real economy, it can be said that the price of gold is soaring and the absolute monetary value is rising significantly.

In such a state, the actual entropy itself is also small, and if it continues as it is, the entropy may become "zero". I have to think.

The state of zero economic entropy is nothing but the fact that the value of money is completely lost and the money itself is not increased at all.

In a perfect crystal, the entropy can be zero. In that case, the same would be true even if the price of gold soared.

If the price of gold soars, the value of the currency can be zero. In other words, hyperstagflation can occur!

At this stage, if interest rates are not raised above zero interest rates immediately and the easing of another dimension is not stopped, there is no doubt that hyperstagflation will occur in the near future.

Immediately, countries around the world will be too late if they do not raise interest rates and stop easing another dimension.

It can be said that the state of being too late is exactly the same as the terminal state of cancer, which repeats overgrowth in living organisms.

If that happens, then death will just wait!

And if you compare it to the reaction of matter, it could cause a fusion reaction, which is the ultimate form of a chemical reaction, which is caused by the tremendous rise in prices and the worthlessness of currency. It causes the change. And in the form of light energy, it can be the energy that diverges into the universe. In other words, you can lose everything you've accumulated so far!

The economic entropy that I defined teaches me exactly that!

Also, if you compare the current economic situation of Japan to a car, if the radiator breaks down and you drive the overheated car as it is, the car will eventually stop. And if the heat is not awakened as it is, the fuel will eventually ignite and cause a big explosion.

In exactly the same situation, it can be said that the current BOJ is implementing the wrong policy by choosing to cause the situation of the big explosion.

Unless we raise interest rates by about 1% above the zero interest rate and gradually increase the rate of money growth, the Japanese economy will surely fall into a situation where it cannot recover. ..

The real economy cannot be expected to recover just by raising the stock price. Unless we increase the rate of money growth, the real economy will never improve.

The Government of Japan, the Bank of Japan's governor, Haruhiko Kuroda, and the Minister of Finance Aso took this fact seriously and reported it not only to the Japanese economy but also to the central banks of the world, and cooperated around the world. We will have to be able to properly propose to take action at the next G20.

Now, it may still be in time!

The cause of the failure of the Japanese economic system is that negative interest rates and easing of different dimensions are being carried out at the same time!

Because we succeeded in eliminating all the national debt once, we no longer need negative interest rates and easing another dimension!

Currently, there is still a part where the rise in gold prices is suppressed due to the rise in stock prices. However, the bubble will surely burst soon. When that happens, no one can stop the rise in gold prices anymore.

Therefore, if the real economy is not restored immediately, the current relaxation of another dimension will be completely meaningless.

Now that we have identified the cause of the system failure of the Japanese economy, we will cancel the negative interest rate, take the policy of gradually raising interest rates as soon as possible, and also cancel the extra-dimensional easing measures, restore the Japanese economy, first Will be essential to get the recovery track.

In order to protect the lives and livelihoods of the people, and before the Japanese economy really gets stuck, I will stop the negative interest rate policy, implement the interest rate rise policy, and ease another dimension as soon as possible. I would like to take this opportunity to say that it will be completely too late if we do not implement the policy to stop it.



The motivation for writing this work was divided into the writing of the treatise I wrote, "Conclusion on the question of what is thermodynamic entropy (what I learned from my approach to superconductivity)". Around October 2015, a cloud called a phoenix cloud appeared in front of me at that time.

I immediately realized that the cloud was a phoenix cloud because I saw the same cloud being introduced on the Facebook page of actress Norika Fujiwara. According to Mrs. Fujiwara, the person who saw the cloud said, "I'm sure I can be happy."

I succeeded in taking a picture of the phoenix cloud, so I immediately uploaded the picture to my Facebok page and shared it with everyone.

About five years before that event, I posted my first treatise on a Facebook page to see how everyone would react, and no one responded at all. There wasn't. The person who showed me this treatise for the first time was Yutaka Kamata, an acquaintance who currently lives in Iwate prefecture. Mr. Kamada enthusiastically said, "There may be no one other than me who can understand this treatise now, but I think this treatise is amazing enough to win the Nobel Prize!" It was the first person.

I then thought that this treatise was still flawed, and after that, I decided to think more and more about the essence of thermodynamic entropy. It's been about 12 years since then, and I've finally completed this treatise.

Taking this opportunity, I decided to publish it as a single work as such a scientific novel for the purpose of introducing my research to everyone.

And while I was writing this manuscript, I noticed various things about entropy one after another, so I decided to include all the contents in this work and announce it this year, Reiwa 2 It was in May of the year.

I finally decided to announce this work when I joined the company with a woman I had been acquainted with since April 30th this year.

And, on this page called Note, I learned that Ken Honda, a benefactor of my heart, started to announce his work.

Ken Honda had a past in his book that he told me that I should do what I love as a job.

Inspired by Ken Honda, I had a long-standing dream of becoming a writer, so I decided to take this Note and present my work.

I am now thinking that the day will come when this work will be read by everyone. It may not be read by anyone right now, but I believe that day will come.

I hope that this work, which I wrote with all of me, will bring hope and dreams to everyone's hearts.

Finally, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to Ken Honda, who taught me where to present this work, and Yoko Tamiya, who supported my dream. I will. I'm really thankful to you!

First edition issued on May 27, 2020,

Published December 2, 2020 revised edition

Hiromatsun or Koichi Matsuo.
