
Eight Methods to improve your brain

This is the book saying “You can be more positive, more attentiveness, and more resilience if you recombine your brain interconnections!” It well-organized with neuroscience and positive psychology and I’d like to share the specific 8 methods from this book’s propose.

1. You want to have positive attitude
- Put anythings that gives you feel being cheering up( should you change it each weeks).

2. Describe your thankfulness
- Looking to someone’s eyes and tell your thankfulness, and keeping a diary

3. Applaud someone
- When you applaud someone consciously, your brain will turn to good things. Meaning of it, you’ll see your life or yourself’s good one.

4. You want to be smart
- Do mindfulness meditation. Straighten your back and sit down, concentrate to your breath, even you’d come u with anything, take it back to concentrate to your breath.

5. You want to train your alertness
- Do concentration training for 10 mins in a day. Open your eyes and sit down in a quiet place, and concentrate anything’s got your attention like a light, or a book or a cat etc. Even you look or think anything different, just take it back to what you have concentrated on.

6. Want to improve communication
- Pay attention to someone’s body language and assume what they are thinking or feeling inside them. Especially, their appearance and body language are connected with their tone of voices.

7. Want to improve to get a feel for the atmosphere
- Make a emotion lists. what circumstances that you’ve felt like that with how you reacted to it that moment. 15 mins in a day, just look at the lists you made and until you feel calm down, take deep breath.

8. Want to be resilient
- Kindheartedness image training. Imaging someone’s lost or is in need for something. When you inhale, you’ll take someone’s agony or suffering, and when you exhale, you’ll imagine you take all agony or suffering that you got out from you like you have nothing worried about at all. Do it 4 to 5 times in a week. It is like “Metta meditation” or “Loving kindness meditation”.

So these are the eight ways that improving and training your brain to be better. In fact, these methods are proven by science so no doubt you must try them if you like and hope you will be better. Bye for now.
