
Can Control Your Appetite With Eating Protein In The Morning

I know still many of you have sort of issue for difficulty to control your appetite and/or a snacks in the afternoon or not be able to succeed on a diet. I know what you feel because I was like one of overweighted person even playing soccer I couldn’t resist eating or made effort to make myself be confidence with my appearance. So I found interesting studies that “How you can control your appetite”

It comes from University of Missouri 2014. They investigated how protein diet in the morning effects young girls who were in obese or overweight skipping breakfast usually.

What the researchers asked to them during session was this↓
* Each breakfast, a participants needed to take 13g protein
* Each breakfast, a participants needed to take 35g protein
* Usual breakfast(skipping breakfast)

For 6 days follow-up and days 7, each participants took respective tests like measuring their bodyand questions like “how you feel after taking the breakfast with protein?”

First of all, from the result, high protein breakfast group significantly and clearly reduced food cravings and felt satiety for 24 hours after the breakfast compared to basic breakfast with normal protein and usual breakfast group.

According to researcher...
“WE found correlation between dopamine and BMI level.”
What does it mean is how you control dopamine is the key to avoid being obese or overweight.
*Dopamine is one of key compound in the body it gives you stress or stimulates you like fight or flight response.

Dopamine also is related to HVA that makes you restrain from any craving. Let’s say there is a system as it called reward-driven behavior which makes you want to grab more food even after finishing meals in front of you.

When you have high protein breakfast, your brain sends a signal like “Limiting your feels of cravings!”

Other study says that regarding from Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA), women need 48g protein in a day and men need 56g protein in a day to prevent deficiencies.
*HVA(plasma homovanillic acid (HVA)

You can control your appetite well when you have more protein and thankfully it will make fat mass loss and weight loss too.

It was another small study and it doesn’t matter you take high protein in the breakfast or lunch or dinner, you will gain satiety after each meals than those who doesn’t take protein in their meals so you can control your appetite after that.

There is a correlation with taking a high protein diet, controlling an appetite, also a memory and one of being in charge of executive function. Sounds makes you want to try? I guess.

And of course there certain impact on preventing careless taking sweets after meals or more grabbing another foods to your stomach when you take high protein diet.

Third study found just as it is above but let’s take short note on it.
* A research was to target on women with obese or overweight
* Women who took protein with their breakfast kept satiety and reduced or controlled their appetite postprandial for a long time
* They could control their body weight greater than those who did not consume breakfast everyday

Specifically those who had higher protein breakfast made greater impact on continuation of above effects.

Even other researches showed the same results they got when people took high protein breakfast continued their satisfaction and controlled their appetite for long term than others. Also connecting with weight loss because of their appetite was reduced.

What comes up by this study...
* 37 obese or overweighted women with BMI was about 30 were recruited
* 19 was no breakfast consumer
* Normal daily breakfast like it is with carbohydrate not is with protein
* Then the researcher asked to them to take high protein breakfast or normal protein one
* But the participants didn’t noticed which meals they would take
* Breakfast was needed to be done in 30 mins
* Breakfast with high protein contented group was greater postprandial satiety continuation so they successfully reduced their appetite for taking carbohydrate and gained taking more protein



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