
food crisis -11.29

  1. zero hunger

end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture

  1. Globally, 1 in 10 people goes to bed hungry every day.

  2. As many as 828 million people go to bed hungry every night. 

  3. people facing acute hunger: 345 million people 

2.3 billion people in the world (30 percent  ) people in the world are in food security 
- not have regular access!

- almost 3.1 billion people 

- wasting stunting, underweight, and micronutrient deficiencies
-micronutrient deficiencies

stunting - impaired growth an development that children experience from poor nutrition, repeated infection 


Why is the world hungrier than ever?
1. Conflict
2. Climate Shocks
3. Consequences of COVID-19 
4, costs

UKRAINE's crises leads to food shortages to the poorest countries
- Ukraine and the Russian federation supply globally 

30 percent of wheat
20 percent of 


Every minute one child already pushed into severe 

First 1000 days
- Stunting can occur throughout childhood but is largely determined by a child's "first 1000 days"
- building brains 
nutrition in the first 1,000 days provides the building blocks for brain development 
Building health 
Building a far start


-sustainable agriculture - food system  
-change diet

The double burden of malnutrition  栄養失調の二重苦 
- more than 1 in 3 
- low-income and middle-income countries are affected by both undernutrition and obesity 

The double burden of malnutrition 
(can be at the country, household or individual level)

1 . Group discussion 
-assign roles - facilitator notetaker, timekeeper, presenter
-what do you think about the video
→ spread some light 
- spread some-
I thought that combining music and African poverty is indifferent 
I was wondering who thought of making this video
-  Since I love music and listen to music all the time, is sounded strange to me of music and African poverty combined
- I thought that all of the casts were african
-support each other

  • one way to show their contribution 

  • freezing - heaters

  • importance of supporting each other

  • collaborating something 

  • positive atmosphere 

  • " speech "

  • connection between people

  • Tomonari

  • people in africa want to share 

  • "We're the world".

  • Entertainment 

  • -what is the video about

facilitator : Shiori 
notetaker : Himemi
timekeeper :  
presenter : 


capaign song 

-'we are the world' (Micheal Jackson )

Development Aid 
Were going to go to help these people!!!!

21dm061f Himemi Sakuma

  • What do you think about the topic/subject covered in the class? (200-300 words) 

  • Today we learned about food crises.

  • I didn’t know about food crises before.

  • Food crises :

  • I learned that the grassroots of food crises is extreme hunger, and malnutrition, which the individuals cannot improve their lives easily.

  • As the grassroots for the huge number of people in hunger is caused by civil insecurity and declining food production, investment in the agriculture sector should be critical for reducing hunger and poverty.



  • How was your learning today? Reflecting on your learning process. What happened?

How can we achieve zero hunger?
Today, I was concerned about the measuring progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals.
Learning Process
Zero Hunger : Why it matters
Stunt People
End hunger, achieve food security, and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
-        Conflict, covid-19, climate change
-        紛争、共産主義、気候変動、不平等の拡大が世界の食糧安全保障を脅かす
Video : We are the world (Micheal Jackson)
Group Discussion about the video
Why? How do you want to do differently at the next class? (200-300 words) 

  • (useful questions – Did I like the style of learning today? Did I participate well in the small group discussion?)

  • I want to learn about sustainable development goals further throughout this class.

  • In the end, it should be one of my goal, to help the international society with zero hunger, less conflicts.



  • Any other comments 


-       https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/hunger/
-       https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Goal-2-infographic.pdf
-       https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/2_Why-It-Matters-2020.pdf
-       https://sdg-tracker.org/

