

素敵な記事に出会った😊のに読み応えがあって直ぐには読めない。そんなnoteを自分の宝物箱にしまうように利用する「保存箱」です。 自分のお気に入りnoteやサイトマップを保存して、…


July 30, 2024: Get Bored Easily, Web Browser (飽き性、ウェブブラウザ)

I have a twisted mind. In other words, I tend not to try to follow what others think or do as much as possible. So, I have no interest in fashion. I do not care much about what I wear. Like a baby, I only wear clothes that my wife has bough

July 19, 2024: Studying Maths (57), Mean & Standard Deviation(数学の勉強(57)、平均値&標準偏差)

I have just finished the first part of the statistics section. This part taught me the basics of statistics. In other words, I did mean, median, mode, variance and standard deviation. These were not very hard to understand. I had used some