
英語(Q: Can you tell me what are the 21st century 4C?)

The term "21st Century Skills" refers to a broad set of knowledge, skills, work habits, and character traits that are believed to be critically important to success in today's world, particularly in 21st century jobs. They're often grouped into three categories: learning skills, literacy skills, and life skills.

Among these, the "4Cs" are a part of the learning skills category and are often emphasized due to their importance in the modern workplace. They are:

  1. Critical Thinking: This involves logical reasoning, analysis, problem-solving, and decision-making. It's about looking at problems and challenges from different angles, evaluating various solutions, and making informed decisions.

  2. Creativity: This skill involves generating new and innovative ideas, approaches or actions. It includes divergent thinking, the ability to see lots of possible ways to interpret a question and lots of possible answers to it. It's about innovation and invention.

  3. Collaboration: This involves working effectively with others, including in teams or groups, to achieve shared goals. Collaboration skills include communication, cooperation, conflict resolution, and respect for diversity and the ideas of others.

  4. Communication: This includes expressing thoughts, feelings, and ideas effectively and clearly, whether verbally, non-verbally, or in writing. It also involves active listening and understanding the perspectives of others.

These skills are seen as crucial in preparing students for the modern workforce and society, where problem-solving, innovation, teamwork, and clear communication are often key to success. They're often integrated into modern education standards and curricula to help prepare students for the future.




  1. クリティカルシンキング(批判的思考):これには論理的な推理、分析、問題解決、意思決定が含まれます。これは問題や課題をさまざまな角度から見ること、様々な解決策を評価すること、そして情報に基づいた決定を行うことについてです。

  2. クリエイティビティ(創造性):これは新しく革新的なアイデア、アプローチ、または行動を生み出すスキルです。これにはダイバージェント思考、つまり問題の解釈やその解答の可能性を多角的に見る能力が含まれます。これは革新と発明についてのスキルです。

  3. コラボレーション(共同作業):これは他の人と効果的に働き、チームやグループで共有の目標を達成することを含みます。コラボレーションスキルには、コミュニケーション、協力、紛争解決、そして他人のアイデアや多様性に対する尊重が含まれます。

  4. コミュニケーション:これには、思考、感情、アイデアを口頭、非言語的、または書面で効果的かつ明瞭に伝えることが含まれます。また、他人の視点を理解し、積極的に聞くことも含まれます。


