
For Long Term Human Being Relationship With Meats

First of all, according to anthropology data, from the time of around 200,000 years ago, it’s certain that hominids ate meats however it’s hardly trace whether they might have eaten vegetables and fruits because it doesn’t leave any traceable materials in this present world. So we can’t make decision at all.

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Also according to archaeology said that they researched human bone and they found that primitive hominids large intestine was longer than their small intestine but as you know once they got ice age, they needed to develop themselves so small one became longer since that. For instance, we evolved to adjust more digestible for the three nutrients such as protein, carbohydrate, and fat than dietary fiber. Formerly, the main source was leafy vegetables and fruits but getting to eat more meats and root crops.

So we can say right more according to anthropology data...
* Basically hominids were omnivorous at any time
* Hominids, at least started eating meats from 100,000 years ago
* But can’t accumulate how much percentage of meats they ate among any kind of foods

It’s sure hominids have met to meats for very long time ago but no certain small details on it.

There is almost no vegetarians to Hunter-gatherer and longevity
It should be better to count on hunter-gatherer data because they didn’t get any diseases what we encounter today so they are the one who we make life style sample.

Dr. Loren Cordain from University of Colorado researched it’s issue in 2000. It was large scale research for 229 hunter-gatherer was involved to search their diet and result was...
* There was no tribe with vegetarian
* It depended on the tribe where they lived
* On average of consuming meat, easy to say, was likely half of total calorie consumption

So as you see it, the meats surely was their important diet but depending on where they were lived.

By the way, there was a research on a place called “Blue Zone” where many of over aged 100 lives there so lively and found some interesting.
* Almost all of them are not vegetarians they are the only exception in USA
* As whole, small or medium amount of meats they eat it’s bit low from typical westerns diet

So as you can see we couldn’t say “meats is bad for our health!” from that points,I think.

Here is a summary for this time...
* Hominids have been living with meats such a long time like from more than 100,000 years ago
* Primitive hominids didn’t have modern disease and the longevity people who lives more than 100 that they ate or eat at least enough meats for living
* Meats aren’t the main diet, basically an omnivorous

Let’s keep in mind for the of them at least. It’s a famous story that vegetables and fruits don’t make us healthy and enough nutrients we get as our body composition have evolved such a manner so we need to eat meats eventually.

Well then, next topic we will discuss about “So why sometimes a media tells us that meats are bad for us?” with a actual disease rate. Bye for now then.
