
Existential Number Theory There are two worlds in mathematics.

Existential Number Theory

There are two worlds in mathematics


Mathematics is something wonderful that people should
believe in.
Humans learned mathematics from nature in order to
live as humans.
This knowledge enabled people to develop a generous
heart despite their selfish instincts.
The human world is constantly changing and becoming
more complex, yet the human mind is often ignored and
left behind.
Sometimes we can become self-centered and overwhelmed.

Please note that there are two worlds in mathematics.
These two worlds of mathematics are treated
Therefore, in these two worlds of mathematics, people
unconsciously fall into wrong ideas and mysterious
worlds that they cannot understand.
And either you believe it, or you can't get out of it
and stop thinking and give up on everything.

Some people believed that mathematically derived
formulas must have some kind of scientific meaning,
and tried to justify them by forcing them to have
scientific meaning.

In Arithmetic 1+2=3, it is explained and helped
that 1 and 2 are found through addition, and the
result is the number 3.
This arithmetic comes naturally to humans and is
accepted without question.
For example.
Here is a basket containing one apple and a basket
containing two apples.
If you put them together in one basket, you will get
one basket containing three apples.
This is a concrete example and the arithmetic formula
is established.
On the left side of this equation, there is an effect
between 1 and 2 that brings apples together.
However, the 3 on the right side only indicates that
there are three apples in one basket.
The act of putting apples in one basket is not
Some people may say that in arithmetic, all you have
to do is calculate and find the answer as a sum.
Because In mathematics, this arithmetic is abstracted.
The above meaning is not necessary.
However, there is something to be noted about this
abstract mathematics.
This causes unexpected problems when considering the
This is because when people think about the universe,
they think that formulas obtained through abstract
mathematics have some kind of meaning.
Because people believe that a formula is certain, they
think it is necessary to give it scientific meaning.
In order to give a mathematical formula scientific
meaning, it is necessary to make the abstract
mathematical formula concrete.
At this time, contradictions often arise when

The three apples in this basket were originally
divided into one apple and two apples.
At first glance, this reification doesn't seem wrong.
However, it is important to note that this formula is
based on causality.
The basic idea of ​​existential number theory is "this
thing is this thing," and equations in existential
number theory do not require causality.
This means that any equation, if it is true, can be
rewritten as an equation of existential numbers.
For example,
1+2 = 3 can be changed to 1+2 = 2+1.

It is important to note that there are two worlds in
If you confuse these concepts when thinking about the
universe, you will naturally end up creating incorrect
scientific theories.
In fact, many false theories have been created.
If you don't understand what the two worlds of
mathematics mean; you will never know the true nature
of the universe.

2 ✕ 2 = 4 , and -2 ✕ -2 = 4 ,
so naturally  2 ✕ 2 = -2 ✕ -2 
Now, taking the roots of both sides,
√(2 ✕ 2)=√( -2 ✕ -2),
so   2 = -2
This equation is of course incorrect .
Rooting 4 takes two values, 2 and -2 .
It is mathematically convenient to decide to take
these two values .
It is naturally believed that it is such a thing .
But remember the plane coordinates .
Think of the above calculations as plane coordinates
instead of number lines .
If the previous number is the X coordinate and the
next number is the Y coordinate, the above
calculations are
+2 ✕ +2
-2 ✕ +2
 +2 ✕ -2
 -2 ✕ -2
At each coordinate
They represent the area of ​​four separate coordinate
+2 ✕ +2 and -2 ✕ -2,
+2 ✕ -2 and -2 ✕ +2 
These are the same value mathematically, but not the
same in the theory of existential numbers.

  +2 ✕ +2 = -2 ✕ -2
  +2 ✕ -2 = -2 ✕ +2 
Of course, these equations do not hold in the
mathematics of the world of existential numbers.
Such equations are correct in mathematics in the
world of ultimate numbers.
You have to be careful about this .
Otherwise, false scientific theories would be created
and our view of the universe would be distorted. 
The wrong universe image was already created.

Please note that
there are two worlds in mathematics.

   Throw away the 'prejudice'
   Be 'skeptical' in everything
   Have a strong 'inquiry spirit'
   Pay close attention to
   Then you will surely find the correct answer
              Advice from the author


 "What you don't know
     is neither shame and incompetence
     It is a shame and incompetence
     not to make an effort to know. "
                  From the author  

   「 Ask, and it shall be given you ;
    seek, and ye shall find ;
     knock, and it shall be opened unto you ;  」
                   Matthew 7:7


         矢 口 隹

                            ware tada ti wo tei su  
                     I only present my knowledge.
                    吾 唯       呈                 知  

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