
マザーテレサの言葉 Mother Teresa's words





*"Mother Teresa by Kenneth Y. Sagawa" (1982), KIRIHARA SHOTEN より一部抜粋

The Poor among Us

 Mother Teresa said that the poor are not only those who are starving from lack of food. The poor are also those who have been abandoned by society, the old, the drunk, the sick. The poor are also those who are lonely, those who have no one to love them, those who have been forgotten and those who feel they are unnecessary. The poor are those who are suffering in spirit and who need help.

 Mother Teresa told the Japanese people, "There may be people in your own family who need help. If they are sick, tired or lonely, please help them."

 In Osaka Mother Teresa visited Airin district. There were many men who could not get a job and were lying in the street drunk and sleeping. After touring the district, Mother Teresa said, "In poor countries there are many poor people lying in the streets but other people try to help them. In Japan there are only a few people who are lying in the streets. But I am shocked and very sad that no one tries to help them."

 Mother Teresa asked many times, "Why is it that you don't try to help those who are closest to you and who are suffering from loneliness and lack of love? If you show a smiling face without hesitation to your own family and serve them, then there will be love which you can use for the world outside your home."
